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- Hogwarts Legacy
- Dark Arts Tower Map
Dark Arts Tower Map Hogwarts Legacy
Dark Arts Tower Map for Hogwarts Legacy

Dark Arts Tower Map for Hogwarts Legacy, Dark Arts Tower is in The Astronomy Wing region of Hogwarts Castle with location of Floo Flames, Secrets, Puzzles, NPC, Quests, Field Guide Pages, Conjurations, Wand Handles, Chests and Legendary Chest, Demiguise Statues, Daedalian Keys, Moths, Hogwarts Legacy Maps, Walkthrough & Guide.
Dark Arts Tower Walkthrough Hogwarts Legacy
Dark Arts Tower is located in The Astronomy Wing of Hogwarts Castle in Hogwarts Legacy.
- Defence Against The Dark Arts Tower
- Undercroft
- Defence Against The Dark Arts Classroom
- Professor Fig's Classroom
- Charms Classroom
- Professor Hecat's Office
- Professor Fig's Office
- Professor Ronen Office
- Hall of Herodiana
Summary for Dark Arts Tower
Floo Flames
Revelio Pages
Flying Pages
Braziers Pages
Levioso Pages
Lumos Painting
Wand Handles
Daedalian Keys
House Cabinet
Lock 1 Level
Lock 2 Level
Lock 3 Level
Legendary Chest
Locked Chest
Eyeball Chest
Lore Note
Demiguise Statue
Dungeon Entrance
Transfiguration Courtyard
Floo Flames Location
The Astronomy Wing
Defence Against The Dark Arts Classroom
Floo Flames Location
The Astronomy Wing
Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower
Floo Flames Location
The Astronomy Wing
Professor Fig's Classroom
Floo Flames Location
The Astronomy Wing
Charms Classroom
Floo Flames Location
The Astronomy Wing
Exit to Transfiguration Courtyard in The Astronomy Wing
Exit to West Tower, Pungent Passage in The Bell Tower Wing
Exit to Viaduct Entrance in The Library Annex
Exit to Quad Courtyard in The Grand Staircase
Exit to Astronomy Tower in The Astronomy Wing
Undercroft Entrance
You can enter The Undercroft after completing In the Shadow of the Undercroft Main Quest
Hall of Herodiana
You can enter Hall of Herodiana Dungeon while performing The Hall of Herodiana Side Quest
Quests in Dark Arts Tower

M03 Main Quest
Charms Class
Story Chapter: Attend Your First Day at Hogwarts
Prerequisite: Welcome to Hogwarts completed
Required Level: 1 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower, Charms Classroom
The Field Guide Map shows Professor Ronen's class is in the Astronomy Wing.
That was an exciting class! I attended my first Charms class with Professor Ronen and learned the Summoning Charm, Accio. To practice, Professor Ronen arranged a game called Summoner's Court and matched me against Natty Onai – and I won the game! Professor Ronen is preparing a special assignment for me and wants me to spend more time with Natty.
Quest Reward: Accio Spell

M04 Main Quest
Defence Against the Dark Arts
Story Chapter: Attend Your First Day at Hogwarts
Prerequisite: Welcome to Hogwarts completed
Required Level: 1 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower, Defence Against The Dark Arts Classroom
The Field Guide Map shows Professor Hecat's class is in the lower section of the Astronomy Wing.
I attended Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It went well. I learned a new spell, Levioso, the Levitating spell. Then I learned how to use Levioso to break an enemy’s magical shield. On top of that I participated in my first duel and I’m honestly the natural talent. Perhaps I could give that unofficial dueling club a try?
Quest Reward: Levioso Spell

M07 Main Quest
The Locket's Secret
Story Chapter: Find the Secret in the Restricted Section
Prerequisite: Welcome to Hogsmeade completed, read Professor Fig’s letter.
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower, Professor Fig's Office
I need to tell Professor Fig about the troll attack in Hogsmeade, and I'd like to find out if he's learned more about the locket we found in Gringotts.
Professor Fig found a map that leads to something in the Restricted Section. He wants me to visit Professor Hecat before we go any further.

M09 Main Quest
Tomes and Tribulations
Story Chapter: Find the Secret in the Restricted Section
Prerequisite: Secrets of the Restricted Section completed
Required Level: 3 lvl
Fig will be interested to see the book I found below the Restricted Section. I should take it to him.
I brought the book that I found below the Restricted Section to Professor Fig. He was impressed, but disappointed to find that several pages were missing. He wants to study the book and see if he can glean any information from it. I think we are going to need thos pages.

