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- Hogwarts Legacy
- Companions
Companions in Hogwarts Legacy
Companions in Hogwarts Legacy
There are three possible Hogwarts Legacy Companions and they are Poppy Sweeting, Natsai Onai and Sebastian Sallow.
Companions in Hogwarts Legacy fulfill an important function, when we gain their trust, they will accompany us in the game, help us in our adventures and give us additional Relationship Line Quests. We will also have the opportunity to get to know and experience their personal stories.
So when we meet our potential Companions at Hogwarts, we should conduct dialogues with them with particular care and commitment.

Poppy Sweeting Companion
House: Hufflepuff
Beast Friends Achievement
Complete Poppy Sweeting's Relationship Quest Line.
Poppy is a bright and compassionate girl with extensive knowledge of and a deep love for creatures. In fact, she believes creatures have fat more redeeming qualities than most people, and has a particular aversion to poachers and those who work with them.

Natsai Onai Companion
House: Gryffindor
The Avenging Gazelle Achievement
Complete Natsai Onai's Relationship Quest Line
Nickname: Natty
Wise, quick-witted, and possessed of a need to seek justice, Natsai grew up in Matabeleland, Africa where she attended Uagadou - the largest wizarding school in the world.
She transferred to Hogwarts when her mother became the school's Divination professor and is adapting to her new life in Scotland.

Sebastian Sallow Companion
House: Slytherin
A Sallow Grave Achievement
Complete Sebastian Sallow's Relationship Quest Line
Sebastian is a charming and extroverted boy whose twin sister, Anne, suffers from a mysterious, debilitating curse.
Sebastian is convinced that her last hope for a cure lies in the Dark Arts and he is determined to find it.
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