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- Hogwarts Legacy
- Side Quests
Side Quests in Hogwarts Legacy
Side Quests are additional tasks, unrelated to the main storyline, that will be given to you by characters that you will find in the game world. These quests reward XP, but do not advance the main story. Side Quests often have an open ending and allow you to show who you are, which will affect how others at Hogwarts see you.
There are 57 Side Quests + 1 PlayStation Exclusive Quest in Hogwarts Legacy.
The Good Samaritan Achievement Complete all side quests.
- Hogwarts Castle Side Quests
- Hogsmeade Side Quests
- South Hogwarts Region Side Quests
- Hogsmeade Valley Side Quests
- Hogwarts Valley Side Quests
- Feldcroft Region Side Quests
- Poidsear Coast Side Quests
- Marunweem Lake Side Quests
- Manor Cape Side Quests
- Cragcroftshire Side Quests
- Various Locations Side Quests
Hogwarts Castle Side Quests
List of Side Quests in Hogwarts Legacy that start in Location Hogwarts Castle.

S01 Side Quest
Like a Moth to a Frame
Prerequisite: Defence Against The Dark Arts Class completed
Required Level: 1 lvl
Starting Location: Central Hall
Quest Giver: Lenora Everleigh
Lenora Everleigh appears to be looking for a clue. Perhaps I can help her investigate.
I spoke to Lenora and told her how I solved the mystery of the empty painting. She was disappointed that she didn't work it out herself, but was glad the puzzle was solved. I suspect more of these paintings may be in the castle so I should keep my eyes open.
Quest Reward: Cobalt Regalia

S02 Side Quest
Crossed Wands: Round 1
Prerequisite: Defence Against The Dark Arts Class completed
Required Level: 1 lvl
Starting Location: Clock Tower
Quest Giver: Lucan Brattleby
I should speak with Lucan Brattleby about the secret dueling club.
I won my first round of Crossed Wands and it was exhilarating. I noticed that Levioso works well against opponents with yellow shields so I should keep that in mind for future battles. I still need to win another round to complete this part of Professor Hecat's assignment. I wonder if I should fight with Sebastian or Natty? Or should I try to go it alone? That would surely get people talking.

S03 Side Quest
Flying off the Shelves
Prerequisite: Defence Against the Dark Arts Class and Charms Class completed
Required Level: 2 lvl
Starting Location: Central Hall
Quest Giver: Cressida Blume
Cressida's books, including her diary, are flying around the library. I need to collect all five of them.
Quest Reward: Wand Handles

S04 Side Quest
Gobs of Gobstones
Prerequisite: Weasley After Class completed
Required Level: 3 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower
Quest Giver: Zenobia Noke
Zenobia's Gobstones are hidden around the castle. She said that the other students hid them out of her reach. They must have used magic to do it.
Quest Reward: Wand Handles

S05 Side Quest
Cache in the Castle
Prerequisite: Welcome to Hogsmeade completed
Required Level: 4 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower
Quest Giver: Arthur Plummly.
I saw Arthur Plummly studying two treasure maps he had found. I should see if he needs any help.
It looks as if I'm supposed to find a dragon fountain. The tree in the background makes me think it's in a courtyard. A door behind it has been circled.
Quest Reward: Authentic Historian's Uniform

S06 Side Quest
The Daedalian Keys
Prerequisite: Welcome to Hogsmeade completed
Required Level: 4 lvl
Starting Location: Transfiguration Courtyard
Quest Giver: Nellie Oggspire
Nellie Oggspire is in the Transfiguration Courtyard and seems elated by something. I'm interested to learn what's so exciting
I learned from Nellie Oggspire that the flying keys which occasionally appear in Hogwarts are the Daedalian keys, a holdover from some enchantments that a prior headmistress once set. It took some ardent searching, but I managed to find all of the keys and used them to open my house chest, revealing a marvellous house costume.
Quest Reward: House specific Uniform

S07 Side Quest
Crossed Wands: Round 2
Prerequisite: Crossed Wands: Round 1 and Professor Hecat’s Assignment 1 completed
Required Level: 4 lvl
Starting Location: Clock Tower
Quest Giver: Lucan Brattleby
I should check in with Lucan Brattleby and see if another round of Crossed Wands is available.
I just won my second round of Crossed Wands. During my match I learned that violet shielded opponents were vulnerable to Accio, so I should keep that in mind for future battles. This practice also completes the duelling part of Professor Hecat's assignment. I'm finally starting to feel more comfortable with the spells I've learned. Duelling like this keeps you on your toes.

