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Star Wars: The Old Republic


Tatooine - Star Wars: The Old Republic

Tatooine - Star Wars: The Old Republic - SWTOR Codex: Datacrons, Locations, Organizations, Persons of Note, Species, Bestiary and Lore.

A harsh desert planet off all the major trade routes, Tatooine is known for its heat, its sand, its dangerous wildlife--and little else. Only a few settlements dot Tatooine's endless wastes, inhabited by handfuls of traders and moisture farmers. Tatooine's obscurity has also attracted a small but significant criminal population, here to hide from galactic authorities.

Tatooine lacks any central government or allegiance to Republic or Empire. There are rumors of an Imperial occupation taking place in one of the frontier settlements, but nothing has been confirmed.

  • faction: Independent, levels: 24 - 28
  • location: Distant Outer Rim, status: Haven for Pirates and Smugglers & Most creatures on the planet loved to gamble on nearly everything
  • terrain: Seas of Sand and Rock
  • key facts: Abandoned by the Czerka Corporation

Companions from this world: Andronikus Revel (Sith Inquisitor companion), Gault (Bounty Hunter companion)



One of the first outsider settlements built on Tatooine, Anchorhead started as a desperate mining colony and has, over the centuries, grown into one of the largest spaceports on the planet. Anchorhead plays host to pirates and smugglers looking for a place to lie low, merchants and businessmen integral to the survival of the city's outlying moisture farms, and permanent residents who eke out a living running cantinas, fixing machines and otherwise maintaining the cultural infrastructure.

The mining industry has faded away altogether in and around Anchorhead. It was Czerka Corporation that was most resolved to unearth valuable metals several centuries ago, and even after it became clear that no profit was forthcoming, Czerka maintained offices in Anchorhead on and off for centuries--committed not to write the planet off as a total loss.


Stretches of sand pockmarked by canyons and rocky outcroppings, the Jundland Wastes mark the border between the great Dune Sea and the spaceports of Anchorhead and Mos Ila. Home to a scattered few outposts and moisture farms along with Sand People, wild beasts and the kind of criminal scum unwelcome even in Tatooine's most disreputable settlements, the intense heat is far from the only danger.

Jundland's cliffs are festooned with cave systems extending kilometers below ground, but mechanical problems related to the pervasive heat and sand mean they have never been properly mapped. Every once in a while, a brave individual builds a permanent shelter inside one of these caves. There's rarely anything left after a month, thanks to the predators of Jundland.

Lightspring (Smuggler)

Deep in Tatooine's most desolate reaches, where neither travelers nor hunters dare to go, lies a natural site of incredible beauty and serenity. The Lightspring is a huge underground cavern containing a massive pool of water lit from beneath by a strange glow, casting rippling shadows and reflections on the walls. It's considered a holy site by the native Sand People, never to be disturbed or contaminated.

Now, the sanctity of the Lightspring has been desecrated by the crimelord Diago Hixan, who has claimed it as the seat of his criminal empire. He's filled the cavern with his vain collection of trinkets and baubles, turning the once-pristine landmark into his personal junkyard.

Mos Ila

Before the Empire converted the city into a garrison, Mos Ila was a settlement largely overrun by Exchange outlaws and smugglers. The local farmers and traders who made up the bulk of the population were at the mercy of the crime syndicate, which found Tatooine to be a perfect base of operations. When Imperial troops landed unannounced and swept all opposition out of the city, the residents reacted with mixed emotion--glad to see the Exchange gone, less certain of their new Imperial masters.

This is not the first time Mos Ila's local authority has been deposed. The settlement was originally built as a trading post with the assistance of local Jawas and was governed by a Jawa council. The non-Jawa population had no problem with this arrangement, despite the unpredictability of the Jawa-built machines; rather, it was the arrival of the Exchange that forced the Jawas out and soured outsider-Jawa relations in the region.

The Dune Sea

A vast ocean of sand stretching endlessly into the horizon, the Dune Sea is the image that springs to mind when most think of Tatooine--even those who've settled on the planet. Few dare to wander too far into the wasteland, fearful of Sand People, hideous monsters and worst of all: the utterly unknown.

Particularly brave Jawas have retrieved salvage during journeys into the Dune Sea, returning with puzzling devices and broken gadgets. No one is entirely sure how these scraps ended up in the wastes, but the occasional piece bears the worn, faded emblem of Czerka Corporation.

