Die, Robot Side Quest in The Outer Worlds
Side Quest Die, Robot begins in Edgewater Landing Pad in Emerald Vale Region on Terra 2, Ludwig Miller is quest giver. Ludwig Miller, a guard watching over the landing pad south of Edgewater, is convinced that automechanicals are planning to wipe out humanity. He's asked you to help him wage a secret war against the mechanical menace. The Outer Worlds Maps & Walkthroughs.
Die, Robot
Ludwig Miller, a guard watching over the landing pad south of Edgewater, is convinced that automechanicals are planning to wipe out humanity. He's asked you to help him wage a secret war against the mechanical menace.
- Quest Type: Side Quest
- Quest Giver: Ludwig Miller in Edgewater Landing Pad in Emerald Vale Region on Terra 2
- Experience Reward: 11 430 XP
- Reward: Shock-Stick, Mag-2-Zap, Bit Cartridge
- Reputation Reward: Raises Spacer's Choice Reputation
Side Quest Starter Location

Die, Robot Walkthrough
Deal with the Mechanical Scout
Ludwig reports that he's spotted a forward scout of the mechanical army north of the landing pad. As a test of your mettle, he's requested that you dispose of this scout in the name of humanity.
If you do not destroy Jeremy but fix him, he will help you in the future in Geothermal Power Plant.
Return to Ludwig
You repaired the "mechanical scout," which was just lost due to a dislodged navigation module. You should return to Ludwig.
Find Ludwig's Secret Weapon
Ludwig revealed that he's tucked away a secret weapon in Edgewater, to be used in the event of a mechanical uprising. He's decided to entrust the weapon to you to aid in the crusade. The weapon should be in the bathroom of Edgewater's cantina.
Return to Ludwig
You found the weapon that Ludwig had stashed in Edgewater. Return to him and learn how he intends to use it against the mechanical menace.
Retrieve a Logic Module
The geothermal plant in the northwest portion of the region has been taken over by automechanicals. Ludwig wants you to infiltrate the plant and retrieve a logic module from one of the automechanicals there.
According to a terminal log, automechanicals turned hostile and began attacking the other workers.
Chester Higgins, an engineer at the geothermal plant who's been locked in there for years, told you that the logic unit is probably in the plant's security office.
A terminal log in the geothermal plant's security office mentioned that the logic unit has been locked in a storage room across the hall. You'll need to find the keycard to the room unless you can pick your way in. Perhaps the security chief had it on him?
The plant's security chief responded by making his way down to the control room.

Security Chief's Corpse
Security Chief's Corpse with Geothermal Security Chief's Keycard in Control Room -1 Floor (5/6) of Geothermal Power Plant
Logic Module is in closed room in Geothermal Power Plant. You have to find Security Chief's Corpse to retrive Geothermal Security Chief's Keycard, you will find more info in Full Walkthrough of Geothermal Power Plant
Return to Ludwig
Head back to the landing pad and deliver the logic module to Ludwig.
Die, Robot Ending
You gave the logic module to Ludwig, who promised to get it to the "right people" so the mechanical menace can be stopped. He thanked you for your contribution to the crusade.
Reward: 11 430 XP, Shock-Stick, Mag-2-Zap, Bit Cartridge.
Reputation Reward: Raises Spacer's Choice Reputation.