S08 Side Quest
Spell Combination Practice 1
Prerequisite: Professor Hecat’s Assignment 1 completed
Required Level: 4 lvl
Starting Location: Clock Tower
Quest Giver: Lucan Brattleby
I should speak with Lucan Brattleby about Spell Combination.

S09 Side Quest
Dissending for Sweets
Prerequisite: Potions Class completed
Required Level: 5 lvl
Starting Location: Reception Hall
Quest Giver: Garreth Weasley
It appears that Garreth Weasley wants to speak with me.
After far more time than I'd bargained for, I brought Billywig stings from Honeydukes's cellar to Garreth. He was more than elated and promised to share with me his next batch of brew as a thank you. While this was more work than I had thought initially, I was able to explore a secret passageway to Hogsmeade, collect a few things along the way, and keep Garreth out of trouble.
Quest Reward: Conjuration Spellcraft

S10 Side Quest
Crossed Wands: Round 3
Prerequisite: Crossed Wands: Round 2 and Tomes and Tribulations completed
Required Level: 5 lvl
Starting Location: Clock Tower
Quest Giver: Lucan Brattleby
The final round of duelling is available at Crossed Wands. It will determine the champion of the school. I should see Lucan Brattleby.
I did it, I won the final round of Crossed Wands! It was a tough fight, but it feels good to be able to come out on top. All and all this has been great practice for learning all sorts of different spell combinations and when to use them.
Quest Reward: Crossed Wands Champion Garb

S11 Side Quest
Interior Decorating
Prerequisite: The Room of Requirement completed
Required Level: 5 lvl
Starting Location: Room of Requirement
Quest Giver: Professor Weasley
Professor Weasley would like to meet with me in the Room of Requirement.
Quest Reward: Altering Spell, Conjuration Spellcraft

S12 Side Quest
Portrait in a Pickle
Prerequisite: In the Shadow of the Mountain completed
Required Level: 5 lvl
Starting Location: Library
Quest Giver: Ferdinand Octavius Pratt.
A portrait in the back of the library is apparently very upset. It might be worth looking into.
Quest Reward: Oddities Shelf

S13 Side Quest
Summoner's Court: Match 1
Prerequisite: Potions Class completed
Required Level: 5 lvl
Starting Location: Bell Tower Courtyard
Quest Giver: Leander Prewett
Someone is looking for a new opponent at Summoner's Court.
Summoner's Court is popular at Hogwarts. Students often gather near the board looking for new opponents to challenge. As one would imagine, the competition among the houses is fierce. Having defeated Natty Onai and Leander Prewett, I've demonstrated that I'm a capable competitor. I look forward to finding new opponents.

S14 Side Quest
Venomous Valour
Prerequisite: Professor Hecat’s Assignment 1 completed
Required Level: 5 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower
Quest Giver: Duncan Hobbhouse.
Duncan Hobbhouse seems to have a Puffskein problem. I wonder If I can help him out.
Quest Reward: Venomous Tentacula Robe

S15 Side Quest
Spell Combination Practice 2
Prerequisite: Spell Combination Practice 1 and Tomes and Tribulations completed
Required Level: 7 lvl
Starting Location: Clock Tower
Quest Giver: Lucan Brattleby
The Crossed Wands club meets regularly in the Clock Tower. I should be able to find Lucan Brattleby there.

