Mission Description
Mission Type: Main Mission
Mission Name: A Fox Among Wolves
Mission Giver: Fox
Mission Start: In [D] at SC Magalan Map
Mission Walkthrough
"Fox is a strong Berserker Warrior without any ambitions to rise through the Berserker ranks, even though he could easily become a Warlord. He'd be a suitable companion if only I could convince him to join my cause."
You will get this mission when you first time meet Fox
💬 "Who are you?"
💬 "Evey community ..." Fox likes that

Destruction Decreased
💬 "I could use someone like you ..."
💬 "So you want to go hunting?"
💬 "OK, lead the way ..."
Neighborly Help Mission Walkthrough
Hunting Expedition Mission Walkthrough
💬 "I see. So they won't exactly be welcoming ..." Fox likes that.

Destruction Decreased
💬 "How long do you plan on ..."
💬 "Maybe I should speak to Caja."
Reading The Riot Act Mission Walkthrough
Ask Caja: 💬 "Do you know anything about a Warrior called Fox? ..."
Return to Bastion and find Fox
💬 "I've spoken to Caja ..."
+500 EXP
(The End)
Check other Missions in ELEX II on ELEX 2 Missions.
To track the next target of a given Mission, go to LOG, select the Mission you are interested in and mark it with [F] Mark on the map. You will then see on the in-game map where you should go to continue the mission.