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- Hogwarts Legacy
- Demiguise Statues
Demiguise Statues in Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy Map Demiguise Statues Locations

There are 33 Demiguise Statues in Hogwarts Legacy and they are not marked on the in-game map.
Demiguise Statues are small in size, figurines of a creature squeezing a large blue orb called Demiguise Moons, it's the Demiguise Moons you'll be collecting. They can be collected only at night, when they glow blue.
You can start to collect them after "The Caretaker's Lunar Lament" Main Quest later in game.
They are related to "The Man Behind the Moons" Side Quest, but more importantly, they are needed to upgrade the Alohomora spell, which will allow you to open higher level locks.
After completing the "Percival Rackham's Trial" Main Quest you will receive an Owl Post from Gladwin Moon requesting an encounter.
Go to meet Gladwin Moon and start "The Caretaker's Lunar Lament" Main Quest - while doing this quest you will learn Alohomora Spell Level 1 to unlock Level 1 Locks.
After "The Caretaker's Lunar Lament" Main Quest, Gladwin Moon will give you "The Man Behind the Moons" Side Quest which will allow you to learn Alohomora Spell Level 2 Locks after finding the 9 Demiguise Moons, and Alohomora Spell Level 3 Locks after finding next 13 Demiguise Moons.

Achievement Demiguise Dread
All Demiguise Statue Locations in Hogwarts Legacy
You can start to collect Demiguise Moons from Demiguise Statues after "The Caretaker's Lunar Lament" Main Queste given by Gladwin Moon.
Remember that you can collect Demiguise Statues only at night. When it's dark, cast the Revelio spell and Demiguise Statues nearby will glow blue on your screen, even if they're behind walls.

Demiguise Statue in Hogwarts Legacy
First 3 Demiguise Statues you will get in The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament Main Quest. Gladwin Moon will take two from you, the third will be left in Inventory
Hogwarts Castle Collected during The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament Main Quest
Hogwarts Castle Collected during The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament Main Quest
Start The Man Behind the Moons Side Quest given by Gladwin Moon.
Hogwarts Castle stays in inventory after The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament Main Quest.
South Hogwarts Region in Aranshire, inside a house.

Demiguise Statue - South Hogwarts Region in Aranshire.
South Hogwarts Region in Lower Hogsfield inside a house.

Demiguise Statue - South Hogwarts Region in Lower Hogsfield
Hogsmeade Valley in Upper Hogsfield, inside a house.

Demiguise Statue - Hogsmeade Valley in Upper Hogsfield
North Ford Bog in Pitt-Upon-Ford, inside a house.

Demiguise Statue - North Ford Bog in Pitt-Upon-Ford
Hogwarts Valley in Brocburrow, inside a house.

Demiguise Statue - Hogwarts Valley in Brocburrow
Hogwarts Valley in Keenbridge, inside a house.

Demiguise Statue - Hogwarts Valley in Keenbridge
Hogwarts Castle Professor Fig’s Classroom, in his office.

Demiguise Statue - Hogwarts Castle, Professor Fig’s Classroom
Hogsmeade inside Tomes and Scrolls.

Demiguise Statue - Hogsmeade in Tomes and Scrolls
Now you should have 9 Demiguise Moons in your inventory. Return to Gladwin Moon for next step in The Man Behind the Moons Side Quest.
He will teach you Alohomora for Level 2 Locks.
The next step is to find another 13 Demiguise Statues to learn Alohomora for Level 3 Locks.
Hogsmeade inside a house, Level 2 Lock

Demiguise Statue - Hogsmeade inside a house
Hogsmeade inside Hog’s Head Pub

Demiguise Statue - Hogsmeade inside Hog’s Head Pub
Hogsmeade inside a house, Level 2 Lock

Demiguise Statue - Hogsmeade inside a house, Level 2 Lock
Hogsmeade inside a house on second floor, on back of The Three Broomsticks, entrance to house frome North side.

Demiguise Statue - Hogsmeade inside a house
Hogsmeade in Dervish and Banglesm.

Demiguise Statue - Hogsmeade in Dervish and Banglesm
Hogsmeade in last house on east side.

Demiguise Statue - Hogsmeade last house on east side
Hogsmeade inside a house, near bridge, on north side.

Demiguise Statue - Hogsmeade inside a house near bridge
Hogsmeade inside a house.

Demiguise Statue - Hogsmeade inside a house
Hogwarts Castle The Great Hall, door with Level 1 Lock on west side.

Demiguise Statue - Hogwarts Castle, The Great Hall
Hogwarts Castle Long Gallery, Start from Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame in The Bell Tower Wing, use door on left side of Floo Flame, go SE through the door and follow the long corridor straight ahead, almost to the very end, until you find the door on right side with Level 2 Lock.

Demiguise Statue - Hogwarts Castle, Long Gallery
Hogwarts Castle Beasts Classroom in The Bell Tower Wing, inside right smaller building, Level 2 Lock.

Demiguise Statue - Hogwarts Castle, Beasts Classroom in The Bell Tower Wing
Hogwarts Castle Hogwarts North Exit in The Bell Tower Wing, go back through the gate inside, then go E along the walls, until you find the stairs, there is a door under the stairs with Level 1 Lock.

Demiguise Statue - Hogwarts Castle, Hogwarts North Exit in The Bell Tower Wing
Hogwarts Castle Defence Against The Dark Arts Tower. Go to Transfiguration Courtyard in The Astronomy Wing, use door near flo flame and enter Defence Against The Dark Arts Tower, straight to W door with Level 2 Lock.

Demiguise Statue - Hogwarts Castle, Defence Against The Dark Arts Tower
Now you should have 13 Demiguise Moons in your inventory. Return to Gladwin Moon for next step in The Man Behind the Moons Side Quest.
He will teach you Alohomora for Level 3 Locks. Level 3 is last level of Alohomora
Last 9 Demiguise Statues
Hogwarts Castle Divination Classroom in The Library Annex, take stairs up, then take ladder up.

Demiguise Statue - Hogwarts Castle, Divination Classroom in The Library Annex
Hogwarts Castle Library Restricted Section underground, go to Library in The Library Annex, head NE to The Restricted Section, go down the stairs, follow corridors deeper in underground.

Demiguise Statue - Hogwarts Castle, Library Restricted Section underground
Hogwarts Castle Dungeons, go to Transfiguration Courtyard in Astronomy Wing, from Floo Flame head NW, and exit Courtyard through big doors. Then go straight, then right, tak stairs down to the bottom, go through small door, go down until you find the sleeping dragon statue, next doors to left with Level 1 Lock.

Demiguise Statue - Hogwarts Castle, Dungeons
Hogwarts Castle Gryffindor Tower, Bathroom, go to Clock Tower Courtyard in The South Wing, take exit outside near Floo Flame, go straight to Gryffindor Tower, inside straight and left, second Door on left with Level 1 Lock. Use middle toilet door.

Demiguise Statue - Hogwarts Castle, Gryffindor Tower, Bathroom
Feldcroft Region in Irondale, inside a house.

Demiguise Statue - Feldcroft Region in Irondale
Feldcroft Region in Feldcroft Hamlet, inside house with Level 2 Lock.

Demiguise Statue - Feldcroft Region in Feldcroft Hamlet
Marunweem Lake Marunweem, inside a house.

Demiguise Statue - Marunweem Lake in Marunweem
Manor Cape Bainburgh Hamlet, inside a house, Level 1 Lock.

Demiguise Statue - Manor Cape in Bainburgh Hamlet
Cragcroftshire Cragcroft Hamlet, west part of village.

Demiguise Statue - Cragcroftshire in Cragcroft Hamlet
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