Mission Description
Mission Type: Tavar Mission
Mission Name: Tour of the Fort
Mission Giver: Striker
Mission Start: In 020 at SC Magalan Map
Mission Walkthrough
"Striker can give me a tour of the Fort, witch will help me get my bearings."
After "Admission To The Fort"
Gate to The Fort
💬 "Take me on a tour of the camp."
Just follow Striker, ask him to stop if you want to look around.
In Chloe's Bar buy "Ber" for Striker (if you do not have it in inventory) and give it to him. Caja likes that

Destruction Decreased
Striker will remember that.
At the end give him 100 Shards. Caja likes that

Destruction Decreased
+200 EXP
(The End)
Check other Missions in ELEX II on ELEX 2 Missions.
To track the next target of a given Mission, go to LOG, select the Mission you are interested in and mark it with [F] Mark on the map. You will then see on the in-game map where you should go to continue the mission.