The Outer Worlds Maps & Walkthrough

Reputation, Factions and Corporations in The Outer Worlds

Fractions in The Outer Worlds with possible positive or negative reputation.

Your in-game deeds affect your reputation, positive or negative, that your character earns from the organizations in The Outer Worlds.

Apart from the bonuses it can offer, reputation also affects the game ending.

Factions with Primary Reputation


A former colony ship turned space station, Groundbreaker is the only township in the system operating outside the Board's control. The Groundbreaker's crew are led by engineer-turned-captain Junlei Tennyson, and they are fiercely protective of their independence.


The Iconoclasts are a group of survivalists living in the ruins of Amber Heights on Monarch. Led by Graham Bryant, a staunch Philosophist, they hope to one day tear down the corporate establishment that they believe has brought the colony to the brink of death.

Monarch Stellar Industries

Once a loyal Board-owned corporation, Monarch Stellar Industries split off to become their own private entity under the leadership of Sanjar Nandi. Espousing worker-centric rights and democratic ideals, Sanjar seeks to bring his own brand of freedoms to the rest of Halcyon.

Sublight Salvage & Shipping

SubLight is a network of "salvagers" with business ties to "transportation" and "waste disposal." A tangled web of contractors and secretive vice presidents make up their official hierarchy, leaving no one to speak on the record about SubLight's more legallydubious activities.

The Board

The Halcyon Holdings Board of Directors is a group of CEOs from each of Halcyon's founding companies. Under the leadership of Chairman Rockwell, the CEO of Universal Defense Logistics, the Board institutes policy and law throughout the Halcyon colony.

Factions with Secondary Reputation


The Deserters are a community of disillusioned workers who left the town of Edgewater. They live together in a makeshift camp located in the Botanical Lab district of Emerald Vale.

Quests that raise your reputation with The Deserters:

Comes Now The Power Comes Now The Power Main Quest

Redirect power to Edgewater but you: persuade Reed Tobson to leave Edgewater, make Adelaide return to Edgewater and make Deserters return to Edgewater.

The Frightened Engineer The Frightened Engineer Side Quest

A Few Kindred Spirits A Few Kindred Spirits Side Quest

Spacer's Choice

Spacer's Choice is the favorite brand for a colonist on the budget. The town of Edgewater, and the region of Emerald Vale, are properties of the Spacer's Choice company.

Quests that raise your reputation with Spacer's Choice:

Comes Now The Power Comes Now The Power Main Quest - Redirect power to Edgewater

Die, Robot Die, Robot Side Quest

Fistful Of Digits Fistful Of Digits Side Quest

The Long Tomorrow The Long Tomorrow Side Quest

The Illustrated Manual The Illustrated Manual Companion Quest

A Small Grave Matter A Small Grave Matter Task

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