Great Cleave Territory Map for New World MMO
New World Map Great Cleave Territory

New World Great Cleave Territory Map, with locations of Settlement, Fort, Landmarks, NPCs, Fast Travel Points, Monster Areas with Monster Level, Chests, Lore Pages & Expeditions.
New World Map Great Cleave Territory
Great Cleave - The wintry advance towards the Shattered Mountain filled with Corrupted forces.
Great Cleave is suggested territory for players at level range 41-60.
Eastburn Outpost - The sun rose fiery red in the east, and they took it as a sign.
Cleave's Point Outpost - For is it not the point of all outposts to cleave the loneliness away?
Regions in Great Cleave: Wayward Mounds, Glass Lake, Mangled Heights, Icy Wilds, Braided Hills, Frozen Claims, Deep Cut, The Hollowing, Lower Svikin, Frosted Floe, The Bite.
Spirit Shrines: Tempest Valley Shrine.
Svikin's Stand - level 50 Corrupted Military Camp - An ancient battlefield where the hordes of Corruption overwhelmed General Svikin and his valiant Defenders.
Dead Fool's Pass - level 60 Corrupted Ritual - A dead fool is a lesson unlearned. But on Aeternum, not every death is a mistake.
Stranglepitch Road - level 60 Abandoned Village - Stay on the solid path, lest you fall prey to horrors in the lightless dim.
Balebane Maw - level 60 Beast Encounter - The Herald witnessed the end of all days and said, "It is good."
Mangled Pox Gate - level 60 Corrupted Ritual - Foulest of rituals, and most unhallowed of priesthoods, are consecrated beneath the Mangled Pox Gate.
Nihilo Visage - level 60 Ancient Shrine - As bindweed strangles a tree, so do the tendrils of Corruption twist and writhe at the peak of Mangled Heights.
Search on in-game map for locations marked with yellow pins to receive new Quests at the appropriate experience level for you.
New Quests will appear as you complete previous quests (prerequisites).
Quest givers in Great Cleave Territory: James Sexton, Phan Dac-Kien, Chang Zhen, Rymon Knatchbull, Livia Luca, Sauquillo Dimka, Mirrell Law, Judithe Owens, Ayize Magoro, Kayode Balogun, Tibbe Fowler, Jennifer Heatley, Eberhart Klaus.
James Sexton
Shadows Cast By A Final Salute prerequisites level 39.
Defeat Captain Patricia to recover her Heartgem. Then retrieve her cloak of office from Slumbering Echoes. Talk to Watcher Sexton in the Eastburn Outpost when the task is complete - 1950 XP.
All That's Left Not Torn Asunder prerequisites Shadows Cast By A Final Salute.
Recover the Stolen Supplies from Sunderfort and deliver them to Soulwarden Phan in the Eastburn Outpost - 1990 XP.
Phan Dac-Kien
Malice Aforethought prerequisites level 39.
Break the defenses of the Corrupted by attacking Cleaves Malice. Talk to Warden Phan in the Eastburn Outpost when the task is complete - 2440 XP.
The Ties That Blind prerequisites Redefining Boundaries.
Locate the missing Soulwarden Sexton, and report his whereabouts to Warden Dimka in the Cleave's Point Outpost - 2640 XP.
Chang Zhen
Descent to Frosted Slumber prerequisites Malice Aforethought.
Slow the Corrupted by defeating Foreman Robertson and his Icefield workers. Talk to Watcher Chang in the Eastburn Outpost when the task is complete - 1990 XP.
Transmuting Iron to Dust prerequisites Descent to Frosted Slumber.
Slow the Corrupted war effort by defeating the Molderpick workers at the Defiler Excavation, and uncover the secret of the Corrupted ore. Talk to Watcher Chang in the Eastburn Outpost when the task is complete - 2030 XP.
Redefining Boundaries prerequisites Facets of Light and Darkness.
Collect Azoth Infused items from Catara Falls, Gelida Pillars, and Concretus Steps - 2640 XP.
Rymon Knatchbull
Facets of Light and Darkness prerequisites level 39.
Recover Heartgems from the Valleyrend Corrupted in Sunderfort, and find clues about Corrupted activity in the area. Talk to Ranger Knatchbull in the Eastburn Outpost when the task is complete - 1990 XP.
The Rampant Conviction of Hope prerequisites Madaki's Stratagem, War Hammer Mastery lvl 20.