The Wound

In the middle of the Jundland Wastes, the land is split by a deep chasm known only as the Wound. The bottom is impossible to see from the upper ridge, and the rim of the Wound is dotted with the camps of Sand People. The Sand People seem to revere the Wound and are occasionally seen casting the dead into its depths.

Most people consider the Wound a natural formation, but some fringe geologists believe otherwise. They speculate the Wound was created during a violent orbital bombardment in ancient times. Their evidence is thin, however, and many wonder why anyone would bombard such a remote and desolate world.


Galactic History 38: The Tyrant of Onderon

Galactic History 39: The Third Great Schism

Galactic History 40: Czerka Discovers Kashyyyk

Galactic History 41: The Droid Rights Movement

Galactic History 42: The Nevoota Extinction


Czerka Corporation

Originally founded as "Czerka Mining and Industrial," this centuries-old, galaxy-spanning corporation has diversified into businesses ranging from consumer food products to military weapons. It is one of the wealthiest and most successful economic enterprises in operation, conducting commerce on virtually every civilized planet and--as owner of multiple star systems and employer of several billion individuals--has representation in the Republic Senate.

Czerka is unique in being able to negotiate trade agreements with the Hutt Cartel and other independent worlds, crossing political borders with impunity to generate staggering profits. Despite the company's perceived lack of loyalty, no one can afford to stop doing business with Czerka. "Anytime, anywhere... we're there" is the corporation's slogan--a motto that unscrupulous opportunists eagerly endorse.

Imperial Reclamation Services

The greatest strength of the Empire comes not in the form of weapons or armies, but in the awesome power of the dark side. Understanding this, the Dark Council created the Imperial Reclamation Service to scour the galaxy in search of legendary Sith artifacts. Since its early days, the service has expanded its mission to include any ancient object, technological or religious, from any culture--so long as it empowers the Empire.

Technically a division of the military, the Reclamation Service is comprised of a mix of scholars and archaeologists working alongside experienced officers given a crash course in history. Although sometimes regarded with suspicion or derision by the rank-and-file soldiers, the Sith Lords and senior officials understand the Reclamation Service has the potential to single-handedly change the galactic struggle.

On Imperial-controlled worlds, the service has the resources and authority to oversee massive excavations if evidence suggests valuable artifacts may be unearthed. On neutral and Republic-aligned worlds, however, they must rely on covert methods to claim lost treasures before they fall into the hands of the enemy.

The Ghost Cell (Imperial Agent)

The ghost cell is an urban legend in the intelligence community--an explanation or an excuse for disasters otherwise inexplicable. Rumors describe an organization on a remote planet somewhere in the galaxy devoted to the training and education of master killers--an organization that seeks out radicals and terrorists in order to further develop their abilities, to help assassins and saboteurs turn their talents into art. Once trained, ghost cell operatives are returned to the galaxy to wreak havoc, disguised as the men and women they kill and capable of bringing down planetary governments.

Neither Imperial Intelligence nor the Strategic Information Service has ever found proof of the ghost cell's existence. The only reason the legend has any credibility is its recurrence--different informants spread across known space have spoken of its existence. None of these informants survived long enough to be debriefed.

Twin Suns

A loose affiliation of pirates, smugglers and thugs, the Twin Suns are found almost exclusively on the desert world of Tatooine. Those who join the Twin Suns typically fall into two categories: independents and exiles.

Independents are individuals or small gangs seeking protection from more established criminal organizations like the Exchange or the Hutt Cartel. Exiles are former members of these established syndicates that have been forced out for reasons ranging from suspected betrayal to mental instability to simply choosing the wrong side in a power struggle.

The Twin Suns rely on brinksmanship to offset their small numbers. Reacting to even the smallest perceived threat to their people or territory with a completely inappropriate level of violent response has convinced larger criminal organizations to mostly avoid them. Should the Twin Suns try to expand beyond Tatooine, however, they would quickly be crushed by their much stronger rivals.

