Crafting is a major part of New World. Most weapons, armors, tools, and utilities must be crafted by a player. Even players who don't craft items themselves rely on others who do for their equipment. The process of crafting an item involves several steps, some of which require Trade Skills: Gather Raw Resources, Refine Materials, Craft Items.
- Gathering Trade Skills
- Refining Trade Skills
- Crafting Trade Skills
- Refining Stations
- Crafting Stations
- Personal Skills
Gathering and Crafting at the beginning of the game
Flint can be found on the ground all over Aeternum, but especially along the beaches.
Small amounts of Wood can be gathered from bushes without the need for tools.
Turkeys can be harvested for meat and feathers without a knife.
A simple Tier 1 version of each Gathering Tool can be crafted at your Camp. They only require Flint and Wood, which can be gathered without tools, and have no skill requirement to craft.
Gathering Trade Skills
Crafting always requires materials so you need Collect Raw Resources. Raw, unrefined resources are gathered from around Aeternum, and usually require using Gathering Tools.
Trade Skills for Harvesting Resources in New World are Logging, Mining, Harvesting, Tracking & Skinning, Fishing. There are 5 kinds of gathering tools: Logging Axes, Pickaxes, Sickles, Skinning Knives and Fishing rod. Each has a corresponding Trade Skill to increase its effectiveness.

Loggers gather Wood
Logging Tools: Logging Axe
Obtained resources: Young Trees, Mature Trees, Wyrdwood, Ironwood
A Logging Axe or Hatchet is used to chop trees to gather Wood. Trees can be found almost anywhere in Aeternum, though in more corrupted areas they may be withered and provide unusable wood. Wyrdwood trees are rare, and tend to grow in dangerous and Lawless Areas, but the Wyrdwood they provide is required for the highest Tiers of items.
The Logging and Carpentry Trade Skill improves how much you gather from each tree, grants a chance to receive higher Rarity Wood, and allows refining the Wood.

Miners gather Stone and Ore
Mining Tools: Pickaxe
Obtained resources: Stone, Iron, Silver, Oil, Gold, Alchemy Stones, Starmetal, Lodestone, Platinium, Orichalcum
A Pickaxe or Pick is used to gather stone from Boulders and ore from metal veins like Iron Veins. Boulders are common, but are found most densely in Highlands areas. Ore Veins are less common, and are also most likely to be found in Highlands areas. You can use the Map to identify Highlands areas to search. Starmetal and Orichalcum are rare metals that only appear in dangerous and Lawless Areas. They are required for the highest recipe Tiers.
The Mining, Stonecutting, and Smelting Trade Skill helps you gather more from Boulders and Ore Veins, grant a chance to gather higher Rarity resources, and allows you to refine those resources.

Harvesters gather Fibers and some food items, Fruits, and Vegetables
Harvesting Tools: Sickle
Obtained resources: Farm Plants, Hemp, Fungi, Magical Creatures, Magical Plants, Silkweed, Wirefiber
A Sickle is used to harvest various plants, both mundane and alchemical. Throughout Aeternum, plants like Hemp, Vegetables, Herbs, and Alchemical Ingredients can be found growing in the wild. Hemp provides Fibers, which are important to creating cloth and clothing. Vegetables and Herbs are used in many Provisioning recipes to create meals, and can be grown by Companies in their owned Territories. Alchemical Ingredients are unique to Aeternum, and provide the power needed to create Potions and Magical Gauntlets.
The Harvesting and Weaving Trade Skill lets you gather more from plants, gives you a chance to gather higher Rarities of resources from plants, and allows you to weave Fibers into cloth.

Tracking & Skinning
Skinners gather Animal Hides and Meat
Skinning Tools: Skinning Knife
Obtained resources: Rawhide, Meat, Animal Horn, Animal Fangs.
Animals: Small Prey, Medium Prey, Large Prey, Small Predator, Large Predator.
A Skinning Knife is used to cut Rawhide from dead animals, and to collect their Meat. Many types of wildlife can be found across Aeternum. Most allow the harvesting of Rawhide, but some species like Elk have a chance of providing Animal Horn, and others like Wolves could provide Animal Fangs.
The Tracking, Skinning, and Tanning Trade Skill lets you harvest more resources from animals, gives you a chance to harvest higher Rarities of those resources, allows you to tan Rawhide into leather, and gives you the ability to track animals on your Compass at the top of the screen.