Recover the components needed to create the Rampant Conviction War Hammer, then deliver them to Ranger Madaki in Mountainhome. - 3750 XP.
Unbalanced Scales (Cutlass Keys - Stone Skull Fort) prerequisites The Rampant Conviction of Hope.
Collect Pirate Token Pouches from the Elite Grubby Rebels of Stone Skull Fort, and recover Goldstein's Scales from Goldstein the Equalizer. - 3750 XP.
Piercing the Veil (Mourningdale - Scorpius) prerequisites The Rampant Conviction of Hope.
Collect Veil Leather from the Scorpius Corrupted, defeat the Elite Malocchio Heavy Scorpius - 3750 XP.
Bones of the Past (Weaver's Fen - Periville) prerequisites The Rampant Conviction of Hope.
Retrieve bone dust from caskets in Periville - 3750 XP.
The Forest's Heart (Restless Shore - Eridanus) prerequisites The Rampant Conviction of Hope.
Obtain Vinesnap's Heart from within Eridanus and collect Dryad Fighter Vines from the Eridanite Dryads - 3750 XP.
Filament and Firmament (Great Cleave - Mangled Heights) prerequisites The Rampant Conviction of Hope.
Collect a Corrupted Tendril Stalk from an Elite Unhallowed Tendrils in the Mangled Heights - 3750 XP.
Into the Burning Depths (Shattered Mountain - Ambusti Superior) prerequisites The Rampant Conviction of Hope.
Retrieve Contaminated Ore from chests in Ambusti Superior - 3750 XP.
A Vile Harvest (Corrupted Breaches) prerequisites The Rampant Conviction of Hope.
Eliminate the Monstrous Corrupted gathered near Corruption Breaches - 3750 XP.
The Living Crystal (Edengrove - Malevolence) prerequisites The Rampant Conviction of Hope.
Obtain the Living Crystal from the monstrous Dryad at the peak of Malevolence. Talk to Ranger Knatchbull in the Eastburn Outpost when the task is complete. - 3750 XP.
Livia Luca
Covenant Advancement: Lumen prerequisites Trial of the Excubitor, Covenant Reputation 26 000.
Earn Faction Reputation and prove yourself worthy of the rank of Lumen. Travel to Great Cleave and complete the Trial of the Lumen - 2640 XP.
Trial of the Lumen prerequisites Trial of the Excubitor, Covenant Reputation 26 000.
Recover Prayer Beads from Corrupted Templars to earn the rank of Lumen. Talk to Excubitor Luca in Great Cleave when the task is done - 2890 XP.
Ozian Atreus
Sai Kumal
Ludwig Amsler
Ingram Kent
Sauquillo Dimka
For A Rainy Day prerequisites The Ties That Blind.
Recover the Secret Caches at Breakaway Fort and Acedia Bastion. Talk to Soulwarden Dimka in the Cleave's Point Outpost when the task is complete - 2640 XP.
Mirrell Law
Rainbow Hearts, Shadowed Intent prerequisites Facets of Light and Darkness.
Recover Soulwarden Heartgems from the Corrupted. Search for clues about the Corrupted plans in Breakaway Fort, Acedia Bastion, Hollowing Fort, and Nullcavity. Talk to Ranger Law in the Cleave's Point Outpost when the task is complete - 2790 XP.
Prime Resolve prerequisites Madaki's Stratagem, Fire Staff Mastery Lv. 20.
Gather supplies for Ranger Law to make Prime Resolve Fire Staff - 4380 XP.
Growth From the Stem (Mourningdale - Scorpius) prerequisites Prime Resolve.
Gather a Pulsing Staff Stem from Corrupted at Scorpius, Defeat S'ylanx the Unseen - 4380 XP.
Funnelling In (Great Cleave - Svikin's Stand) prerequisites Prime Resolve.
Gather Vortex Funnel from Southguard Corrupted at Svikin's Stand - 4380 XP.
Flamestarters (Weaver's Fen - Periville) prerequisites Prime Resolve.
Gather Flint Flamestarters from Undead at Periville - 4380 XP.
Reagent Retrieval (Shattered Mountain - Greater Tribulation) prerequisites Prime Resolve.
Gather Blistering Reagents from Myrkgard Corrupted at Greater Tribulation - 4380 XP.
Head of the Pack (Restless Shore - Eridanus) prerequisites Prime Resolve.
Gather a Curved Staffhead from Eridanite Dryads (Angry Earth) at Eridanus - 4380 XP.
