Mission Description
Mission Type: Falk Companion Mission
Mission Name: Being Human: Survival Instinct
Mission Walkthrough
"The cyborg Cleric Falk wants to learn what it means to be human. This includes ensuring that his associates have food. Falk wants to go hunting with me to stock up our supplies."
Part of "Ambitious Cyborg".
Meet Falk in the factory northwest of Bastion [E].
Falk the conversation will start automatically
💬 "Wait. Isn't THAT a kind of survival instinct?" Falk likes that.

Destruction Decreased
Follow Falk.
Kill monsters you meet.
+150 EXP
(The End)
Check other Missions in ELEX II on ELEX 2 Missions.
To track the next target of a given Mission, go to LOG, select the Mission you are interested in and mark it with [F] Mark on the map. You will then see on the in-game map where you should go to continue the mission.