Cutlass Keys Territory Map for New World MMO
New World Map Cutlass Keys Territory

New World Cutlass Keys Territory Map, with locations of Settlement, Fort, Landmarks, NPCs, Fast Travel Points, Monster Areas with Monster Level, Chests, Lore Pages & Expeditions.
New World Map Cutlass Keys Territory
Cutlass Keys - A sandy shoreline harassed by the undead pirate menace of Aeternum.
Cutlass Keys is suggested territory for players at level range 28-40.
Cutlass Keys Settlement, Cutlass Keys Fort.
Regions in Cutlass Keys: Homely Hills, Ancient's Pass, Salty Marshes, Rubble Shores, Broken Dunes, Balmy Veldt, Condemned Shallows, Haunted Isle, Cayo de la Muerte
Spirit Shrines: Skullworm Shrine, Marshview Shrine.
Stone Skull Fort - lvl 40 Pirate Fort - By the Thalassocratic Order of the Skullworms, this region is hereby under direct authority of Goldstein the Equalizer.
Search on in-game map for locations marked with yellow pins to receive new Quests at the appropriate experience level for you.
New Quests will appear as you complete previous quests (prerequisites).
Quest givers in Cutlass Keys Territory: Shillie Duffy, Rosina Bryce, Arnold Trost, Antonia Lucian, Fei Lixin, Plute Swampy, Winifred Silas, Tosch, Decima Opimius, Nekumanesh, Edith Perchal, Hu Jie, Claire Fergu, Wistful Billiam Rowen.
Shillie Duffy
In Search of Plunder prerequisites level 24.
Explore the Spiti Ruins to collect artifacts. Search chests to collect William's notes. Talk to Quartermaster Duffy in the Cutlass Keys Settlement when your task is complete - 1670 XP.
Relics of the Tower prerequisites In Search of Plunder.
Loot orbs from statues inside Malocchio Spire. Then Investigate what is at the top of the spire. Talk to Quartermaster Duffy in the Cutlass Keys Settlement when your task is complete - 1730 XP.
Pirate Island prerequisites Relics of the Tower.
Raid Pirate Island and recover the papers from the Pirate Figurehead between the Festering Fishery and Clearmon's Doubt. Talk to Quartermaster Duffy in the Cutlass Keys Settlement when the task is complete - 2380 XP.
Shrouded Intent prerequisites Pirate Island.
Recover the patterns and components needed to craft the Shrouded Intent Armor. Talk to Quartermaster Duffy in Cutlass Keys when the task is complete - 2970 XP.
Obscured Footsteps prerequisites Shrouded Intent (Cutlass Keys - Pullpatch Cover).
Collect Soaked Pullpatch Leather from Pullpatch Cover, Muffled Fen Padding from Karburg, and Essence of Shadow from Cutthroat Cavern. Then visit a Tier 3 Outfitting Station to craft the Shrouded Intent Boots - 2380 XP.
Cloaked in Darkness prerequisites Shrouded Intent (Restless Shore - Ravaged Wreck).
Collect Stormsail Scraps from Ravaged Wreck, Blightbane Pitch from Minnow's Revenge, and Hunter's Shark Clasps from The Plundering Shark. Then visit a Tier 3 Outfitting Station to craft the Shrouded Intent Coat - 2590 XP.
Shrouded in Twilight prerequisites Shrouded Intent (Mourningdale - Castaway Shores).
Collect Murkmoss Extract from Fornax, Castaway Rigging from the Castaway Shores, and Nightstone Slivers from Haedus. Then visit a Tier 3 Outfitting Station to craft the Shrouded Intent Pants - 2790 XP.
Grasping at Shadows prerequisites Shrouded Intent (Mourningdale - Subra).
Collect Layered Guardian Leather from Subra, Siphoned Twilight from Litheltop, and Duskfall Dye from High-Pass Mountain. Then visit a Tier 3 Outfitting Station to craft the Shrouded Intent Gloves - 2940 XP.
Shaded by Night prerequisites Shrouded Intent (Edengrove - Genesis of Spite).
Collect Infused Orichalcum Thread from Lower Slag Mine, Smudged Feathers from the Genesis of Spite, and Umbral Cloth from Bramblecliff. Then visit a Tier 3 Outfitting Station to craft the Shrouded Intent Hat - 2970 XP.
Rosina Bryce
Toss of a Coin prerequisites Relics of the Tower.
Travel to Fishbone Village to discover if the rumors about the Touched Coin are true. Talk to Coxwain Bryce in the Cutlass Keys Settlement when your task is complete - 1950 XP.
Tails for the Coxwain prerequisites Toss of a Coin.
Both Coxwain Bryce and Sailing Master Trost in Cutlass Keys want the Touched Coin. - 2070 XP.
Heads for the Sailing Master prerequisites Toss of a Coin.