Swirling Staff Base (Edengrove - Malevolence) prerequisites Prime Resolve.
Gather a Swirling Staff Base from Alcazarian Dryads (Angry Earth) at Malevolence - 4380 XP.
Flintlock (Cutlass Keys - Stone Skull Fort) prerequisites Prime Resolve.
Gather Orichalcum Flintlock from Skullworm Undead Pirates at Stone Skull Fort - 4380 XP.
Requiring Concentration (Great Cleave - Mangled Heights) prerequisites Prime Resolve.
Defeat High Priest Oseguera in the Mangled Heights for an Azoth Concentrator - 4380 XP.
Judithe Owens
A Burning Question prerequisites For A Rainy Day.
Recover Azoth-Infused Lanterns from Miststride Ghouls in the Eeriedune Graveyard and Misty Borough. Talk to Watcher Owens in the Cleave's Point Outpost when the task is complete - 2150 XP.
Twisted Metamorphosis prerequisites A Burning Question.
Defeat Gravespoil Vicars in Capitulum Prime, and return the stolen Heartgems to Watcher Owens in the Cleave's Point Outpost - 2270 XP.
The Winding Mountain Path prerequisites The Best of Us.
Deliver Orders to Soulwarden Ducquet of Valor Hold Outpost in Edengrove. Talk to Warden Yseult in Shattered Mountain when the task is complete - 1740 XP.
Ayize Magoro
Blessings of the Fallen prerequisites For A Rainy Day.
Discover how Herald Abraxas blessed Misty Borough, and determine if the Heralds will aid the Soulwardens. Talk to Watcher Magoro in the Cleave's Point Outpost when the task is complete - 2740 XP.
The Best of Us prerequisites Twisted Metamorphosis.
Defeat former Soulwarden Sauquillo Dimka, and return her Heartgem to Watcher Magoro in the Cleave's Point Outpost - 2310 XP.
Eppie Grace
Scott Newman
Kayode Balogun
Glimmering Mercy prerequisites Life Staff Mastery level 20, Madaki's Stratagem.
Gather the parts, wholesome and true, for a life-giving staff Glimmering Mercy Life Staff made whole. Glittering, gleaming, restore and renew the Glimmering Mercy's soul. Talk to Ranger Madaki in Shattered Mountain when the task is complete - 4380 XP.
Prelude of the Acolytes (Great Cleave - Mangled Heights) prerequisites Glimmering Mercy.
Ascend into the Mangled Heights and collect Infernal Corrupted Wood shards from Unhallowed Devouts. Blood-stained robes and cursed staves, nefarious acolytes raise their minions forth. Find them in the heights west by north, and send them to their cursed graves - 3750 XP.
Wyrdwood Adagio (Edengrove - Wyrdkissed Cliffs) prerequisites Glimmering Mercy.
Collect Perfected Wyrdwood Tears from Tearguard Dryads in Wyrdkissed Cliffs. Weeping trees, they be not willow nor withe, growing wild in the winding way. Survive the wanton whaling of the forestwalkers, and your woes be rewarded with the trees' blue tears - 3750 XP.
Shaman's Scherzo (Restless Shore - Eridanus) prerequisites Glimmering Mercy.
Defeat Eridanite Greenshaper (Eridanite Dryads) in Eridanus for Shaman's Fragrant Incense. Another place, another body, another time, the wisest of shamans are not of here but a reality that bends. The myrrh they carry is their vehicle, the key to a magic that transcends - 3750 XP.
Stone Skull Shanty (Cutlass Keys - Stone Skull Fort) prerequisites Glimmering Mercy.
Collect Stone Skull Port Wine from Skullworm Pirates in Stone Skull Fort. One swig for courage, two swigs to sleep, three swigs to settle your strife, and four swigs when under the knife. Give me that bottom of the barrel wine, freshly butchered swine, and a wench for a good time - 3750 XP.
Zarabanda del Ojo Rojo (Mourningdale - Scorpius) prerequisites Glimmering Mercy.
Defeat S'ylanx the Unseen in Scorpius for his Corrupted Runestone. The red eye of the bay, the red eye of the bay, the tower calling sailors to their doom. Deep in the tower, hidden away, an ancient and powerful rune - 3750 XP.
Requiem of the Lost (Weaver's Fen - Periville) prerequisites Glimmering Mercy.
Defeat Joan the Faithless in Periville for her Broken Talisman. Temporary forms made immortal and pinned to the earth in sorrow. The faithless turn their back on the path - 3750 XP.
