Character Perks in The Outer Worlds
There are 42 Character Perks in The Outer Worlds, they are divided into 3 Tiers, you get a new perk every even level, unlock a new tier with every five unlocked perks.

Sample Character Perks in The Outer Worlds
You get a new perk every even level. Unlock a new tier with every five unlocked perks.
There are 3 Tiers of Perks. You get a new perk every even level. Unlock a new tier with every five unlocked perks
Tier 1 Perks
You've grown healthier in your time outside of stasis.
+50% base health
Slow the World
Tactical Time Dilation lasts longer. Surely this is normal.
+25% Tactical Time Dilation Meter Max
Lone Wolf
Sometimes you are the only person you can trust, and that's ok. You deal increased damage when traveling alone.
+25% Damage when alone in party
Years of Adrena-Time use have left a permanent pep in your step.
+25% Walk Speed
They're not slow, you're just fast.
+20% Sprint Speed
High Maintenance
You take better care of your weapons and armor than most people.
-25% Weapon / Armor Durability Loss
After some unsanctioned adjustments, the Workbench's sight alignment tool is much more accurate.
+15% Companion Crit Chance
The Negotiator
Being a shrewd negotiator may cost you some friends, but you make up for it in bits.
-25% Vendor Surcharges
All for One
Your companions have a lot to teach you about killing.
+50% XP from Companion Kills
You've become very efficient at transporting goods. Maybe you should have been born as a cargo hauler.
Unlock the ability to fast travel while encumbered.
Quick and the dead
Your Tactical Time Dilation Meter recharges much faster.
+50% Tactical Time Dilation Recharge Rate
Pack Mule
Increase your carrying capacity.
+50kg Carrying Capacity
A Few Bits More
Vendors and Vending Machines have additional Ammo and Consumables available.
+100% Additional Ammo Stock on Vendors / +100% Addirional Consumables Stock on Vendors
You have a base armor rating which adds to any armor you're wearing.
+10 Base Armor Rating
Tier 2 Perks
Run and Gun
Reduce the penalties to Accuracy while moving.
-65% Movement Penalty to Accuracy
The Reaper
Gain some Tactical Time Dilation when you kill an enemy.
+25% Tactical Time Dilation Meter
Weird Science
Increased damage dealt by Science weapons.
+50% Science Weapon Damage
Speed Demon
Increase your movement and action speed when Tactical Time Dilation is active.
+25% Movement Speed during TTD
While using Tactical Time Dilation, you deal increased Weak Spot damage.
+20% Bonus to Extra Headshot / Weakspot Damage
The Collector
Increase the range at which all interactable objects around you highlight without requiring you to look directly at them.
+5m Interactable Highlight Range
Snake Oil Salesman
You have a way of convincing vendors to pay you more Bits than they should.
+20% Vendor Buying Price
We Band of Brothers
When you critically hit a target, you have a chance of immediately resetting the cooldown of a companion ability.
25% Chance to reset a Companion Ability cooldown on each Critical Hit
Tag Team
Using a Companion Ability has a chance to reset the other Companion's ability cooldown.
25% chance to reset a Companion Ability cooldown when using the other Companion's Ability.
Rolling Thunder
Killing an enemy reduces the remaining cooldown time of Companion Abilities.
-20% Companion Ability Cooldown for each of you're kills
Restore some Health whenever you kill an enemy.
15% Health Restored per Kill
Significantly reduces the Weight of Consumables.
-50% Consumable Weight
Pack of Pack Mules
Increase the Carrying Capacity bonus from your Companions.
+40kg Carrying Capacity Bonus from Companions
Bonus to Dialog skills when you have no Companions in your party.
+10 Dialog Skills
Tier 3 Perks
Wild Science
Further increases the damage dealt by Science weapons (stacks with Weird Science)
+50% Science Weapon Damage
Steady Hand
After killing an enemy, your Weapon Sway and Accuracy penalties to moving are reduced to zero for a short time.
-100% Steady Hand: Ranged Weapon Sway / -100% Movement Penalty to Accuracy
Killing an enemy makes your next shot a guaranteed Critical Hit.
Confident: your next attack is a guaranteed Critical Hit.
Armor Master
Increase the Armor Rating and Skill bonuses from any armor you wear.
+10% Armor Rating Bonus / +100% Skill Bonus
Super Pack Mule
Further increases your carrying capacity.
+100kg Carrying Capacity
Tactical Master
When you activate Tactical Time Dilation, you continue to move at normal speed for a short time. This effect only occurs when your TTD meter is full at the time of activation.
+70% Tactical Master: Movement Speed during TTD for 5s
Whenever you are affected by a harmful status effect, you deal increased damage.
+20% Revenge: Damage
Last Stand
When you are at low Health, you deal increased damage.
+30% Last Stand: Damage while under 25% Health
Boom, Headshot!
Headshot kills explode, damaging nearby enemies.
Headshot kills deal 25% of their damage to enemies within 2.5m
Don't Go Dyin' on Me!
When you use the inhaler, any downed Companions are revived with a small amount of Health.
Revive Companions to 25% Health / Cooldown: 15m
Penetrating Shots
Your ranged attacks reduce the target's Armor Rating by 1 point per hit. This effect lasts a short time, and can stack multiple times.
-10 Ranged Attacks inflict -1 Armor Rating for 10 seconds, and can stack up to
Thick Skin
All Area of Effect and Plasma damage dealt to you is reduced.
-15% Area of Effect Damage Received / -15% Plasma Danage Received
Tit for Tat
A small amount of Melee damage you deal is returned as healing.
+15% Melee Damage returned as Health
Solo Sneaker
Reduce the detection radius of enemies when you have no companions in your party.
-33% Detection Radius of Enemies