S16 Side Quest
Mer-Ky Depths
Prerequisite: Percival Rackham’s Trial completed
Required Level: 10 lvl
Starting Location: Boathouse
Quest Giver: Nerida Roberts.
Nerida Roberts is sitting on the docks by the Hogwarts boathouse. I should go speak with her.
What a soggy adventure! I retrieved a Mermish artefact from under the lake for Nerida. She's beyond thrilled and says it will help her in her goal to strengthen relations between wizards and merpeople. I was happy to help her.
Quest Reward: Mermish Liaison Uniform

S17 Side Quest
Summoner's Court: Match 2
Prerequisite: Summoner’s Court: Match 1 and The Helm of Urtkot completed
Required Level: 10 lvl
Starting Location: Bell Tower Courtyard
Quest Giver: Samantha Dale
Someone is looking for a new opponent at Summoner's Court.
I can add Samantha Dale to the list of opponents I've defeated at Summoner's Court. I'm enjoying these competitions; each one has been more challenging than the last. I should check back later to see who wants to test their skills against me next.

S18 Side Quest
Summoner's Court: Match 3
Prerequisite: Summoner’s Court: Match 2 and Charles Rookwood’s Trial completed
Required Level: 10 lvl
Starting Location: Bell Tower Courtyard
Quest Giver: Grace Pinch-Smedley.
Someone is looking for a new opponent at Summoner's Court.
Grace Pinch-Smedley gave me quite a challenge at Summoner's Court, she seemed rather surprised that I bested her. It's her claim that she' sonly ever been defeated by one other student at Hogwarts, a student who'll be my next opponent, apparently.

S19 Side Quest
The Tale of Rowland Oakes
Prerequisite: The Helm of Urtkot completed
Required Level: 10 lvl
Starting Location: Transfiguration Courtyard
Quest Giver: Adelaide Oakes
Adelaide Oakes seems worried about someone. I should speak with her.
Rowland Oakes had always traded with goblins, but due to the rise of Ranrok's Loyalists, his niece Adelaide was deeply worried for his safety. Her intuitions were proven correct as Rowland was captured by a group of goblins and brought to a cell hidden within some ruins. I managed to find his confiscated wand and free him from his cell. In the end he told me that this was all a result of a business agreement gone astray. A good lesson as to why one must honour their word.
Quest Reward: Handcrafted Necklace

S20 Side Quest
The Man behind the Moons
Prerequisite: The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament completed
Required Level: 11 lvl
Starting Location: Faculty Tower
Quest Giver: Gladwin Moon
Mr Moon will teach me a more advanced form of Alohomora once I find all the Demiguise statues. I should search Hogwarts, Hogsemeade and any hamlets for the statues. I can only collect the moons from the statues at night.
I was able to retrieve all of the Demoguise Moons Mr Moon asked me to find so that he would teach me two advanced versions of Alohomara. I should be able to unlock any locks that require the spell now. In addition, Mr Moon mentioned there may be more statues that I should look for. Ultimately, I discovered found (sic) the culprit behind the prank – a Mr Piers Pemberton, an old classmate of Mr Moon's who was repaying him for bullying when they were young.
Quest Reward: Alohomora Spell Level 2 & Alohomora Spell Level 3

S21 Side Quest
The Hall of Herodiana
Prerequisite: The Helm of Urtkot completed
Required Level: 15 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower
Quest Giver: Sophronia Franklin.
Sophronia Franklin seems like she could use my help. She's near Charms class in the lounge.
I solved the puzzles in the Hall of Herodiana and was rewarded with a unique outfit. I showed it to Sophronia Franklin, as promised. She was thrilled.
Quest Reward: Appearances

S22 Side Quest
The Plight of the House-Elf
Prerequisite: The High Keep completed
Required Level: 20 lvl
Starting Location: Room of Requirement
Quest Giver: Deek.
Deek wants to speak to me in the Room of Requirement.

S23 Side Quest
Summoner's Court: Match 4
Prerequisite: Summoner’s Court: Match 3 and In the Shadow of the Mine completed
Required Level: 20 lvl
Starting Location: Bell Tower Courtyard
Quest Giver: Charlotte Morrison.
A new opponent is waiting at the Summoner’s Court board in the courtyard. I should see who it is.