Passepied de la Tour (Edengrove - Malevolence) prerequisites Glimmering Mercy.
Search chests within Malevolence for Elemental Crystals. Tear down Enchanted Vines along the walls of Malevolence. In the heart of the craters, the soul of Aeternum, climb towards the sky. Peak into the mirror and learn the ways of those that defend the tower - 3750 XP.
Sonata of the Shattered (Shattered Mountain - Upper Harrow) prerequisites Glimmering Mercy.
Defeat a Myrkgard Priest in Upper Harrow for their Talisman of Protection. Dive into the belly of the beast, and the heart of Corruption. Though light may cast out the darkness, it in turn casts a shadow - 3750 XP.
Tibbe Fowler
Forging the Azure Ravager prerequisites Shards From Above and Below.
Recover the components needed to create the Azure Ravager Hatchet, and deliver them to Ranger Madaki in Mountainhome - 3750 XP.
Death and Taxes (Brightwood - Brightwood Isle) prerequisites Forging the Azure Ravager.
Collect a Starmetal Whetstone from Brightwood Isle - 3750 XP.
By Root and Bough (Restless Shore - Eridanus) prerequisites Forging the Azure Ravager.
Collect the Dryad Archer Rubble from the bodies of Belfrian Dryad Archers in Umbrage (Eridanus), and obtain an Evergreen Dryad Branch from their leader - 3750 XP.
A Sample of Evil (Corruption Breaches) prerequisites Forging the Azure Ravager.
Locate Corruption Breaches throughout Aeternum, and cut down the hordes of Monstrous Corrupted who gather there - 3750 XP.
Crystallized Corruption (Mourningdale - Scorpius) prerequisites Forging the Azure Ravager.
Deep within Scorpius, take back the Desecrated Azoth Crystal from S'ylanx the Unseen - 3750 XP.
Shards From Above and Below (Shattered Mountain - Ambusti Superior) prerequisites Forging the Azure Ravager.
Find samples of Tainted Orichalcum and collect Everburning Embers from Illurmin Hellfire in Ambusti Superior. Talk to Ranger Madaki in Shattered Mountain when the task is done - 3750 XP.
Wooden Hearts and Iron Heads (Great Cleave - Svikin's Stand) prerequisites Forging the Azure Ravager.
Collect Corrupted Iron Hammerheads from the Elite Southguard Forgers of Svikin's Stand - 3750 XP.
Sticking to the Plan (Weaver's Fen - Periville) prerequisites Forging the Azure Ravager.
Seek out Unstable Azoth Shards and Ethereal Adhesive from the Lost of Periville - 3750 XP.
The Gleaming Edge (Cutlass Keys - Stone Skull Fort) prerequisites Forging the Azure Ravager.
Collect Drowned Silver Coins hoarded by the Skullworm Pirates of Stone Skull Fort. Talk to Ranger Fowler in Great Cleave when the task is complete - 3750 XP.
Jennifer Heatley
Hand of Hoarfrost prerequisites Ice Gauntlet Mastery level 20, Madaki's Stratagem.
Gather components to make the Legendary Ice Gauntlet Rimelash - 3750 XP.
Blood in the Snow (Great Cleave - Svikin's Stand) prerequisites Hand of Hoarfrost.
Gather the Corrupted Bindings that will hold together the gauntlet from Legatus General Patrick at Svikin's Stand. Talk to Ranger Madaki at Shattered Mountain - 3750 XP.
Aeternum's Icy Crown (Shattered Mountain - Greater Tribulation) prerequisites Hand of Hoarfrost.
Gather the Frozen Orichalcum Plating from the frozen crown of North Myrkgard, Greater Tribulation - 3750 XP.
Wintry Boons (Edengrove - Malevolence) prerequisites Hand of Hoarfrost.
Gather the Chilled Fungi that grows upon the Elite Alcazarian Guardians of Malevolence for an extra kick of frost - 3750 XP.
Frozen Heart (Mourningdale - Scorpius) prerequisites Hand of Hoarfrost.
Kill Corrupted on the way to gather S'ylanx the Unseen's frozen, twisted heart to make a core for the gauntlet - 3750 XP.
Forged in Frost (Shattered Mountain - Caminus) prerequisites Hand of Hoarfrost.
Gather Frostforged Grips to make up the hand of the gauntlet from the Corrupted of Caminus - 3750 XP.