M18 Main Quest
In the Shadow of the Undercroft
Story Chapter: Complete the First Keeper Trial
Prerequisite: Flying Class completed
Required Level: 8 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower
This Quest is part of Sebastian Sallow Storyline.
I can probably find Sebastian at his usual spot near the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom.
Sebastian showed me a hidden room called 'the Undercroft' where we could talk privately. I finally told him the truth about my ability to see traces of ancient magic. In return, Sebastian taught me the Blasting Curse, Confringo. The Undercroft is a great place to practise spells; I can see why Sebastian wants to keep it a secret.
Quest Reward: Confringo Spell

M34 Main Quest
The Polyjuice Plot
Story Chapter: Stop Ranrok and Rookwood
Prerequisite: The Headmistress Speaks completed
Required Level: 23 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower, Professor Fig's Office
I've taken the Polyjuice Potion, and now I need to find Madam Kogawa. She may know more about the Headmaster's house-elf, named Scrope.
I found out the password to the Headmaster’s office. Now to get in there and see what Professor Fitzgerald has planned for me.

A02 Professor Assignment
Professor Hecat's Assignment 1
Prerequisite: The Locket’s Secret completed
Required Level: 4 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower, Dark Arts Classroom
Quest Giver: Dinah Hecat (Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts)
Professor Hecat would like to speak to me about some additional assignments.
Quest Reward: Incendio Spell

A05 Professor Assignment
Professor Hecat's Assignment 2
Prerequisite: The Locket’s Secret completed
Required Level: 7 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower, Dark Arts Classroom
Quest Giver: Dinah Hecat (Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts)
Professor Hecat wants me to practise avoiding attacks by dodge rolling. She also wants me to cast Incendio on a few enemies. My Field Guide will not guide me through this assignment, but my map could still prove useful.
I successfully tested dodge rolling and incendio in the field. When I turned in the assignment with Professor Hecat, she instructed me on how to knock objects out of the hands of my opponents using Expelliarmus, the Disarming Charm.
Quest Reward: Expelliarmus Spell

S04 Side Quest
Gobs of Gobstones
Prerequisite: Weasley After Class completed
Required Level: 3 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower
Quest Giver: Zenobia Noke
Zenobia's Gobstones are hidden around the castle. She said that the other students hid them out of her reach. They must have used magic to do it.
Quest Reward: Wand Handles

S05 Side Quest
Cache in the Castle
Prerequisite: Welcome to Hogsmeade completed
Required Level: 4 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower
Quest Giver: Arthur Plummly.
I saw Arthur Plummly studying two treasure maps he had found. I should see if he needs any help.
It looks as if I'm supposed to find a dragon fountain. The tree in the background makes me think it's in a courtyard. A door behind it has been circled.
Quest Reward: Authentic Historian's Uniform

S14 Side Quest
Venomous Valour
Prerequisite: Professor Hecat’s Assignment 1 completed
Required Level: 5 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower
Quest Giver: Duncan Hobbhouse.
Duncan Hobbhouse seems to have a Puffskein problem. I wonder If I can help him out.
Quest Reward: Venomous Tentacula Robe

S21 Side Quest
The Hall of Herodiana
Prerequisite: The Helm of Urtkot completed
Required Level: 15 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower
Quest Giver: Sophronia Franklin.
Sophronia Franklin seems like she could use my help. She's near Charms class in the lounge.
I solved the puzzles in the Hall of Herodiana and was rewarded with a unique outfit. I showed it to Sophronia Franklin, as promised. She was thrilled.
Quest Reward: Appearances

S27 Side Quest
All’s Well That Ends Bell
Prerequisite: In the Shadow of the Mine completed
Required Level: 22 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower
Quest Giver: Evangeline Bardsley.
A Hufflepuff in the Astronomy Wing seems upset about something. Perhaps I can help.
I located the bells missing from the Bell Tower and restored them to their proper place, preserving a bit of Hogwarts history. Evangeline was delighted and is convinced future generations will benefit from my actions.
Quest Reward: Erumpent Horn

R18 Sebastian Sallow Relationship Quest
In the Shadow of Discovery
Prerequisite: In the Shadow of the Study & Charles Rookwood’s Trial completed
Required Level: 17 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower, Undercroft
Quest Giver: Sebastian Sallow
Sebastian sent me an owl saying he found something interesting in the book from the Scriptorium and he wants to discuss it in the Undercroft.

