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- Hogwarts Legacy
- Trophy Room Map
Trophy Room Map Hogwarts Legacy
Trophy Room Map for Hogwarts Legacy

Trophy Room Map for Hogwarts Legacy, Trophy Room is in The Grand Staircase region of Hogwarts Castle with location of Floo Flames, Secrets, Puzzles, NPC, Quests, Field Guide Pages, Conjurations, Wand Handles, Chests and Legendary Chest, Demiguise Statues, Daedalian Keys, Moths, Hogwarts Legacy Maps, Walkthrough & Guide.
Trophy Room Walkthrough Hogwarts Legacy
Trophy Room is located in The Grand Staircase of Hogwarts Castle in Hogwarts Legacy.
Above the Trophy Room are the floors of the Grand Staircase and at the top of the tower you will find the Headmaster's Office.
Summary for Trophy Room
Floo Flames
Revelio Pages
Lumos Painting
Wand Handles
Lock 1 Level
Lock 2 Level
Lock 3 Level
Legendary Chest
Lore Note
Trophy Room
Floo Flames Location
Exit to Grand Staircase Tower in The Grand Staircase
The Key of Admittance Secret Puzzle
After you finish "The Polyjuice Plot" Main Quest, you will start "Niamh Fitzgerald’s Trial" Main Quest.
During this Quest, you will be transformed into Headmaster Black by Professor Fig. And you will gain access to Headmaster’s Office (H).
In Headmaster’s Office in upper room (at the top of Grand Staircase Tower) you will find Key of Admittance, this key will open those Puzze Doors.
The Key of Admittance
Headmaster's Office Entrance
You will gain access to this staircase during "Niamh Fitzgerald’s Trial" Main Quest, it leads to Headmaster's Office
Quests in Trophy Room

M35 Main Quest
Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial
Story Chapter: Stop Ranrok and Rookwood
Prerequisite: The Polyjuice Plot completed
Required Level: 23 lvl
Starting Location: Headmaster's Office in The Grand Staircase
Now that I have the password to the Headmaster's office. I need to go in and speak to Niamh's portrait.
I spoke to Professor Fitzgerald and saw her memory. I returned to the Map Chamber and met the next Keeper – San Bakar
Revelio Field Guide Pages
Revelio Field Guide Pages in Trophy Room.
Troll Armour
Revelio Field Guide Page
This unusual suit of armour was crafted for a troll. That it has survived at all is astonishing since trolls do not ordinarily wear armour and would understandably be prone to smashing it in confusion or anger.

Goblet of Fire Casket
Revelio Field Guide Page
The Goblet of Fire rests within this ancient, jewel-encrusted chest. The Goblet has served as a means of selecting champions for the Triwizard Tournament since the contest's establishment in the late 13th century.

Trophy Room
Revelio Field Guide Page
This room contains the House Cup, Quidditch trophies, duelling trophies, and other awards given at the school. Students who step out of line can be found polishing the silver here, by hand, as a reminder of the value of hard work.

Centaur Armour
Revelio Field Guide Page
This unique set of armour was created as a misguided peace-offering to a centaur leader. The gift was spurned and the messenger shot through the leg with an arrow. The armour itself, battered with hoofmarks, was later recovered and refurbished.

House-Elf Armour
Revelio Field Guide Page
This set of armour for a house-elf is rumoured to have been made by a cruel wizard who wanted his elf to protect him in battle. Happily, the wizard was too dense to realise that armour could, in fact, be considered clothing. The moment the elf donned it, he Disapparated right out of it, never to be seen again.

Headmaster's Office Gargoyle
Revelio Field Guide Page
The staircase that leads to the Headmaster's office is guarded by an enchanted gargoyle that will let only those who know the password enter. Though, anyone choosing to visit the current occupant of the office is difficult to fathom.

Sleeping Portraits
Revelio Field Guide Page
Not all headmasters and headmistresses enjoy reliving the day-to-day challenges of running a school of witchcraft and wizardry. Some prefer to enjoy a well-earned nap when possible.
The Sorting Hat
Revelio Field Guide Page
This enchanted hat was created by the four founders of Hogwarts as the means by which students would be placed into one of the four school houses. Skilled at Legilimency, the Sorting Hat can 'see' into the wearer s head, allowing it to determine their thoughts and abilities.
Quill of Acceptance and Book of Admittance
Revelio Field Guide Page
The Quill of Acceptance and Book of Admittance were placed here by the founders and have not been touched since. They record the name of every prospective Hogwarts student the moment they first show signs of magic - although the quill is more lenient than the book, which will sometimes snap shut before a name is written if the evidence of magic is not dramatic enough.
Award for Excellence
Lore Note
Divination Experience Note
Lore Note
Letter From Professor Weasley's Brother
Lore Note
Note from Professor Sharp
Lore Note
Receipt for Personal Items
Lore Note
Letter to Black from the Minister
Lore Note
Trophy Room Map Legend
Castle maps have a different set of icons and descriptions than The Highlands maps in Hogwarts Legacy.
Field Guide Pages (not Revelio)
Flying Field Guide Pages, they float in the air, you see them as flying pages, you have to attract them with the Accio spell.
Braziers Field Guide Pages are invisible and are located in braziers in the shape of dragons. You must light a fire in the brazier, at close range with Incendio or, at long range, with Confringo.
Levioso Field Guide Pages, are invisible and hidden in the statues, the figure of a man holding a sphere in one hand and a wand in the other. You must cast Levioso on the statue.
Lumos Painting Field Guide Pages are hidden in empty paintings with moths on frames. You need to cast Lumos, see what is in the painting, go to that location and use Lumos to lure the Moth to the frame.
Main Quests
Side Quests
Relationship Quests
Professor's Assignments
Decorations and gameplay stations conjured in the Room of Requirement. Conjuration spellcrafts can be found in collection chests and purchased in Hogsmeade. Some are also hidden near butterflies and in Vivariums.
Wand Handles
Cosmetic alterations applied to your wand via the Gear Menu. Wand handles are primarily found in collection chests throughout the world.
Cast Revelio, Cast Lumos and lure Moth to proper Lumos Painting
Daedalian Keys
Daedalian Keys are for "The Daedalian Keys" Side Quest for open House Chests with House Tokens. Each key opens a specific House Cabinet.
House Cabinet
Can be unlock with proper Daedalian Key, for "The Daedalian Keys" Side Quest.
Lock 1 Level, you need Alohomora on Level 1 to unlock it.
Lock 2 Level, you need Alohomora on Level 2 to unlock it.
Lock 3 Level, you need Alohomora on Level 3 to unlock it.
Ordinary Treasure Chest
Ordinary Locked Treasure Chest - you need to cast Alohomora unlock it
Eyeball Chests, this chest is watching you, you must approach it using the Disillusionment spell
Legendary Chest, contains a random Legendary Gear based on your experience level
Lore Note
Demiguise Statues
You can start to collect Demiguise Statues after "The Caretaker's Lunar Lament" Main Quest, they are needed for upgrade Alohomora spell.
Dungeons Entrance
Astronomy Tables
You will require "Astronomy Class" Main Quest to use it.
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