Geothermal Power Plant Map for The Outer Worlds
Map for Geothermal Power Plant in Emerald Vale Region on Terra 2 Planet for The Outer Worlds, with discovered Points of Interest, Fast Travel locations, Quest List, NPCs, Vendors and Vending Machines and Workbenches. Game Guide & Walkthrough for The Outer Worlds.

Geothermal Power Plant Location in Emerald Vale on Terra 2 Planet in The Outer Worlds
You come here for:
Comes Now The Power
The Frightened Engineer
Die, Robot
The whole task related to Main Quest Comes Now The Power boils down to deciding which side you will take, whether you support Spacer's Choice (Edgewater) or Deserters (Botanical Lab). Even if your intuition tells you to redirect power to Botanical Lab, don't do it, redirect power to Edgewater. It's a better solution.
The entire Geothermal Power Plant area, both on the surface and underground, is controlled by rebellious automechanicals. You must eliminate them. You can facilitate this task in two ways.
- You can get help from Jeremy (whom you repaired in Junkyard - Emerald Vale), he is inside of Plant.
- You can Reprogram the Automechanicals. Unfortunately, to do this you still need to get to the bottom of the Plant and talk to Chester who has the right codes. This is just an option, you don't have to do it.
Ground Level
Eliminate enemies on ground level or sneak inside building.
At the Terminal in the guard booth you can turn off the electric fence barriers.
Use Terminal for The Frightened Engineer the clue leads to Repair Bay
A ladder leads to the office upstairs where using terminal you can open the door to the office upstairs.
Master Control Terminal
Comes Now The Power Divert Power from the Geothermal Plant
The plant's master control terminal is reporting that three switches must be activated before you can redirect power.
Before we switch switches, let's take control of Plant and do the Side Quests.
We return to the main room on this level and go down the stairs.
Level -1 (5/6)
Security Office
Use Terminal to unlock doors. You got passcode from Reed Tobson or Ludwig Miller.
Take stairs down.
Level -2 (4/6)
Repair Bay
Jeremy this is Jeremy you repaired in Junkyard - Emerald Vale, convince him to help you fight with other automechanicals.

Jeremy will be your ally in Geothermal Power Plant
Read Hastily - Written Note for The Frightened Engineer it will direct you to "the pit"
Exit Repair Bay and go right.
Go down (to the bottom) the pit to Level -5 (1/6)
Level -5 (1/6)
The Pit
Chester D. Higgins
Talk to Chester for Chester Pass it is pass to control mechanicals.
Take Guide to Mechanical Engeneering Volume 3 for The Frightened Engineer Third Volume
Now we will neutralize automechanicals. To do this, take the stairs back to -2 Floor (4/6) and take the stairs to -1 Floor (5/6) to room (09)
-1 Floor (5/6)
Control Room
Use Chester Code in Automechanical Control Terminal to modify behavior of Automechanicals.
Search Security Chief's Corpse for Geothermal Security Chief's Keycard for Die, Robot

Security Chief's Corpse with Geothermal Security Chief's Keycard
Level -1 (5/6)
Locked Room
Unlock it with Geothermal Security Chief's Keycard.
Take Corrupted Logic Module for Die, Robot Retrieve a Logic Module
Now return to Emerald Vale to finish quests: The Frightened Engineer and Die, Robot
Next return to Comes Now The Power.
After you use Master Control Terminal (04) you need to switch 3 switches, now you can do it easly.
First Switch
For Comes Now The Power.
Second Switch
For Comes Now The Power.
Third Switch
For Comes Now The Power.
Return to Master Control Terminal (04) and talk to Parvati
Now you have the choice to redirect power to Spacer's Choice (Edgewater) or Deserters (Botanical Lab), take Edgewater.
If you redirect power to Botanical Camp (Deserters):
- Deserters Reputation will go up
- Spacer's Choice Reputation will go down
- Adelaide can not give you Power Regulator becouse she will need it
- You have to return to Edgewater, confront Reed Tobson, persuade him or force him to give you Power Regulator, or you have to fight his guards
- Edgewater will be lost without power.
Redirect power to Edgewater (Spacer's Choice)
- Spacer's Choice Reputation will go up
- Deserters Reputation will go down
- You have to return to Botanical Lab and convince the Deserters to return to Edgewater. If you did the remaining quests for Deserters, convincing them will not be difficult.
- The only problem is Adelaide, she will return to Edgewater if you remove Reed from Edgewater. She'll tell you a secret that will help you get rid of Reed.
- Adelaide will give you Power Regulator becouse she do not need it now.
- Return to Edgewater, talk to Reed Tobson and persuade him to leave Edgewater, he will agree.
- Reed Tobson leave Edgewater
- Adelaide return to Edgewater
- Deserters return to Edgewater.
- Edgewater got now power, all are safe.
So better choice is to redirect power to Edgewater.

Reputation after redirecting power to Edgewater
Reputation with Spacer's Choice and Deserters after redirecting power to Edgewater and all other quests done.
Return to Edgewater and Emerald Vale to finish Comes Now The Power
Geothermal Power Plant Quests
Comes Now The Power Comes Now The Power Main Quest
Fistful Of Digits Fistful Of Digits Side Quest
The Long Tomorrow The Long Tomorrow Side Quest
The Illustrated Manual The Illustrated Manual Companion Quest
The Outer Worlds Map Legend

Point of Interest

Point of Interest
with Fast Travel


Quest Giver

Friendly NPC

Enemy NPCs


Vending Machine
