Vendrien's Well - Tyranny Map
Vendrien's Well is the name of the central plateau of the Tiers, a mountain-ringed valley of rivers, flood plains, and scattered farmland once ruled by House Vendrien of the realm of Apex. At the heart of the valley is the Mountain Spire, and at the base of the massive stone structure is an old citadel built centuries ago and largely left unused until recent times.

1 Edgering Ruins You start adventure here.
Recruit Verse
2Disfavored Camp
Talk to Archons in Ashe's Tent. The Battle of Echocall Crossing, Taking the Outer Valley
Talk to Isotanis Forge-Bound Iron
Talk to Ceveus Earthshaker Reinforcements
3Scarlet Chorus Camp
Talk to Death Knell The Way of the Horde
Recruit Lantry
4Remote Settlement
Kill rebels
5Tripnettle Wilderness
If you want to ally with the rebels, let go Pelox Florian free. Otherwise kill or ensle him.
6Northern Clearing
Free Earthshakers
7Echocall Crossing
Chace Rebels.
8Echocall Village
If you want to ally with the rebels, let go Matani Sybil and other rebels free. Otherwise kill or ensle him.
Pick Forge-Bound Iron Ingots
9Secluded Grove
This location is only for ally with rebels.
10Vendrien's Well Citadel
Defend Citadel or Attack Citadel.
11Citadel Barracks
12Ascension Hall
13Mountain Spire - Vendrien's Well
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