S24 Side Quest
Phoenix Rising
Prerequisite: Njamh Fitzgerald’s Trial completed
Required Level: 20 lvl
Starting Location: Room of Requirement
Quest Giver: Deek.
I wonder what Deek wants to talk with me about. I need to speak with him.
Quest Reward: Phoenix Feather

S25 Side Quest
Foal of the Dead
Prerequisite: Charles Rockwood's Trial completed
Required Level: 20 lvl
Starting Location: Room of Requirement
Quest Giver: Deek.
Talk to Deek in the Room of Requirement.

S26 Side Quest
Beeting a Curse
Prerequisite: Charles Rookwood’s Trial and Summoner's Court: Match 2 completed
Required Level: 20 lvl
Starting Location: Greenhouses
Quest Giver: Samantha Dale
Rumour has it Samantha Dale is having a problem with her brother William. I ought to see if I can help her.
Quest Reward: Conjuration Spellcraft

S27 Side Quest
All’s Well That Ends Bell
Prerequisite: In the Shadow of the Mine completed
Required Level: 22 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower
Quest Giver: Evangeline Bardsley.
A Hufflepuff in the Astronomy Wing seems upset about something. Perhaps I can help.
I located the bells missing from the Bell Tower and restored them to their proper place, preserving a bit of Hogwarts history. Evangeline was delighted and is convinced future generations will benefit from my actions.
Quest Reward: Erumpent Horn

S28 Side Quest
History of Magic Class
Prerequisite: Njamh Fitzgerald’s Trial completed
Required Level: 23 lvl
Starting Location: North Hall, History of Magic Classroom
Quest Giver: Cuthbert Binns
I need to attend History of Magic class, taught by Professor Binns.
Quest Reward: Cauldrons Shelf

S29 Side Quest
Summoner's Court: Match 5
Prerequisite: Summoner’s Court: Match 4 and Lodgok’s Loyalty completed
Required Level: 24 lvl
Starting Location: Bell Tower Courtyard
Quest Giver: Professor Ronen
Someone is looking for a new opponent at Summoner's Court.
Quest Reward: Summoner's Court Champion Gloves
Hogsmeade Side Quests
List of Side Quests in Hogwarts Legacy that start in Location Hogsmeade.

S30 Side Quest
Follow the Butterflies
Prerequisite: Potions Class completed
Required Level: 5 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade, Three Broomsticks
Quest Giver: Clementine Willardsey.
I overheard Clementine Willardsey talking to herself in the Three Broomsticks. She mentioned something about a swarm of butterflies.
I was able to find and follow the butterflies Clementine Willardsey mentioned seeing just inside the Forbidden Forest. They led me to a chest with a reward inside. I told Miss Willardsey and she was thrilled for me. I wonder if there are more of these somewhere.
Quest Reward: Flower Box

S31 Side Quest
A Demanding Delivery
Prerequisite: Flying Class completed
Required Level: 5 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade, J. Pippin’s Potions
Quest Giver: Parry Pippin
Parry Pippin of J. Pippin's Potions in Hogsmeade sent me an owl regarding a delivery. I should speak with him if I'm looking for some simple work.
Quest Reward: Potioneer's Cap

S32 Side Quest
Flight Test
Prerequisite: Flying Classcompleted
Required Level: 5 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade, Sprintwitches Sporting Needs
Quest Giver: Albie Weekes
After completing my broom flight training in Madam Kogawa's Flying Class, Everett mentioned checking in with Albie Weekes at Spintwitches to get a broom.
After purchasing my first broom from Albie Weekes in Spintwitches, I was asked to test it out and return the flight data from a broom trial administered by Imelda Reyes. Imelda had set the course record and was sure I wouldn't be able to beat it, but I surprised both myself and her with my time. I returned the data to Mr Weekes so that he can use it to create even better brooms. He mentioned being in touch when his newest creations are ready. I look forward to it.

