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- Hogwarts Legacy
- Castle Sketch
Hogwarts Castle Sketch Map for Hogwarts Legacy
The new version of Hogwarts Castle Map is available on https://game-maps.com/HL/Hogwarts-Castle-Map.asp
Hogwarts Castle Preview Locations Map

Hogwarts Castle is the central location of Hogwarts Legacy gameplay, where the most important events take place and where you will meet most of the important characters. This Hogwarts Castle Map shows the most important locations in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in sketch form.
The new version of Hogwarts Castle Map is available on https://game-maps.com/HL/Hogwarts-Castle-Map.asp
Hogwarts Castle Map Locations
The South Wing
- Clock Tower Clock Tower Map
- Faculty Tower Faculty Tower Map
- Hospital Wing Hospital Wing Map
- Gryffindor Tower Gryffindor Tower Map
- Clock Tower Courtyard Clock Tower Courtyard Map
- Gryffindor Common Room Gryffindor Common Room Map
- Hogwarts South Exit
The Grand Staircase
- Grand Staircase, Grand Staircase Tower, Lower Grand Staircase Grand Staircase Map
- Trophy Room Trophy Room Map
- Slytherin Dungeon Slytherin Dungeon Map
- Slytherin Common Room Slytherin Common Room Map
- Ravenclaw Tower Ravenclaw Tower Map
- Ravenclaw Common Room Ravenclaw Common Room Map
- Quad Courtyard Quad Courtyard Map
The Great Hall
- Great Hall Great Hall Map
- Entrance Hall & Reception Hall Map Entrance Hall & Reception Hall Map
- Viaduct Courtyard Viaduct Courtyard Map
- Boathouse & Underground Harbour Map Boathouse & Underground Harbour Map
- Hogwarts Kitchens Hogwarts Kitchens Map
- Hufflepuff Common Room Hufflepuff Common Room Map
The Library Annex
- Viaduct Entrance, Divination Classroom, Arithmancy Classroom Viaduct Entrance Map
- Central Hall Central Hall Map
- Greenhouses Greenhouses Map
- Library Library Map
- Library Restricted Section Library Restricted Section Map
- Potions Classroom & Long Gallery Potions Classroom & Long Gallery Map
The Bell Tower Wing
- Bell Tower Bell Tower Map
- North Hall North Hall Map
- Bell Tower Courtyard, Flying Class Lawn, Beasts Classroom, Hogwarts North Exit Bell Tower Courtyard
- West Tower West Tower
The Astronomy Wing
- Dark Arts Tower, Charms Classroom, Dark Arts Classroom, Professor Fig's Classroom Dark Arts Tower Map
- Astronomy Tower Astronomy Tower Map
- Transfiguration Courtyard, Transfiguration Classroom Transfiguration Courtyard Map
- Dungeons Dungeons Map
Common Room Locations in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
There are four Common Rooms at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.
The Gryffindor Common Room
Gryffindor Common Room is located in Gryffindor Tower and entrance is concealed under the portrait of the Fat Lady.

Entrance to Gryffindor Common Room
Portrait of Fat Lady is guarding entrance.

Gryffindor Common Room
in Gryffindor Tower
The Slytherin Common Room
Slytherin Common Room is located in Slytherin Dungeon, entrance is hidden behind a bare section of stone wall.
The door appears after saying the password.

Entrance to Slytherin Common Room
Entrance is hidden behind a bare section of stone wall, door appears after saying the password.

Slytherin Common Room
in Dungeons under Hogwarts Lake
Hufflepuff Common Room
Hufflepuff Common Room located in Hufflepuff Basement, big barel like doors near stack of barrels.

Entrance to Hufflepuff Common Room
Entrance is hidden in big barel like doors near stack of barrels.

Hufflepuff Common Room
in Hufflepuff Basement
Ravenclaw Common Room
Ravenclaw Common Room is located in Ravenclaw Tower behind door without a doorknob or keyhole with, knocker in the shape of eagle.

Entrance to Ravenclaw Common Room
Entrance is hidden behind Ravenclaw Doorknocker.

Ravenclaw Common Room
in Ravenclaw Tower
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