Vendrien's Well Citadel - Rebel Version - Tyranny Map
Rebel Version of Vendrien's Well Citadel. This ancient fortress rests within the center of Apex's valley, its ring-shaped wall mimicking the mountains that border the nation. The Citadel has been repaired and, while understaffed, remains a formidable presence in the valley.

You came here when you are allied with Rebels. You will defend Vendrien's Well
The Oathbreakers
01 Tarkis Arri
Speak to Arri about her plan to defend the Citadel.
Eb Companion
You can join Eb here as your companion.
02 Go to Eastern Courtyard
03 Kill Atackers
04 Iron Marshal Erenyos
05 Kill attackers outside walls
06 Return to Main Courtyard
07 Kill attackers
08 Enter Citadel Barracks
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