S33 Side Quest
Sweeping the Competition
Prerequisite: Flight Test and Percival Rackham's Trial completed
Required Level: 15 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade, Sprintwitches Sporting Needs
Quest Giver: Albie Weekes
Look into a new broom enhancement with Albie Weekes in Spintwitches Sporting Needs.
After I got a new broom enhancement from Albie Weekes at Spintwitches, I agreed to gather data for Albie on how my enhanced broom performed by seeking out Imelda Reyes. She challenged me to a Broom Trial to see if I could beat her record. I ended up beating her time! I returned the results to Albie, who was duly impressed. He promised to let me know when he has a new upgrade available.

S34 Side Quest
Venomous Revenge
Prerequisite: The Helm of Urtkot completed
Required Level: 15 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade, Three Broomsticks
Quest Giver: Ackley Barnes.
A man is standing behind the Three Broomsticks, muttering angrily to himself. Should I engage?
After meeting a man named Ackley Barnes outside the Three Broomsticks, I learned that he wanted to sabotage his ex-business partner, Alfred Lawley, by stealing his Venomous Tentacula. He asked if I would do it for him. I sneaked into Lawley's cellar and retrieved the Venomous Tentacula and gave it to him for the compensation promised.

S35 Side Quest
A Friend in Deed
Prerequisite: The Helm of Urtkot completed
Required Level: 15 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade, Three Broomsticks
Quest Giver: Sirona Ryan
Sirona, the proprietress of the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade, sent me an owl requesting I meet with her at my earliest convenience. I should find out what she needs.
Quest Reward: Conjuration Spellcraft

S36 Side Quest
Take the Biscuit
Prerequisite: Astronomy Class completed
Required Level: 20 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade
Quest Giver: Garnuff.
I noticed a goblin near the western bridge in Hogsmeade lamenting about a 'biscuit.' This piqued my curiosity, and I should chat with him when I have time.

S37 Side Quest
Spot Removal
Prerequisite: The High Keep completed
Required Level: 20 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade
Quest Giver: Sacharissa Tugwood.
A Hufflepuff near Dogweed and Deathcap seems to need a favour. I should see what she wants.
Quest Reward: Bubotuber Harvesting Attire

S38 Side Quest
The Sky is the Limit
Prerequisite: Sweeping the Competition and In the Shadow of the Mine completed
Required Level: 22 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade
Quest Giver: Albie Weekes
I should check in with Albie Weekes to learn about his recent broom upgrade available for purchase. He can be found in Spintwitches Sporting Needs in Hogsmeade.

S39 Side Quest
The Unique Unicorn
Prerequisite: Niamh Fitzgerald’s Trial completed
Required Level: 23 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade
Quest Giver: Betty Bugbrooke.
Betty Bugbrooke is terribly worried about her unicorn friend Hazel who was injured protecting her from wolves. It seems Betty often visits Hazel in the Forbidden Forest to brush her and bring her treats. She is concerned for Hazel's safety due to increasing poacher presence and Hazel's injury. She's hopeful someone can find and take Hazel soemwhere safe to heal. I should be able to identify her by her beautifully bright and shiny coat.
Quest Reward: Wooden Maiden, Hazel the Unicorn

S40 Side Quest
Tangled Web
Prerequisite: Charles Rookwood’s Trial and Absconder Encounter completed
Required Level: 25 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade
Quest Giver: Crispin Dunne
Crispin Dunne in the Three Broomsticks is looking for someone to check on a friend.
Mary was a victim of her own greed. I cleaned out the spiders in Aranshire but was too late to save Mary Portman. She was a victim of her own avarice. I broke the news to Mr Dunne in Hogsmeade, and while he was heartbroken, I daresay he did not seem surprised.
Quest Reward: Sinister Oddities Shelf