Persons of Note

Andronikos Revel (Sith Inquisitor)

  • Companion of: Sith Inquisitor
  • Ranged Damage
  • Crew Skills Bonus: +2 Critical Underworld Trading, +2 Critical Slicing
  • Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
  • Secondary Weapon: Blaster Pistol

For five notorious years, the pirate Andronikos Revel terrorized Republic and Imperial space alike as the captain of the Sky Princess. Known for his sharp temper and sharper flying skills, Revel was one of the few pirate captains to serve as his own pilot.

His piracy career was cut short by a strange mutiny, however, and he was abandoned to the Imperials who had been hunting him since he'd raided a ship carrying valuable artifacts. After a year in Imperial prison, Andronikos Revel was let loose. He has been meticulously hunting and killing the mutineers who betrayed him ever since.

Diago Hixan (Smuggler)

Brilliant thief, ruthless crimelord and notorious lady-killer, Diago Hixan once competed with the infamous Nok Drayen to rule the galactic underworld. Their rivalry spanned many years and countless worlds as they scored bigger heists and hunted rarer treasures, punctuated by the occasional spat of violence. Diago Hixan claimed victory after Nok Drayen died, bringing many cunning and merciless criminals throughout the galaxy under his heel.

In his prime, one of Diago Hixan's greatest treasures was the beautiful Shassa Dalle. To his dismay, she was eventually "stolen" by none other than Nok Drayen. For years Diago Hixan made many impassioned attempts to take her back from his rival, but his pursuit ended after he accidentally caused Shassa's death.

Gault Rennow (Bounty Hunter)

  • Companion of: Bounty Hunter
  • Ranged Damage
  • Crew Skills Bonus: +10 Underworld Trading, +2 Critical Biochem
  • Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle
  • Secondary Weapon: Knife

Formerly the notorious smuggler and confidence man Tyresius Lokai, Gault Rennow now enjoys a relatively paranoia-free lifestyle as an unknown gun-for-hire. Still, old habits are hard to shake, and Gault's cautiousness and duplicity are a constant reminder that the only thing to really change is his name. How long until the crafty Devaronian finds himself climbing up the galaxy's most wanted list again is anyone's guess.

Lord Praven (Jedi Knight)

A Sith pureblood, Lord Praven has trained in the ways of the Force since the earliest years of his youth. Fiercely loyal to the Emperor and an ardent believer in the philosophical teachings of the dark side, Praven is surprisingly calm and collected in his speech and actions.

He follows a strict code of personal honor, and unlike many other Sith, he eschews random acts of cruelty and sadism. Despite this, he is sworn to destroy the Jedi and considers them his mortal enemies.

During the Sacking of Coruscant, Lord Praven killed Master Usma--one of the Jedi's most famous duelists--in an epic battle. But he spared Usma's young Padawan, telling her to seek him out once she had finished her training so they could face each other as equals. When she tracked him down years later, he honored his promise, sending her to the same fate as her Master.

Master Yonlach (Sith Warrior)

The Jedi Master Yonlach was considered the greatest teacher of his time, a valuable asset to the Jedi Order. He has long been the very model of the Jedi Code, a master of his emotions and unafraid of death. Older now, the Force is still strong with him, and he has many years of wisdom and experience behind him.

It was when Nomen Karr brought his Padawan to Master Yonlach that her mysterious gift first manifested. Through Yonlach's training, he developed a strong bond with the Padawan and believes she will use her abilities to someday lead the Jedi to greatness.

Mayor Klerren (Trooper)

Oleg Klerren retired to the dusty town of Anchorhead on the remote world of Tatooine after working for decades as a merchant pilot and trader. But years spent in action across the galaxy left Klerren restless in retirement, so he gradually took on an increasing number of civic positions around town to stay busy.

Klerren's straightforward approach and can-do attitude quickly earned him a reputation as someone people could rely on, and he was astonished to find himself elected mayor without even entering the running. Flattered and humbled by the trust shown to him by his neighbors, Klerren approached the position with his standard determination and resourcefulness and has been re-elected by a landslide in every election since.

Sharack Breev (Sith Warrior)

A loyal servant of Darth Baras, Sharack Breev is a native of Tatooine. Few know the nuances of the desert better than her, and she often works as a scout and tracker. Still, there are hostile regions even she does not dare venture into.

Sharack came into Baras's service through an encounter with one of the Sith Lord's earlier apprentices. What happened between them is something neither Sharack nor Baras will discuss, but Sharack ultimately willingly swore to aid Baras should he ever call.