Chilling Spectres (Weaver's Fen - Periville) prerequisites Hand of Hoarfrost.
Gather Everbite Ectoplasm from the wraiths of frigid Periville, their cold everlasting in undeath - 3750 XP.
Rebels On Ice (Cutlass Keys - Stone Skull Fort) prerequisites Hand of Hoarfrost.
Gather Icy Shot from the Skullworm Pirates of Stoneskull Fort, a special ammunition they keep on them for inflicting maximum pain - 3750 XP.
Frostbitten Fighters (Restless Shore - Eridanus) prerequisites Hand of Hoarfrost.
Defeat Dryads and their leader Parthenocissus for his Frostbitten Vine that will wrap around the core of the gauntlet - 3750 XP.
Eberhart Klaus
Soulwarden Rations prerequisites Treasures of the Deep (Mourningdale).
Catch five fish heavier than 30 pounds for Master Fisher Klaus and deliver them to Master Fisher Bernard in Shattered Mountain. - 2890 XP.
Settlements are the towns in player-controlled territories, can be controlled and upgraded (to improve crafting stations) by players. Hamlet (Tier 1), Village (Tier 2), Town (Tier 3), City (Tier 4), Capitol (Tier 5). A higher tier settlement allows you and your Company to build higher tier structures.
Every Settlement got: Inn, Trading Post, Storage Shed, Stonecutting Table, Woodshop, Smelter, Loom, Tannery, Forge, Workshop, Arcane Repository, Kitchen, Outfitting Station, Town Project Board, War Board, Territory Planning Board, Governor's Desk, Players' houses, Marauder Commander, Syndicate Alchemist, Covenant Adjudicator.
Forts are the military fortifications in zones controlled by players. Forts are part of Open World PvP, factions fight with each other for control of the forts. Forts can be upgraded by players. Fort (Tier 1), Bastion (Tier 2), Keep (Tier 3), Castle (Tier 4), Citadel (Tier 5).
Outposts are the settlements in neutral, endgame territories that cannot be controlled by players.
Containers, Chests, Ancient Chest, Supply Containers.
Top Chests
Completed Lore Pages make stories
You have to visit Fast Travel Points (Spirit Shrines) first to use them, more about Fast Travel Points.
Expeditions are instanced PvE dungeons, intended for a group of 5 players with separate story, puzzles, unique loot, more about Expeditions.
Group Areas are open world monster areas intended for a group of 5 players, more about Group Areas.
Experience level recommended in a given area to fight monsters comfortably.
Location of Quest Giver NPCs.
Wood Tier IV - respawn: 30 min
Wood Tier V - respawn: 20 min
Ores Tier I - respawn: 10 min
Ores Tier IV - respawn: 15 min
Ores Tier V - respawn: 20 min
Precious Ores Tier II - respawn: 15 min
Precious Ores Tier III - respawn: 20 min
Precious Ores Tier IV - respawn: 40 min
Tier I - respawn: 15 min
Tier I - respawn: 10 min
Tier IV - respawn: 20 min
Fibers Tier I - respawn: 10 min
Fibers Tier IV - respawn: 15 min
Fibers Tier V - respawn: 15 min
Found in Sunderfort
The page is covered in strange symbols and markings, looking like no language you have ever encountered, yet somehow the sounds come unbidden into your mind. You recognize the circle-and-split-fork design used as the banner by the Corrupted across Aeternum. Could this be their language?
Ubemabayib mit'enggâf fip'anda ambi. Ngo atwak fi 'av mifiwo ñâb. Wu p'â kuñ mip'ânfâp ag, p'â edendakti pad Aeternum ven af.
Found in Acedia Bastion
This page is covered with the symbols and markings you've come to know as the Corrupted language. The foreign sounds fill your head as you read. This page has a crude drawing of a smelter, and some liquid being poured into crucibles.
Miven pad fangok fi Aeternum yi kot'une ñân p'â ve urompi xapwing ambi. Âbtahâr pad azoth deñâñogambi euwângubda rongembi. Ngo xagimbi he akimbi ika'atku miwod itkâ âbtawungu 'ufoxo axo.
Found in Breakaway Fort
A page with the cramped symbols of the Corrupted language. Taking up much of the page is a sketch of skulls and bones being pounded to dust.
Ubamabayib rugi impane 'adoh uwâkombe azoth kevambi yi detwek. Baguf xak'ov bab mi a p'ânvâboxo pab ambi. Xa xauwâñâb ñâna ko, ngo uwâkombe 'ami xaipix xa pab veh axo, he mip'âtweg ubaxahev xakong ambi.
