Tripnettle Wilderness - Tyranny Map
Tripnettle earned its title from a preponderance of thick, stinging nettles. Though expanding settlers aggressively cleared the plant, the name persisted. Tripnettle is but one of several expansive forests in the valley, easily capable of obscuring rebel movements and operations. You determined that the Vendrien Guard have operated in this area, making it a prime location to secure. Tripnettle Wilderness is located in Vendrien's Well.

You came here to solve Taking the Outer Valley
01 Fake Limp
02 Pelox Florian Pelox Travost
Sigil of Frostfire
Possible solutions:
- You weren't able to negotiate a peaceful outcome with the Vendrien Guard in the Tripnettle Wilderness. Kill them all.
- You've gone against your orders and allowed the Vendrien Guard to flee. It would be best to leave Tripnettle before the Scarlet Chorus catch word of this, or you'll have to silence them.
- You convinced Captain Florian to surrender. Fake Limp is awaiting your return in the Tripnettle Wilderness and will be pleased to hear about your success.
If you want to ally with Vendrien Guard you have to let Pelox Florian flee
03 Fake Limp Talk to Fake Limp again. If you choose to Vendrien Guard flee, you have to fight Scarlet Chorus
04 If you choose violent solution. Pelox Florian's reinforcements have arrived in Tripnettle Wilderness. You need to kill them all to cleanse the area of all rebel resistance.
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