The Lady of Pain (Bounty Hunter)

The Lady of Pain may be a long distance from her native Rattatak, but home is never far from her cold, stony heart when there's always another gladiator willing (or unwilling) to spill blood for her entertainment. The Lady's personal pits may pale in comparison to the glorious arenas of her homeworld, but they may be the deadliest place on Tatooine if measured by lives lost per square meter.

When the Lady isn't indulging in her favorite pastime, she acts as an iron-fisted taskmaster of the Exchange on Tatooine--a fact that explains why the criminal organization is so motivated in defending its interests on the planet.

Tyresius Lokai (Bounty Hunter)

Tyresius Lokai has enjoyed a long and profitable career as a free agent in the criminal underworld. His abundance of charm, sense of humor and disarming smile have allowed him to gain the confidence of some of the galaxy's most influential people, most of whom he swindled out of substantial fortunes in short order.

Tyresius's amazing success as a confidence man has made him fabulously wealthy, but also earned him notoriety as one of the galaxy's most infamous and wanted smugglers. Naturally cautious and quick on his feet, Tyresius has never encountered a situation he couldn't wriggle out of--a trait that has earned him a reputation as the luckiest man alive and a place on the target list for the Great Hunt.



Short, squat humanoids, Gamorreans are easily identifiable by their greenish skin and porcine features. On their homeworld, they live in clans, where the male boars serve exclusively as warriors while the female sows tend the day-to-day affairs like farming, raising young and crafting weapons.

Known for their physical strength and endurance, Gammoreans are generally considered a species of below average intelligence. Unable to speak Basic because of their physiology, most Gammoreans are still able to comprehend it and find a place in the galactic community as soldiers, guards or mercenaries. Due to their reputation for violence and brutality, they are often employed by crimelords, gang leaders and various other criminal elements.


An insectoid species with physiologically distinct subgroups, most Geonosians are four-limbed bipeds. Often categorized as cruel and barbaric, they possess an inherent talent for engineering and technical design and a complex set of cultural traditions.

On their homeworld, the Geonosians live in hierarchical hive societies broken down into castes. The Geonosian aristocracy has unquestioned control of the workers and the soldiers, brutally managing the lesser castes as befits the aristocrats' whims. Rebellion is nearly unthinkable, given the Geonosian instinct for hive preservation, and advancement in the hive is extremely difficult--often earned through ritual gladiatorial combat. Rumors of a queen caste arise among outsiders periodically, but if queens exist, the Geonosians keep them well hidden.

Most Geonosians encountered away from their homeworld are outcasts or warrior scouts; either way, they are typically arrogant and selfish, with little regard for the lives of other species.


Native to Tatooine, the diminuitive Jawas are often dismissed as scavengers and thieves. However, this description minimizes the resilience of the species, which has managed to thrive in the harsh desert environment.

Rodent-like in their features, Jawa are rarely seen without the brown robes and facial coverings that protect them from Tatooine's twin suns. They live in nomadic clans each ruled by a female shaman, and there is surprisingly little rivalry between the clans, as each limits scavenging to its traditional territory. Necessities not found or built by the clan are purchased from offworlders' settlements, where Jawas' skills as tinkerers whose work endures the desert heat are reluctantly valued.

Annually, all the clans gather in the basin of the Dune Sea to exchange goods and share ideas. This is also a common time for clans to exchange sons and daughters of age. This practice increases genetic diversity within each clan and solidifies the unspoken alliance among the Jawas as a whole.


Ten thousand years before the formation of the Republic, the Rakata ruled much of the known galaxy. War-like and cruel, strong in the Force and technologically advanced, they enslaved or wiped out every civilization they encountered. At its peak, nearly five hundred conquered worlds paid tribute to the Rakata Infinite Empire.

However, the Rakata's rapid expansion came to an abrupt end when a strange plague swept through the species. Millions died, and most of those who survived lost their connection to the Force. Suddenly vulnerable, the Rakata were unable to suppress a massive outbreak of violent slave uprisings.

The liberated worlds destroyed the creations and records of their defeated overlords, wiping out almost all trace and knowledge of the Rakata in the greater galaxy. A few thousand Rakata survivors--all that remained of the Infinite Empire--retreated to their hidden homeworld of Lehon, where they descended into barbarism.

