Mission Description
Mission Type: Tavar Mission
Mission Name: Tell Fenris That The Children Are Innocent
Mission Giver: Justin
Mission Start: In 026 at SC Magalan Map
Mission Walkthrough
"Justin asked me to tell Fenris that it was Striker who made the mess in Hitch's hut, not the kids."
Part of Hitch And The Three Investigators
When you tell Justin the truth about the contents of Striker's Notebook.
Take Striker's Notebook to Fenris
The Fort - Healer District
💬 "I had nothing to do with it. Some kids ..."

Destruction Decreased
Fenris is pleased and tells you to go back to the children and invite them to a meeting.
Return to Justin
+100 EXP
(The End)
Mission Name | Giver | Map | Loc | Walkthrough |
12 Hitch and the Three Investigators | Justin | SC | 026 | Walkthrough |
12.1 Tell Fenris that the children are innocent | Justin | SC | 026 | Walkthrough |
12.1.1 Guard the old bottles | Bobby | SC | 027 | Walkthrough |
12.1.2 Follow Petra | Petra | SC | 024 | Walkthrough |
12.2 Find A Taker For Striker's Notebook | Justin | SC | 026 | Walkthrough |
Check other Missions in ELEX II on ELEX 2 Missions.
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