R20 Sebastian Sallow Relationship Quest
In the Shadow of Distance
Prerequisite: In the Shadow of Time completed
Required Level: 17 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower, Undercroft
Quest Giver: Sebastian Sallow
After the troubling events that transpired in Feldcroft, Sebastian wants to meet with me in the Undercroft.
Sebastian is desperate to talk to Anne now, but since he has been banished, he must find a way to do it without Solomon knowing. He devised a plan to send her a message along with a crest she gave him as a child, so she'll know it's from him. He says that he'll be in touch soon.
Quest Reward: Imperio Spell
R23 Sebastian Sallow Relationship Quest
In the Shadow of Fate
Prerequisite: In the Shadow of the Relic & San Bakar’s Trial completed
Required Level: 30 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower, Undercroft
Quest Giver: Sebastian Sallow
Sebastian wants me to meet him in the Undercroft after the events that took place in the catacomb.
R24 Sebastian Sallow Relationship Quest
In the Shadow of Revelation
Prerequisite: The Final Repository completed
Required Level: 30 lvl
Starting Location: when you finish The Final Repository.
Depending on how you dealt with Sebastian in In the Shadow of Fate, you will get a different cutscene.
R25 Sebastian Sallow Relationship Quest
In the Shadow of Friendship
Prerequisite: The Final Repository & In the Shadow of Fate completed
Required Level: 30 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower, Undercroft
Quest Giver: Sebastian Sallow
Now that some time has passed since the events at the Feldcroft catacomb, I should see how Sebastian is faring. Thankfully, we have the Undercroft to speak privately.
Quest Reward: A Sallow Grave Achievement
Revelio Field Guide Pages
Revelio Field Guide Pages in Dark Arts Tower.
Painting of Illyius
Revelio Field Guide Page
This painting depicts the young orphan wizard Illyius, who famously saved his entire village from an army of Dementors and the Dark wizard Raczidian by conjuring a mouse Patronus.

Boggart Closet
Revelio Field Guide Page
This old cupboard is said to have once contained a powerful Boggart that five professors working together could barely repel as it shifted among werewolf, tornado, a plate of haggis, a Hungarian Horntail and someone's mother-in-law.

Serpentine Beast Window
Revelio Field Guide Page
Although Slytherins like to think this window is somehow a tribute to their house founder, it is actually a serpentine beast coiled around a tree that extends from the mouth of the legendary Green Man.

Hebridean Black Skeleton
Revelio Field Guide Page
This large dragon skeleton that hangs in the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom is allegedly a trophy taken by Professor Hecat after she single-handedly defeated one of the largest poaching rings in Eastern Wales during the Great Poacher Raid of 1878.

Augurey Skeleton
Revelio Field Guide Page
This is a skeleton of an Irish phoenix or Augurey - an intensely shy bird who can forecast the coming of rain and whose mournful cry was once believed to foretell death.

Dark Tower Cell
Revelio Field Guide Page
It is said that, centuries ago, a Charms professor kept a troll here on which students could practise particularly challenging spells. Shocking, to be sure, but perhaps unsurprising during a time when Quidditch involved the use of live Snidgets. One can only wonder what it may be used for in the future.

Arithmancy Door Puzzle

Arithmancy Study Guide Page
A page torn from an Arithmancy study guide that contains a list of numbers assigned to various magical beasts.
Faculty Gathering Note
Lore Note
Note from Madam Kogawa
Lore Note
Letter to Fig from Black
Lore Note
Letter from a Publisher
Lore Note
Ronen's Lesson Plan
Lore Note
Dark Arts Tower Map Legend
Castle maps have a different set of icons and descriptions than The Highlands maps in Hogwarts Legacy.
Field Guide Pages (not Revelio)
Flying Field Guide Pages, they float in the air, you see them as flying pages, you have to attract them with the Accio spell.
Braziers Field Guide Pages are invisible and are located in braziers in the shape of dragons. You must light a fire in the brazier, at close range with Incendio or, at long range, with Confringo.
Levioso Field Guide Pages, are invisible and hidden in the statues, the figure of a man holding a sphere in one hand and a wand in the other. You must cast Levioso on the statue.
Lumos Painting Field Guide Pages are hidden in empty paintings with moths on frames. You need to cast Lumos, see what is in the painting, go to that location and use Lumos to lure the Moth to the frame.
Main Quests
Side Quests
Relationship Quests
Professor's Assignments
Decorations and gameplay stations conjured in the Room of Requirement. Conjuration spellcrafts can be found in collection chests and purchased in Hogsmeade. Some are also hidden near butterflies and in Vivariums.
Wand Handles
Cosmetic alterations applied to your wand via the Gear Menu. Wand handles are primarily found in collection chests throughout the world.
Cast Revelio, Cast Lumos and lure Moth to proper Lumos Painting
Daedalian Keys
Daedalian Keys are for "The Daedalian Keys" Side Quest for open House Chests with House Tokens. Each key opens a specific House Cabinet.
House Cabinet
Can be unlock with proper Daedalian Key, for "The Daedalian Keys" Side Quest.
Lock 1 Level, you need Alohomora on Level 1 to unlock it.
Lock 2 Level, you need Alohomora on Level 2 to unlock it.
Lock 3 Level, you need Alohomora on Level 3 to unlock it.
Ordinary Treasure Chest
Ordinary Locked Treasure Chest - you need to cast Alohomora unlock it
Eyeball Chests, this chest is watching you, you must approach it using the Disillusionment spell
Legendary Chest, contains a random Legendary Gear based on your experience level
Lore Note
Demiguise Statues
You can start to collect Demiguise Statues after "The Caretaker's Lunar Lament" Main Quest, they are needed for upgrade Alohomora spell.
Dungeons Entrance
Astronomy Tables
You will require "Astronomy Class" Main Quest to use it.
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