Anglers catch fish and take out interesting items from the water.
Fishing is a standalone mini-game in New World.
Harvesting Tools: Fishing Pole
Obtained resources: Fish
Refining Trade Skills
Most recipes require materials that have been refined. Refining is done at Refining Stations. Refining Stations have Tiers associated with them and can only refine materials up to that Tier.
Refining Trade Skills in New World are Smelting, Woodworking, Leatherworking, Weaving, Stonecutting.

Smelting Refining Station: Smelter
The Smelter is used to refine precious metals into Ingots, as well as to create Charcoal from Wood. Ranks in the Mining, Stonecutting, and Smelting Trade Skill are required to smelt Ingots, but anyone can create Charcoal. A higher rank is required to craft higher Tier Ingots.

Woodworking Refining Station: Woodshop
The Woodshop is used to refine Wood into Timber, Lumber, and Planks. It requires ranks in the Logging and Carpentry Trade Skill to use, and higher Tier refining requires a higher level of skill.

Leatherworking Refining Station: Tannery
The Tanning Station is used to turn Rawhide into Leather. It requires ranks in the Tracking, Skinning, and Tanning Trade Skill to use, and requires more ranks to craft higher Tiers of Leather.

Weaving Refining Station: Loom
The Loom is used to weave Fibers into cloth like Linen, Sateen, and Silk. It requires ranks in the Harvesting and Weaving Trade Skill to create cloth, with higher Tiers requiring more ranks.

Stonecutting Refining Station: Stonecutting Table
Stonecutters refine Stone into Blocks and cut Gemstones.
Crafting Trade Skills
Crafting Stations are structures where crafting can be done. Each allows crafting recipes of a certain type, and require a different Trade Skill to use. Crafting Stations can be found in Settlements.
Crafting Trade Skills in New World are Weaponsmithing, Armoring, Engineering, Jewelcrafting, Arcana, Cooking, Furnishing.

Weaponsmithing Station: Forge
Weaponsmiths craft melee weapons.

Armoring Stations: Outfitting Station, Forge
Armorers craft soft and hard armors.

Engineering Stations: Workshop, Forge
Engineers craft ranged weapons and ammunition.

Jewelcrafting Station: Outfitting Station
Jewelcrafters craft trinkets.

Arcana Station: Arcane Repository
Arcanists craft potions, tinctures, and magical weapons.

Cooking Station: Kitchen
Cooks craft meals and non-magical drinks.

Furnishing Station: Workshop
Furnishers craft furniture, storage, and trophies for houses.
Refining Stations
Refining Station where you produce materials from raw materials. Refining Station are located in Settlements, players increase their Tier from 1 to 5, which allows them to produce better quality items.
Refining Stations in New World are Stonecutting Table, Woodshop, Smelter, Loom, Tannery.

Stonecutting Table
Refine stone here, for Stonecutting Refining Trade Skill.

Refine wood here, for Woodworking Refining Trade Skill.

Refine metal here, for Smelting Refining Trade Skill.

Refine fibers and cloth here, for Weaving Refining Trade Skill.

Refine rawhide and leather here, for Leatherworking Refining Trade Skill.
Crafting Stations
Crafting Station is place where things get made. Crafting Stations are located in Settlements, players increase their Tier from 1 to 5, which allows them to produce better quality items.
Crafting Stations in New World are Forge, Workshop, Arcane Repository, Kitchen, Outfitting Station.

Craft Melee Weapons, Shields, Gathering Tools, and Heavy Armors here, for Weaponsmithing, Armoring and Engineering Crafting Trade Skills.

Craft Ranged Weapons, Ammunition, Siege Weapons and House Furnishings, for Engineering and Furnishing Crafting Trade Skills.

Arcane Repository
Craft Tinctures, Potions, Weapon Coatings, Magical Gauntlets and Magical Items, for Arcana Crafting Trade Skill.

Cook various meals and drinks for buffs and health regeneration, for Cooking Crafting Trade Skill.

Outfitting Station
Craft Light and Medium Armors, Bags, and Trinkets as well as Jewelry, for Armoring and Jewelcrafting Crafting Trade Skills.
Personal Skills
These skills can cover a range of abilities to use outside of Settlements. These are:
- Wilderness Survival: this improves the Tier of your Camp, and unlocks the ability to craft more recipes there
- Repairing: this allows you to repair items at the cost of fewer resources and with a decreased loss of maximum durability