Both Sailing Master Trost and Coxwain Bryce in Cutlass Keys want the Touched Coin.- 2070 XP.
Arnold Trost
Heads or Tails (Elite) prerequisites Toss of a Coin.
Defeat Boatswain Benjamin to collect the Touched Coin. Chose to return the coin to Sailing Master Trost or Coxwain Bryce in Cutlass Keys - 1950 XP.
Antonia Lucian
Explosive Prospecting prerequisites level 24.
Investigate the source of the tremors in the Highpass Mining Camp and diffuse the situation. Talk to Captain Lucian in the Cutlass Key Settlement when the task is complete - 1780 XP.
Stolen Plans prerequisites Explosive Prospecting.
Recover the stolen building plans and the building supplies from the Corrupted at Rusty Spoon Camp. Talk to Captain Lucian in the Cutlass Keys Settlement when the task is complete - 1890 XP.
Keen Temper prerequisites Pirate Island.
Acquire Hilt Leather from Cutthroat Cavern, Grindstone from The Hollowing, Quenching Oil from Foulroot, and Blade of l'Olonnois from the Broken Promise to craft the legendary sword "Keen Temper". Talk to Captain Lucian in the Cutlass Keys Settlement when the task is complete - 2740 XP.
A Steady Grip prerequisites Keen Temper (Restless Shore - Cutthroat Cavern).
Travel to Cutthroat Cavern in Restless Shore to collect Hilt Leather - 2890 XP.
Sharpening the Edge prerequisites Keen Temper (Great Cleave - The Hollowing).
Travel to The Hollowing in Great Cleave to collect Grindstone - 2890 XP.
Quenching the Beast prerequisites Keen Temper (Mourningdale - Foulroot).
Travel to Foulroot in Mourningdale to collect Quenching Oil - 2890 XP.
A Trusty Blade prerequisites Keen Temper (Mourningdale - Broken Promise).
Travel to Broken Promise in Mourningdale to collect the Blade of l'Olonnois - 2890 XP.
Fei Lixin
Lightning in a Bottle prerequisites Relics of the Tower.
Find elemental materials from spirits and bring them back to Carpenter Fei in the Cutlass Keys Settlement. - 2120 XP.
Lightning Unleashed prerequisites Lightning in a Bottle.
Place the Lightning Jars in locations around Fort Ramos. Talk to Carpenter Fei in the Cutlass Keys Settlement when the task is complete - 2120 XP.
Plute Swampy
Out of the Frying Pan prerequisites Pirate Island.
Return the set of pots and pans to Cook Swampy in the Cutlass Keys Settlement - 1830 XP.
Recipe for Disaster prerequisites Out of the Frying Pan.
Recover Swampy's missing recipes from the Salty Snail Fishery and his cookbook from Misanthrope Broadbin at Pond Scum Fort. Talk to Cook Swampy in the Cutlass Keys Settlement when the task is complete - 2180 XP.
Winifred Silas
Marauder Advancement: Gladiator prerequisites level 20, Earn Faction Reputation and challenge for the rank of Gladiator.
Travel to Cutlass Keys and complete the Trial of the Gladiator - 1200 XP.
Trial of the Gladiator prerequisites level 24, Marauder Soldier, 3000 Reputation.
Defeat the Lost Pirate Hamidou to prove you're worthy to advance to the rank of Gladiator. Talk to Ravager Silas in Cutlass Keys when the task is complete - 1540 XP.
Edwarde Geoff
Robert Strong
Reginald Batty
Ania Jasinski
Animal Instincts prerequisites level 25.
Gather samples from wildcats and alligators and bring them to Tosch in Cutlass Keyes so he can study how to tame them - 1460 XP.
Snaggletooth prerequisites Animal Instincts.
Collect a tooth from a fierce lion and bring it to Tosch in Cutlass Keys - 1830 XP.
Catnipping prerequisites Snaggletooth.
Gather whiskers from island leopards and bring them to Tosch in Cutlass Keys - 1560 XP.
Taming the Lionhearted prerequisites Catnipping.
Gather collars and leashes from the Corrupted and bring them to Tosch in Cutlass Keys - 1650 XP.
Perfect Companion prerequisites Taming the Lionhearted.
Gather boar bristles and bring them to Tosch in Cutlass Keyes so that he may tame the ultimate pet! - 2180 XP.
Decima Opimius
The Way the Cookie Crumbles prerequisites level 25.
Recover Junia's winning cookie recipe then find the ingredients used to make it. Talk to Chef Decima Opimius in Cutlass Keys when the task is done - 1600 XP.
A Disturbing Silence prerequisites level 26.
Search for Jocelyn at Castaway Colony. Talk to Swamp Walker Nekumanesh in Cutlass Keys when the task is complete - 1420 XP.