Found in Hollowing Fort
Another page with more of the Corrupted writing. This page has a drawing of miners digging ore from the depths, and what appears to be one of the Corrupted Cultists leading a ritual.
Xafang bing Magmebeg umik'ig vetix at pa ngub a, fa nena pad miwonuykañ a atkifitorambi. Xayi miawi xa ñâtwap mi'anutu mip'u nguboxo.
Found in Nullcavity
Yet another page written by the Corrupted. Along the side of the page are images of trees being cut and dragged away for some unknown purpose.
Xayup pad tif tid gufoxo ubatif mimak'â'a fi pab nero yi p'â ag 'umbi mi a. Bar vetimbi, uatkiguf panumbi heñ ika'atku axo he ngo ubaguf miwod kengâmbi.
Found in Tempest Lane
To the attention of: General Alazar
Name: James Sexton, Soulwarden
Current post: Eastburn Outpost, Great Cleave
Requested post: Anywhere else
Add'l. Notes:
I'll take whatever we've got. Send me to the front lines in Shattered Mountain, if that's what it takes. No battle can be more painful than the memories I have here, with her.
Written in a shaky hand
Patricia, my love,
The tincture isn't working. My leg is turning black, and the ice is creeping toward my heart. I was in such a hurry to leave this place, I got sloppy. I let the Corrupted overwhelm me. Now, it seems, I'll never leave.
How ridiculous, to lie in the snow and wait for the end, to scribble my last words in the dark! I wish you'd ran away with me, all those times I asked. If only I'd found the right words then.
Maybe this is for the best. When they recover my Heartgem from my corpse, they'll lay it next to yours.
I'll be with you soon.
Found in Eeriedune Graveyard
My followers have completed construction of the village, under my guidance. I have spent much of my time planning our future, and one thing concerns me: the Corruption to the north, past the Ancient gate. And while some called me a fool to do so, I set forth to see this evil for myself.
I ventured north of the gate, able to avoid the attentions of the demons long enough to learn what I needed to. But, fate decided to set me on a new path. Climbing through the mountain passes, I slipped and found myself in a ruin of the Ancients. Inside, artifacts and riches filled the cave to the brim, but what drew me in were the murals on the wall. I did not recognize something specific in them at first, but having studied the spiritual paths of many, I should be able to recognize a ritual!
From my loose understanding of the murals, I believe the Ancients had a way of sanctifying areas on the island, explaining why the settlements to the south are protected from attack. These murals showed me how to do the same! This may be the best way to protect my flock, to give them the peace that so many of them deserve.
I claimed the artifacts in the cave, bringing back as many as I was able to carry, and have matched many to the murals. I must determine how this ritual was done so that I may perform it here for the village, and will not rest until I do!
Found in Misty Borough
I have done it. I now understand how the Ancients performed their wonderful, terrible, ritual. I have already taken the first steps, distributing the tokens to each of the townsfolk.
No, I mustn't! It is wrong, it is foolish, it is evil! Their wills exterminated! I don't... I need, I must...
<i>As the Herald of this flock, it falls to me to make the hard decisions for everyone. I held a meeting at the church and explained that the ritual would protect this hilltop... and all in attendance agreed that we must do whatever we can to protect ourselves...</i>
Something in those ruins, unclear how... I am fighting for control, but I feel it winning. I have given my most trusted follower specific instructions on what to do. Being near the stone lends me strength, but I know it must be consumed in the ritual. This... will be the last time I have control, and I cannot stop the ritual. But... my flock, they will not be taken by Corruption. Their souls, their minds, will be freed. It is the only way.
Beast of the Water
There is a creature, a blue winged serpent that lurks in the Great Cleave's waters. Some don't believe it exists, but I've had it on my line more than once and that is one tricky beastie.
I've heard it roaring in the night, breaching the water like a dolphin to let loose its terrible cry. One day it shall be mine, and then no one will doubt me.
Feeding the Troops
The Soulwardens, a noble order of Aeternum, are at times all that stand between the southern settlements and complete Corruption.
They operate in Corruption-heavy areas and dish out punishment towards those who would attack innocents and spread their Corrupted filth whether by offering power or force.
They may have just arrived but they're already doing some good for this island, so I've thrown my support behind them. Will you help me as well, Machera?
lvl 1-25
Starting area, player controlled