Sand People

A violently xenophobic species from Tatooine, the Sand People are more formally referred to as the Ghorfa. Most at home in Tatooine's endless deserts and canyons, the nomadic Sand People survive by hunting and raiding larger settlements and by raising banthas as mounts and for food, milk and materials. To outsiders, they can appear incomprehensibly hostile--but while virtually all encounters with Sand People end in violence, their culture is more complex internally.

Sand People have strict taboos against showing exposed flesh except in very rare and specific circumstances and keep themselves wrapped in heavy coverings. Those who violate this sacred custom are banished from the tribe; a fate that typically ends in a lonely death in the desert. Despite their insular nature, Sand People are known to adopt and raise young children of other species orphaned by their attacks. Once these orphans reach adulthood, they are encouraged to leave the tribe and return to their own people.

The history of the Sand People is maintained through the tales of revered tribal storytellers. Many of their legends describe a golden age of technological miracles, seemingly indicating the Sand People were once a highly advanced civilization. This had led to speculation that the Ghorfa are descended from the now extinct Kumumgah species that lived on Tatooine roughly thirty thousand years ago.



Domestication of the bantha has become vital to survival on Tatooine and other colonized worlds. Intelligent and reliable creatures, they can be trained as pack animals, passenger carriers and even war mounts. When needed, banthas also serve as a source of sustenance. Their meat and milk are edible, and a single bantha can provide weeks' worth of food. Bantha skin and fur can be made into leather and clothing, and their horns are often carved into tools or jewelry.

A lumbering Houk bounty hunter reluctantly gained the nickname "Bantha" Boskirn after performing several jobs on Tatooine. Boskirn's career was cut short when he angrily pulled his blaster on a smuggler who mocked him for the name; Boskirn was unfortunately too slow on the draw.


Dewbacks are omnivorous reptiles that originated on Tatooine, where settlements, moisture farmers and Sand People alike use them as work beasts and transportation, and where wild dewbacks still roam the planet's deserts and canyons. Over time, the sturdy creatures have been exported to other worlds and found similar utilitarian niches elsewhere.

Centuries ago, Czerka Corporation scientists attempted to breed "war dewbacks" that were larger and more aggressive than their easily domesticated cousins. Although the scientists eventually succeeded, the project was written off as a failure when the test herd broke out of its enclosure and rampaged through the research facility.


Rarely seen even on its home planet of Tatooine, the omnivorous, reptilian duneclaw is an aloof and solitary creature. Possibly a distant cousin of the wraid, the duneclaw has tough skin covered in armor-like plating, and this--along with its thick skull--makes this beast very difficult to bring down. A head-butt from a duneclaw is powerful enough to shatter bones, crack stone and dent metal.

Although its eyesight is adequate, a duneclaw is able to navigate in dim light through echolocation and can easily pick up sound waves made by other creatures. For this reason, duneclaws can often be found hunting prey near Tatooine's cliffside caves and other dark, enclosed spaces.


Rancors are reptilian monstrosities known as some of the galaxy's most dangerous predators. Although indigenous to the planet Dathomir, they have spread to many other worlds and thrived in many environments. Rancors are a favorite among the wealthiest underworld crimelords, who raise them from eggs to become (relatively) tame pets. Those whose rancors survive to adulthood are afforded a great deal of status, as well as a powerful weapon against their enemies.

A unique feature of the rancor is its tough hide--a mixture of fine scales, thick skin and bony plates. Blaster bolts and vibroblades have little effect upon the hide, and while these attributes fade from a hide removed from a rancor carcass, a few lucky hunters nonetheless wear ornamental outfits made from the material.


Reeks are horned, thick-skinned herbivores. They originally hail from the planet Ylesia but can be found all over the galaxy, particularly on Iridonia, Ithor and Tatooine. They are highly sought-after as pack animals, but are also commonly used as mounts.

Curiously, reeks' temperaments are largely dictated by their diets. While they normally subsist on plants, reeks will eat meat if it is offered to them; however, a carnivorous diet turns their skin dark red and makes them extremely hostile. This phenomenon inspired the phrase "mad as a red reek" and has led to the practice of using battle-maddened reeks in gladiatorial arenas.