Tracking by Teeth prerequisites A Disturbing Silence.
Track Jocelyn by finding her teeth in Flatfish Fishery. Talk to Swamp Walker Nekumanesh in Cutlass Keys when the task is complete - 1420 XP.
Heart of the Marsh prerequisites Tracking by Teeth.
Find Jocelyn and recover a keepsake from her. Talk to Swamp Walker Nekumanesh in Cutlass Keys when the task is complete - 1830 XP.
Edith Perchal
The Giant Ones prerequisites Practice Makes Perfect (Monarch's Bluffs).
Catch eight fish greater than 20 inches in length for Master Fisher Perchal and deliver it to Master Fisher Park in Brightwood - 1830 XP.
Hu Jie
One Who Tolled the Bells prerequisites level 26.
Travel across the Old Fort Bridge and clear out any alligators too close to it. Talk to Watcher Jie Hu when the task is complete - 1280 XP.
Bridge to Nowhere prerequisites One Who Tolled the Bells.
Travel across Flatfish Bridge then clear out any scavengers and alligators near it. Talk to Watcher Jie Hu in Cutlass Keys when the task is done - 1380 XP.
One Bridge too Far prerequisites Bridge to Nowhere.
Travel across the Saltshore Bridge then clear out any Deaddrop Pirates near it. Talk to Watcher Jie Hu in Cutlass Keys when the task is complete - 1820 XP.
Burning Bridges prerequisites One Bridge too Far.
Travel across Deadman's Crossing and clear out any Deaddrop Pirates nearby. Talk to Watcher Jie Hu in Cutlass Keys when the task is complete - 1820 XP.
Claire Fergus
Treasure Island prerequisites level 28.
Follow the treasure map Claire provided to discover great riches! Talk to Claire Fergus in Cutlass Keys when the task is done - 1560 XP.
Trail of the Misanthrope prerequisites Treasure Island.
Track down Claire's partner who stole all the treasure! Talk to Claire Fergus in Cutlass Keys when the task is complete - 2180 XP.
Wistful Billiam Rowen
Mother Ocean prerequisites level 33.
Recover Billiam's Sextant from the wreck of The Storm Petral, located in the Condemned Shallows. Return the sextant to Wistful Billiam in Cutlass Keys - 1460 XP.
Sea Dreams prerequisites Mother Ocean.
Recover Billiam's Astrolabe from the wreck of the ship Nizam's Foresight, located within Haunted Isle Southbeach. Return the astrolabe to Wistful Billiam in Cutlass Keys - 1560 XP.
High Tide prerequisites Sea Dreams.
Recover Billiam's Sea Charts from the wreck of the ship Sirin's Magnificence, located along the southern edge of Cayo De La Muerte. Return the charts to Wistful Billiam in Cutlass Keys - 1650 XP.
Rima Bahar
The Heart of Conflict (Main Story) prerequisites The Marauders' Support (Brightwood).
The Marauders respect individual strength, do they? Enter their Proving Grounds and demonstrate your prowess to Rima - 5440 XP.
Still, We Rise (Main Story) prerequisites The Heart of Conflict.
Yrsa, the current champion of the Proving Grounds, is missing. Find out what happened to her - 5570 XP.
The Alliance (Main Story) prerequisites Still, We Rise.
All three factions have agreed to talk. Return to Yonas with the news - 5690 XP.
Settlements are the towns in player-controlled territories, can be controlled and upgraded (to improve crafting stations) by players. Hamlet (Tier 1), Village (Tier 2), Town (Tier 3), City (Tier 4), Capitol (Tier 5). A higher tier settlement allows you and your Company to build higher tier structures.
Every Settlement got: Inn, Trading Post, Storage Shed, Stonecutting Table, Woodshop, Smelter, Loom, Tannery, Forge, Workshop, Arcane Repository, Kitchen, Outfitting Station, Town Project Board, War Board, Territory Planning Board, Governor's Desk, Players' houses, Marauder Commander, Syndicate Alchemist, Covenant Adjudicator.
Forts are the military fortifications in zones controlled by players. Forts are part of Open World PvP, factions fight with each other for control of the forts. Forts can be upgraded by players. Fort (Tier 1), Bastion (Tier 2), Keep (Tier 3), Castle (Tier 4), Citadel (Tier 5).
Outposts are the settlements in neutral, endgame territories that cannot be controlled by players.
Containers, Chests, Ancient Chest, Supply Containers.
Top Chests
Completed Lore Pages make stories
You have to visit Fast Travel Points (Spirit Shrines) first to use them, more about Fast Travel Points.
Expeditions are instanced PvE dungeons, intended for a group of 5 players with separate story, puzzles, unique loot, more about Expeditions.
Group Areas are open world monster areas intended for a group of 5 players, more about Group Areas.
Experience level recommended in a given area to fight monsters comfortably.
