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- Hogwarts Legacy
- Poppy Sweeting
Poppy Sweeting in Hogwarts Legacy
Poppy Sweeting NPC Info
- House: Hufflepuff.
- Poppy Sweeting can be your Companion in Hogwarts Legacy.
- Student of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Poppy Sweeting in Hogwarts Legacy
Poppy is a bright and compassionate girl with extensive knowledge of and a deep love for creatures. In fact, she believes creatures have fat more redeeming qualities than most people, and has a particular aversion to poachers and those who work with them.
Poppy Sweeting Storyline Relationship Quests
List of Relationship Quests, Main Quests and Storyline Quests related to Poppy Sweeting storyline.
Beasts Class Main Quest Required Level: Lv 13
Fire and Vice Main Quest Required Level: Lv 19

R01 Poppy Sweeting Relationship Quest
A Dragon Debrief
Prerequisite: Fire and Vice completed
Required Level: 19 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade, Three Broomsticks
Quest Giver: Poppy Sweeting
After rescuing a dragon from the clutches of the Poacher Pack, Poppy is ready to discuss our next move. She wants to meet in the Three Broomsticks.
Poppy and I discovered Horntail Hall, a dragon fighting ring run by Rookwood's Poacher Pack. While there we rescued a dragon and found her egg. Poppy noticed that most of the dragons at Horntail Hall were wearing some sort of collar – likely made of goblin silver – that might be controlling them. This indicates some sort of connection between Rookwood's Poacher Pack and Ranrok's Loyalists. She'd like to confirm that the dragon we freed wasn't wearing one. She mentioned she'd be in touch once she tracked down the dragon's location.

R02 Poppy Sweeting Relationship Quest
Poached Egg
Prerequisite: A Dragon Debrief completed
Required Level: 20 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade, Hogsmeade Square
Quest Giver: Poppy Sweeting
Poppy sent me an owl saying she knows where we need to return the dragon egg we have in our possession. I'm to meet her in Hogsmeade's town circle.
Poppy and I freed a dragon from Horntail Hall, a dragon fighting ring organized by Rookwood's Poacher Pack. Though the dragon was able to escape, she unknowingly left behind her egg which we were able to return to her.

R03 Poppy Sweeting Relationship Quest
The Poachers' House Call
Prerequisite: Poached Egg completed
Required Level: 20 lvl
Starting Location: Bell Tower Courtyard, Beasts Classroom
Quest Giver: Poppy Sweeting
I should talk to Poppy and find out why she left so abruptly after we returned the dragon egg.
Poppy and I were able to save a dragon from the clutches of Victor Rookwood's Poacher Pack, but this heroism came at a price. The poachers identified Poppy and went to her gran's house in search of the dragon's egg. They refused to leave empty-handed, so they took valuable journals her gran had discovered in her research of rare creatures. Now, Poppy and I are on a mission to find and protect the most rare of these creatures, the Snidgets, before the poachers can get to them. Luckily, she has a lead. She thinks the centaurs might be able to help us find and protect the Snidgets – just as soon as she can track them down.

R04 Poppy Sweeting Relationship Quest
Surprise Meeting
Prerequisite: The Poachers’ House Call completed
Required Level: 20 lvl
Starting Location: Forbidden Forrest
Quest Giver: Poppy Sweeting
Last I talked to Poppy, she was worried about the Snidgets. She said to meet her in the Forbidden Forest to figure out our rescue plan.
I spoke with Poppy about her plan to rescue the Snidgets. It involved the aid of the centaurs. One named Dorran seems open to helping us.
R05 Poppy Sweeting Relationship Quest
The Centaur and the Stone
Prerequisite: Surprise Meeting completed
Required Level: 27 lvl
Starting Location: Feldcroft Region, Irondale
Quest Giver: Poppy Sweeting
Poppy sent me an owl saying that she wants to meet near Irondale at a cave south of Hogwarts.
R06 Poppy Sweeting Relationship Quest
It’s in the Stars
Prerequisite: The Centaur and the Stone completed
Required Level: 27 lvl
Starting Location: Forbidden Forest
Quest Giver: Poppy Sweeting
Poppy has shown Dorran the symbol the Mooncalves made at the henge. I should speak with Dorran and hear what he has to say.
R07 Poppy Sweeting Relationship Quest
A Bird in the Hand
Prerequisite: It’s in the Stars completed and Glacius Spell
Required Level: 27 lvl
Starting Location: Hogwarts Valley, Brocburrow
Quest Giver: Poppy Sweeting
Dorran suspects he knows where the Snidgets were hidden. Poppy and I are meeting him southwest of Brocburrow to investigate it.
R08 Poppy Sweeting Relationship Quest
Poppy Blooms
Prerequisite: A Bird in the Hand and The Final Repository completed
Required Level: 27 lvl
Starting Location: Great Hall
Quest Giver: Poppy Sweeting
Poppy and I beat the poachers and saved the Snidgets. I wonder how she feels about it all. I should meet her in the Great Hall and talk to her.
Quest Reward: Beast Friends Achievement
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