One of the swiftest land animals on Tatooine, the rill is a reptilian predator that hunts womp rats and other large mammals. Fiercely territorial, an individual rill (or a rill and its young) stakes out a patch of desert and defends it vigorously against all intruders. To sleep and protect itself from Tatooine's blistering heat, the rill burrows into the sand several meters below the surface.

These nests are also where rills lay their eggs, burying the eggs under sand to hide them from scavengers. The first task of a newly hatched rill is to successfully dig its way back up to the surface, or else be abandoned by its mother and broodmates.

Sand Demon

If not for the tall tales of desert nomads and a few grainy satellite reconnaissance images, Tatooine's so-called "Sand Demon" would be considered a myth. Jawas say the Sand Demon is feared by all other life on the planet, including the mighty krayt dragon--for the Sand Demon is the krayt's only predator. Some stories report that the beast is capable of "sand swimming," gliding underneath the surface of the desert as if it were water. Others claim it bores through rock using its hardened, talon-like legs.

Cave paintings suggest the Sand People believe the Sand Demon devours the life essence of its victims, growing stronger and tougher with each kill. They depict stories of centuries-old demons that have become immune to injury, a warning heeded by even the most skeptical outsiders.


Predators on Tatooine have learned to give the sandtusker a wide berth, as this reptilian scavenger is far from an easy meal. Protected by ridges of bone and capable of goring flesh with its tusks, a sandtusker not only repels attempts to prey on it, but often chases down and finishes off a would-be attacker. Sandtuskers mainly feed on carrion, and their powerful maws are capable of crunching through even krayt dragon bones to reach the nutrient-rich marrow inside.

A platoon in the Republic's Thirty-eighth Infantry--several members of which had lived on Tatooine--named its armored walker "the Sandtusker." True to form, it carried the soldiers safely through the harshest battles of the Great War.


The bloodthirsty scyks inhabit remote regions of Tatooine, thankfully far from most settled areas. They seem almost to delight in carnage, brutally tearing through prey and unwary desert travelers. Their fangs are a prized trophy among hunters, who rarely escape the creatures without scars.

The Sith beastmaster Lord Adrazar found the scyk a deadly and eager servant. However, no amount of training or Force manipulation could persuade the creatures to cooperate in packs for more than a few days. The scyk that survived--obviously the strongest--now guards his personal domicile on Dromund Kaas.


The legendary terentatek is a vicious, tusked monster that feeds on the blood of Force sensitives. Terentateks are known to cluster wherever there is a strong dark side presence and to remain dormant for many years before emerging to hunt.

How terentateks came to be is a subject of much debate. Ancient chronicles report terentatek-like creatures on Korriban, twisted by the dark side rituals performed by early Dark Jedi. Other sources attribute their creation directly to the Sith Lord Exar Kun, who performed many Force experiments on creatures on Yavin Four. Terentateks are undoubtedly one of the most vicious of all creatures steeped in the dark side, and they are doubly dangerous because of their unnatural resistance to Force powers.

Jedi throughout the ages have tried to wipe terentateks from the galaxy, but the creatures have proven incredibly resilient. The most recent concerted effort was three centuries ago; many terentateks were destroyed, but the hunt took the lives of many Jedi Masters, as well.

Womp Rat

Carnivorous rodents native to Tatooine, womp rats are a menace to any permanent settlement. They reproduce at a staggering rate and are known to stalk urban alleyways and remote moisture farms alike, prompting some authorities to maintain a standing bounty on the creatures. Vicious and ill-tempered, they prefer meals of organic debris and runoff--but even lone womp rats will attack any creature that gets too close.

When found in the desert, womp rats also hunt in packs, swarming their unfortunate victims in a flurry of claws and teeth. A dozen womp rats can overwhelm a full-grown dewback in just a few seconds, and larger packs regularly feast on fresh bantha.


Hunting dangerous predators is a tradition on Tatooine, and stalking the deadly wraid is often a test to separate the amateurs from the experts. In addition to its great strength and powerful jaws, a wraid is able to quickly cover large distances by breaking into a bounding sprint. The impact of its massive forelegs creates highly distinctive tracks in the sand for hunters to either follow or avoid.

Rumors persist across Tatooine of a gigantic "alpha" wraid that stalks deep in the desert wastes. Some hunters claim to have seen it; others tell tales of stumbling across its oversized claw prints before the desert wind blew them away. Its existence, however, has never been confirmed.