Location of Quest Giver NPCs.
Wood Tier IV - respawn: 30 min
Wood Tier V - respawn: 20 min
Ores Tier I - respawn: 10 min
Ores Tier IV - respawn: 15 min
Ores Tier V - respawn: 20 min
Precious Ores Tier II - respawn: 15 min
Precious Ores Tier III - respawn: 20 min
Precious Ores Tier IV - respawn: 40 min
Tier I - respawn: 15 min
Tier I - respawn: 10 min
Tier IV - respawn: 20 min
Fibers Tier I - respawn: 10 min
Fibers Tier IV - respawn: 15 min
Fibers Tier V - respawn: 15 min
Tangled Lines
Perhaps Warwick may have had a point about rigorous storage cleanliness.
Today I went to the settlement to get another pole from storage, only to find it had tangled itself up with a spear! It took hours to untie, being that fishing line is precious and I did not want to cut it free. Missed the perfect golden hour for fishing, so the day's wasted now. What a mess.
Favorite Spot Stolen
I remember my mother had a chair in our old home that no one else was allowed to sit in. She never explicitly told us this, but it was understood that mother's chair was a sacred place.
That's how I feel about my spot, my secret fishing spot here in Aeternum. None are to disturb me there.
When I walked out to the spot with my gear last night, though, I saw a man fishing there I had never seen before. We got into a row about whose spot it was, and thanks to the rapier I have on me I won that one. Saw him again the other day in the settlement grumbling about dying. Serves him right.
Scales and Scars
I saw something the other day that no one will believe. It has begun to drive me mad.
I thought at first someone was trying to steal my fishing spot again, but upon closer inspection this 'someone' wriggled off into the water with a screech. It was using a tool to get chunks of loose earth from my spot, I know it to be true. I will see you again, Glowing Gnufish, and next time you will be mine.
Note from Sailing Master Trost
Taking this coin was a terrible idea.
We've had nothing but bad luck ever since it came aboard our ship.
First we had a month with no merchant ships crossing our paths.
Then we lost our captain to a storm that came out of nowhere.
And now the Vernal Bounty has crashed into this place.
If only we'd never seen the Touched Coin.
Note from Boatswain Gibbons
Trost keeps muttering on about that stupid coin.
I, for one, don't put much stock in superstitions, but maybe he's on to something.
There is something wrong with the crew, they are forgetting themselves.
I think it is this place, but Trost is convinced it is the coin.
Said he was going to do something about it.
Note from Gunner Marlowe
That blasted coin keeps reappearing.
Trost swears he threw it into the bay, but it's back.
I thought someone is playing a prank on the poor fellow.
Following him, retrieving the coin when he isn't looking, that sort o' thing.
Except, today I was walking along the beach and saw it myself.
There is something wrong about that shiny piece o' metal, make no mistake.
Note from Boatswain Gibbons
A fight broke out over the coin this morning.
Trost wasn't involved, which surprised me, but then I realized he was gone.
Searched his quarters and found a note, something about leaving this cursed place.
I think he may have the right idea.
Note from Gunner Marlowe
Rumors of the coin seem to be spreading.
Another group o' pirates came to take it from us.
We didn't stand a chance, they had some big brute of a fellow, that one enjoyed doling out pain.
Benjamin I think his name was. I remember he used to sail on the Fair Weather Friend.
He took the coin and set out across the water.
Good riddance, I say. Maybe we can finally get some peace.
Beverages and Brews
Recipe for Sea Dog Brew
Good for any time you need to find your sea legs.
Juice of two Limes
Dash of Clam juice
Garnish with Salty Marsh Fibers
Beverages and Brews
Recipe for Bitter Squall
It's the dregs that will get you.
Barrel-Aged Gin
Grapefruit Bitters
Ground Zedoary Root
Splash of Salt Water
Beverages and Brews
Recipe for Stormsurge Surprise
A pleasant surprise from the first sip.
Spiced Rum
Juiced Cranberries
Juice of one Orange
One pureed Sugar Beet
Pies and Pastries
Recipe for Cutlass Quiche
Sure to start a fight over who cuts the last piece!
Four Turkey Eggs
Heavy Cream
Brined Cheese
Crab Meat
Fatty Bacon
Soups and Stews
Recipe for Disaster Stew
For when your ingredients are scarce, and company is scarcer.
Salt Water
Chopped Onion
Potatoes or Turnips
Half a head of Cabbage
Diced Sausages
A mess of Kidney Beans
Bread and Biskets
Recipe for Brined Biskets
These biskets last years with no sign of mold!
Salt Water
Wheat Flour
Anise Seeds
Sauces and Syrups
Recipe for Sailor's Delight
This red sauce is sure to add flavor to anything!
Fermented Anchovies
Fermented Oysters
lvl 1-25
Starting area, player controlled