S41 Side Quest
Minding Your Own Business
Prerequisite: Fire and Vice completed
Required Level: 25 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade
Quest Giver: Penny.
PlayStation Exclusive Quest
A house-elf standing outside what appears to be a vacant shop is trying to get my attention. I should see what she wants.
I purchased a shop and house-elf from Cassandra Mason at an exceptionally low price. It seems Mrs Mason was trying to swindle me by trapping me in a labyrinthine cellar below the shop at the mercy of Fastidio, a bored and mischievous poltergeist. Fastidio challenged me to solve puzzles and even to battle him, but in the end we agreed that he would allow me to run my shop in relative peace. I eventually confronted and fought Mrs Mason before she was taken away by Officer Singer to pay for her crimes.
Quest Reward: Shopkeeper's Coat, Shopkeeper's Top Hat, Shopkeeper's Ensemble
South Hogwarts Region Side Quests
List of Side Quests in Hogwarts Legacy that start in Location South Hogwarts Region.

S42 Side Quest
Well, Well, Well
Required Level: 4 lvl
Starting Location: South Hogwarts Region
Quest Giver: Magical Well.
I came across a well southeast of Aranshire inside some old ruins and heard a voice coming from it. I should investigate it
The large tree sketched on the wWell's Treasure Map was holding a treasure chest within its roots. I figured out that it needed to be magically lifted to reveal the chest, and in turn, its treasure. Whomever concocted this method of hiding their treasure was clever. I'll certainly put it to good use.
Quest Reward: Treasure-Seeker's Bicorne Hat

S43 Side Quest
Carted Away
Prerequisite: Tomes and Tribulations completed
Required Level: 7 lvl
Starting Location: South Hogwarts Region
Quest Giver: Arn
A goblin outside Lower Hogsfield seems distraught over his missing cart. He doesn't seem to be aligned with Ranrok's Loyalists. Perhaps I should investigate.
I was able to liberate and return Arn's carts to him in Lower Hogsfield. He should be able to return to his travelling life, selling his wares on the road. He was delighted with my news and even mentioned he might paint a piece as a tribute to all that is good between goblins and wizardkind. I'm happy I could help Arn and will watch for him on the road as I travel.
Quest Reward: Goblin-Made Helmet

S44 Side Quest
The Lost Astrolabe
Prerequisite: Tomes and Tribulations completed
Required Level: 7 lvl
Starting Location: South Hogwarts Region
Quest Giver: Grace Pinch-Smedley.
A student outside Lower Hogsfield is staring longingly out over the waters of the Black Lake. I wonder what's on her mind.
I managed to find Grace's grandfather's lost astrolabe. Along with the astrolabe, I found some Wiggenweld potion which, while not treasure themselves, should be useful. I'm pleased I could help bring her family a bit of closure around the fate of her grandparents.
Quest Reward: Mermaid Mask

S45 Side Quest
Absconder Encounter
Prerequisite: Tomes and Tribulations completed
Required Level: 30 (suggested) lvl
Starting Location: South Hogwarts Region, Aranshire
Quest Giver: Edgar Adley
I need to find the Absconder's Cave. It should be in the Forbidden Forest to the northwest of Hogsmeade.
After battling the Acromantula 'The Absconder,' I was able to find and return Milo's heirloom pocket watch to Edgar Adley in Aranshire. It took a bit more work than Edgar had let on, so I asked him to make it worth my efforts. When he said he's promised to pay for the supplies Milo's daughter would need to attend Hogwarts one day, I couldn't take his money and returned the heirloom. I am glad that Milo's daughter will be able to have an heirloom to remind her of her father.
Quest Reward: Wand Handles
Hogsmeade Valley Side Quests
List of Side Quests in Hogwarts Legacy that start in Location Hogsmeade Valley.

