Fast Travel Points Location Map for New World MMO

Location Map of Fast Travel Points in New World, you can also fast travel to Settlement, Inns, and your home.
To be able to Fast Travel to a destination, you have to visit it first in person (except for Hermit's Shrine). There are no mounts in New World so Fast Travel it is the only method of travel faster than walking.
Return to Inn is the easiest method of Fast Travel in the New World is to return to the Inn. There are Inns in all Settlements and Outposts. To be able to return to the specific Inn, you have to visit it first, talk to Innkeeper and set this in as return point. You can only mark one Inn at a time as your return point. You can return to in from any location just open Map, point Inn and select "Recall to Inn".
You must first visit the Settlement you want to move to with Fast Travel. You can do this only from another Fast Travel Point or from another Settlement or Outpost. This option requires a fee in Azoth (resource), its price increases depending on the distance, there are various discounts.
If you have a House in one of the Settlements (and you can own three Houses in different locations) you can Fast Travel to it. The restriction is the amount of time you can Fast Travel again, the restriction is separate for each Home.
Fast Travel Points (Spirit Shrines) are scattered outside of Settlements, you must discover them in order to use them, their location is marked on the map above.
You can travel to any Fast Travel Point if you've visited it before, pay the Azoth fare, and are traveling from Sellement or another Fast Travel Point.
From anywhere, you can Fast Travel to