Tyranny Game Guide, Walkthrough and Maps
This website is dedicated to the great cRPG Video Game Tyranny, produced by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Paradox Interactive. Game Guide includes Walkthrough, Game Atlas with Maps containing main and secondary locations, friendly and enemy NPCs, Quest starters, secrets and hidden items.

Story about Tyranny Begins...
All the world of Terratus has fallen to Overlord Kyros, and now his eye is on the Tiers, our home, the last corner of the world free of Kyros' reign.
Two armies, the Disfavored and the Scarlet Chorus march south from the Northern Empire, the last realm to fall to Kyros a century prior.
In the early days of 428, Kyros' armies arrive at the Gates of Judgment, the mountainous border that we Tiersmen so long believed unassailable.
Unable to agree on a unified plan of defense, the various leaders of the Tiers sit and wait for each other to deal with the conquerors, until it's too late ...

With each level you can increase one of your character's attributes: Might, Finesse, Quickness, Wits, Vitality, or Resolve. Each of these Attributes provides benefits to your character, as well as increases one or more skills.
There are six categories of talents available to your character: Leadership, Defense, Power, Agility, Ranged, and Magic. With each level you gain one point to purchase a talent from any of these categories.
Your character's attributes, skills, history, and gender - as well as decisions you made in the Conquest - may all open up options for you in dialogue. These options are not necessarily superior to the other responses, but give you a wider variety of choices to select from. The manner in which someone responds to your choices depends on their individual personality and attitude.
Most people you encounter in the world are neutral or friendly. You can interact with them by clicking on their selection circle. Many characters will simply greet you and go on their way, but others will have larger conversations to explore.
Conversations involve you, another character, and sometimes additional parties like bystanders or companions who may interject. The choices you make change how the story develops and will build a reputation for your character over time. People in the world will learn of your reputations - good and bad - and respond accordingly.
Each character who speaks to you will display a banner beneath their portrait. These banners indicate which faction the character is allied with. The tooltip on these banners will provide details about how that faction feels about you.
Tyranny uses a pauseable real-time combat system. Because you will often manage more than one character at a time, it's a good idea to pause the game, issue orders, and resume real-time to see the orders play out. The Options menu also contains many choices for automatic pausing when certain conditions are met (e.g., the start of combat). Press [SPACE] to pause and unpause the game.
Your character can always perform basic attacks using their equipped weapon, or their fists if fighting unarmed. Characters also have special abilities and spells they can use in combat. When a character is selected, their ability bar displays their hotkeyed abilities. As new abilities and spells are gained, they are automatically added to the ability bar.
All characters in the game, friend and foe, have five primary defenses against attacks: Parry, Dodge, Endurance, Will, and Magic. These defenses are based on the character's attributes, equipped items, and other effects. A character's accuracy is based on their skill with the type of weapon they are wielding. Accuracy is compared to the appropriate defenses when an attack is made to determine how likely it is that the attack will hit.
There are four possible results from any attack: Hit, Critical Hit, Graze, and Miss. A critical hit increases your damage, while a graze reduces it. With each attack, you gain experience in the weapon skill(s) used to make the attack. Even a miss will grant some experience.
All attacks that do damage have to overcome the target's Armor. An enemy's armor reduces the incoming damage by the listed amount, down to a minimum of 1 point. Some armor is stronger at defending against some types of damage than others. Most enemies are strong against one or two damage types and weak against a similar number.
The damage types are: Slash, Pierce, Crush, Burn, Frost, Shock, Corrode, and Arcane. Some abilities do Raw damage, which ignores armor.
Spells are created using two or more Sigils. The core sigil determines the type of magic, such as Fire, Frost, or Illusion. The expression sigil determines how that core shapes itself into the world - such as a ball of fire, or frost enchanting a weapon. There are several categories of sigils that can accent a spell, granting it greater range, accuracy, or providing bonus secondary effects.
To begin creating a spell, select the Core Sigil for the type of magic followed by the Expression Sigil to determine what form the spell takes. For example, if you wanted to create a Fireball Spell, you would select the Sigil of Flame as the Core, followed by the Sigil of Directed Force to determine its shape.
Spells have default names based on the selected Core and Expression. You can rename your spells using the spell interface.
Once you have created a spell, use the Assign button to add that spell to one of your active party members. You can assign a spell to more than one character. If you want to modify the spell later after you've discovered more sigils, select the spell from the party member you wish to modify. The interface will populate with that spell's information, allowing you to modify it and save your changes.
Each Sigil requires a certain amount of Lore skill to learn and control. Characters must have a Lore skill at least equal to the spell's total difficulty in order to cast the spell.
As you use your skills in the game, they accumulate experience. When they gain enough experience they will increase their skill rank. As skill ranks increase, your characters will gain experience towards their next level.
All abilities and spells in Tyranny have a cooldown timer that determines how often they can be used in combat. Some abilities have short cooldowns and can be used multiple times per combat. Others recover more slowly. The Quickness attribute reduces the cooldown time of spells and abilities. Ability Cooldowns reduce while the party travels through an area and when resting. Traveling between areas on the World Map does not affect cooldown times.
Scouting mode is used both for stealth and for finding hidden objects like traps and secret containers. While scouting, your characters' selection circles will start to fill with yellow when a hostile character is starting to detect them. Once the circle fills yellow, the character is suspicious and will move to investigate while the circle fills red. If the circle becomes fully red, your characters will be discovered.
Spire will be your home base as you adventure through the lands of Tiers. Your Spire gives you a free location to rest and recover from your travels. As you acquire more Spires, you will discover additional functionality.
Artifacts are powerful magical items that, when wielded, grant their owner a new ability. Artifacts are known throughout the Tiers - and the greater Empire beyond. As an Artifact's reputation grows, its ability becomes more powerful.
About Tyranny Video Game
video game name Tyranny
game developer Obsidian Entertainment https://www.obsidian.net/
significant persons Brian Heins (Game Director), Matthew Singh (Game Producer), Matt MacLean (Game Writer)
game publisher Paradox Interactive https://www.paradoxplaza.com/
official game page http://www.tyrannygame.com/
game genre Role-Playing Game, Adventure
game mechanics Isometric, Skill-based RPG, Combat in real time with an active pause.
game engine Modified version of the Unity engine used in Pillars of Eternity
release date 10 November 2016
game mode Single Player Only
hardware platforms Windows, Mac OS X, SteamOS + Linux
STEAM Steam Support with Steam Achievements
languages English, French, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian
age and content ratings 16+, Bad Language, Violence
system requirements Minimum PC System Requirements
Windows 7 64-bit or newer OS, Intel Core 2 Quad Q9505 2.80 GHz / AMD Athlon II X4 840 3.10 GHz, 4 GB RAM Memory, ATI Radeon HD 5770 or NVIDIA GeForce GTS450 with 1GB VRAM.

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