S46 Side Quest
Breaking Camp
Prerequisite: Tomes and Tribulations completed
Required Level: 13 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade Valley, Upper Hogsfield
Quest Giver: Claire Beaumont
I spoke with Claire Beaumont and she needs someone to clear out a couple goblin encampments up the road, with these encampments disrupted, trading can resume in Upper Hogsfield.
I've taken out both goblin encampments near Upper Hogsfield. I should tell Claire Beaumont so she can open her shop again.
Quest Reward: Conjuration Spellcraft

S47 Side Quest
Brother's Keeper
Prerequisite: Tomes and Tribulations completed
Required Level: 13 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade Valley, Upper Hogsfield
Quest Giver: Dorothy Sprottle.
Dorothy Sprottle is concerned about a missing person. Perhaps I can help track them down.
I broke the news to Claire Beaumont that her brother had become an Inferius. She was horrified, as anyone would be. The only solace was that I was able to put an end to Bardolph's fate, which truly was worse than death. I know I did the right thing, but I fear this event will forever haunt me
Quest Reward: Arrow Black Wand Handle
Hogwarts Valley Side Quests
List of Side Quests in Hogwarts Legacy that start in Location Hogwarts Valley.

S48 Side Quest
Kidnapped Cabbage
Prerequisite: Tomes and Tribulations completed
Required Level: 10 lvl
Starting Location: Hogwarts Valley, Brocburrow
Quest Giver: Eddie Thistlewood
Eddie Thistlewood in Brocburrow seems to have an urgent matter involving Chinese Chomping Cabbages that needs attending. I should speak with him.
I delivered the Chinese Chomping Cabbages to Mr Ndiaye in Feldcroft. He was more than relieved to see them, as the Loyalist and Rookwood presence around the hamlet had increased lately. Hopefully these can be used to defend the hamlet from any unwanted visitors.
Quest Reward: Conjuration Spellcraft

S49 Side Quest
Troll Control
Prerequisite: Tomes and Tribulations completed
Required Level: 13 lvl
Starting Location: Hogwarts Valley, Brocburrow
Quest Giver: Alexandra Rickett.
Upon approaching Brocburrow, I overhead a woman talking about a problem with a troll. I should speak with her.
I was able to dispatch the troll south of Brocburrow that Alexandra Ricketts was attempting unsuccessfully to train as a security troll. Instead of protecting the hamlet, the troll nearly trampled it. While the news of the troll's demise was bittersweet for Alexandra, she was grateful for my help, as was the hamlet. From now on, the residents of Brocburrow shall refer to me as the Troll Slayer.
Quest Reward: Troll Hat
Feldcroft Region Side Quests
List of Side Quests in Hogwarts Legacy that start in Location Feldcroft Region.

S50 Side Quest
E-Vase-Ive Manoeuvre
Prerequisite: Tomes and Tribulations completed
Required Level: 10 lvl
Starting Location: Feldcroft Region, Irondale
Quest Giver: Althea Twiddle.
While visiting Irondale, I overhead a woman speaking to herself about something 'fascinating'. I should talk with her.
I confirmed that the late Mr Twiddle was correct in assuming there was a correlation between the mysterious statue to the southwest of Irondale and the vases lying around the ruins nearby. Destroying the vases activated the statue – and I believe approaching it will allow someone to walk through it to a new place. Delivering this news to Madam Twiddle brought her some joy after the untimely death of her husband.
Quest Reward: Column Beige Wand Handle

S51 Side Quest
A Thief in the Night
Prerequisite: The High Keep completed
Required Level: 20 lvl
Starting Location: Feldcroft Region, Irondale
Quest Giver: Pádraic Haggarty
The vendor in Irondale seems to be upset about something. I should introduce myself and see what the matter is.
Quest Reward: Appearances
Poidsear Coast Side Quests
List of Side Quests in Hogwarts Legacy that start in Poidsear Coast Region.

S52 Side Quest
The Hippogriff Marks The Spot
Prerequisite: Tomes and Tribulations completed
Required Level: 13 lvl
Starting Location: Poidsear Coast, Poidsear Castle
Quest Giver: Henrietta’s Map parchment.
While exploring Poidsear Castle in the Southern Coast. I noticed an important-looking rolled parchment resting on a table within the castle grounds.
The infamous Henrietta's Hideaway was home to the treasure alluded to in the map. I needed to light and extinguish the correct combination of flames surrounding a hippogriff statue to obtain the treasure. Something tells me this isn't the only think hidden in these old ruins.
Quest Reward: Treasure-Seeker's Gloves
Marunweem Lake Side Quests
List of Side Quests in Hogwarts Legacy that start in Marunweem Lake Region.

S53 Side Quest
Birds of a Feather
Prerequisite: Tomes and Tribulations and The Elf, The Nab-Sack and the Loom completed
Required Level: 13 lvl
Starting Location: Marunweem Lake, Marunweem
Quest Giver: Marianne Moffett.
When strolling through the hamlet of Marunweem, I overhead a woman talking about saving a Diricawl. Sounds intriguing. I should investigate.
Quest Reward: Debonair Socialite Ensemble
Manor Cape Side Quests
List of Side Quests in Hogwarts Legacy that start in Manor Cape Region.

S54 Side Quest
Solved by the Bell
Prerequisite: Tomes and Tribulations completed
Required Level: 13 lvl
Starting Location: Manor Cape, Henrietta’s Hideout
Quest Giver: Musical Map.
The valuable item in Henrietta's Hideaway was a Musical Map. I should seek its treasure.
The puzzle can be found at Clagmar Castle.
Quest Reward: Treasure-Seeker's Longcoat

S55 Side Quest
Cursed Tomb Treasure
Prerequisite: The Helm of Urtkot completed
Required Level: 23 lvl
Starting Location: Manor Cape, Manor Glen
Quest Giver: Chest.
While exploring the basement of an old manor near the Southern Coast. I came upon a locked chest. I should unlock the chest to see what it holds.
Quest Reward: Treasure-Seeker's Attire

S56 Side Quest
Rescuing Rococo
Prerequisite: The High Keep completed
Required Level: 25 lvl
Starting Location: Manor Cape, Bainburgh
Quest Giver: Agnes Coffey
To find Rococo, I need to find the castle belonging to the late Henrietta. Miss Coffey noted it's south of Bainburgh.
Quest Reward: Niffler Fur-Lined Hat
Cragcroftshire Side Quests
List of Side Quests in Hogwarts Legacy that start in Cragcroftshire Region.

S57 Side Quest
Sacking Selwyn
Prerequisite: The Helm of Urtkot completed
Required Level: 35 lvl
Starting Location: Cragcroftshire, Cragcroft
Quest Giver: Hyacinth Olivier.
It seems Cragcroft has a problem with Ashwinders.
Quest Reward: Ashwinder Skull Gloves
Various Locations Side Quests

S58 Side Quest
Ghost of our Love
Prerequisite: Potions Class completed
Required Level: 10 lvl
Starting Location:
The beginning of the Quest varies depending on the House you belong to.
Gryffindor - Hogsmeade
Slytherin - Squid Cave under Hogwarts Castle
Ravenclaw - Owlery
Hufflepuff - Upper Hogsfield.
Quest Giver: Paper Map.
Gryffindor (Hogsmeade)
I noticed a small map sitting on a gravestone in the Hogsmeade Graveyard. While this may belong to someone, it might not hurt to take a peek at it in case it holds valuable information.
Slytherin (Squid Cave under Hogwarts Castle)
I doscovered Apollonia's Hideout underneath Hogwarts from a cave along the coast of Black Lake. Inside it was a small chest tucked behind a larger chest. I wonder what's left inside it.
Ravenclaw (Owlery)
While in the Owlery, I came upon a Treasure Map at the top of the tower. I'm not sure whom it belonged to, but it might not hurt to take a peek.
Hufflepuff (Upper Hogsfield)
While in Upper Hogsfield, I spied a chest behind Claire Beaumont's vendor stall that seemed to be unlocked. I wonder what could be in it.
The map led to a bridge just outside the Forbidden Forest. Casting Lumos on the bridge at night-time resulted in charmed candles appearing and leading me through the Forbidden Forest to a specific location where a treasure chest appeared! I opened the chest and took its treasure. Whoever did this was quite clever. But why?
Quest Reward: Treasure-Seeker's Scarf
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