History of Tatooine

Thirty thousand years ago, Tatooine was the lush, vibrant homeworld of the Kumumgah--a technologically advanced species believed to have been wiped out in a forgotten war. Ultimately, the war ended with Tatooine's devastation by one faction or another--the details are long since lost.

Most researchers aware of the story believe the Kumumgah were wiped out in the attack that transformed their planet into a desert wasteland. However, some xenosociologists believe the Jawas and Sand People who dwell in the dunes may be descended from the world's original rulers. The stories of the Jawas and Sand People themselves, however, are largely confused and contradictory.

Human settlement of Tatooine came much later, but colonization never truly took hold despite several efforts by the Republic (including a brief period during which Tatooine was considered a Republic protectorate, and a failed attempt by Czerka Corporation to set up planetary mining operations). The native population had little use for outsiders, and so the world became a haven for pirates, smugglers and general scum seeking a place to disappear.

Jedi Cultural Immersion (Jedi Consular)

One of the goals of the Jedi Order is to foster greater understanding among the species of the galaxy. To that end, Jedi sometimes leave the order and live as part of another culture, often for years at a time, to learn its customs and study its languages. This cultural immersion follows a key tenet of Jedi diplomatic policy: To be reasonable, one must see all points of view.

Such immersion carries its dangers. Some Jedi have lost their lives undergoing rites of passage or by accidentally offending a rigidly polite alien society. The Jedi Order looks on these losses somberly as hard-earned lessons. However, most Jedi return with new skills and a fresh perspective on life. A few bring unusual habits or tastes, as well; after decades living in a Kubaz hive, for example, Master Arjur developed a craving for dried moon moths.

Krayt Dragon

Enormous predatory lizards that prowl the dunes of Tatooine, krayt dragons are both feared and revered by the Jawas and Sand People that share their world. Slaying one of the fearsome beasts was once a rite of passage for young Sand People warriors, and the Jawa believe krayt bones possess mystical properties.

For all their importance to Tatooine's native cultures, however, krayt dragons are extraordinarily rare and quite possibly extinct--no living krayt has been seen in decades. Nonetheless, their towering skeletons are a testament to their power and majesty, and a pilgrimage to the legendary krayt graveyard remains a holy ritual in many Sand People tribes.

Operation: Ghostbreaker (Imperial Agent)

Operational Summary: Informant (Mia Hawkins) contacted Intelligence from inside elite terrorist organization "ghost cell" and agreed to help dismantle the organization. Cipher Nine located ghost cell training grounds and eliminated the leader, known as the "Old Man," despite enemy attempts to replace the Cipher with a disguised ghost cell operative.

Notes: The ghost cell's training techniques are exceptional. See associated files for details; however, be aware that not all ghost cell operatives were identified during this sweep. Individuals able to use the cell's holographic disguise technology may still be active elsewhere, appearing as anyone. They should be considered a threat, but their methods, if duplicated, would be valuable to Imperial Intelligence.

Cross-reference: Mia Hawkins, Neyla Hawkins, Cobalt Flag, Eagle, Dominator, Ghost Cell

Operation: Stoneduster (Trooper)

Assistance of local personnel key in initial phases of the mission. Continued interaction with local personnel may be advisable in future operations, particularly current Anchorhead mayor Oleg Klerren.

Objective notably (and intentionally) revealed own location via holo, and proved invaluable in uprooting hidden Imperial military testing activities. Future records should reflect same.

Sand Rot (Jedi Consular)

The common Tatooine name for a condition seen on many desert worlds, Sand Rot is a sickness developed after spending long periods of time in the deep desert. Sufferers develop a distinctive cough and begin to lose feeling in their hands and fingers. Sand Rot is treatable, preferably by taking the sufferer offworld, but few on Tatooine can afford the expense.

Many have wondered if Tatooine's native Sand People can catch the Sand Rot, as they never leave the desert wastes. Although it is difficult to know for certain, some desert guides believe the Sand People's distinctive masks and wrappings protect against the sickness and will pay good credits for intact garb.

Shock Drum (Jedi Knight)

A prototype superweapon developed in secret by the Republic on Tatooine, the Shock Drum has the potential to destroy an entire planet. Designed to emit a series of sonic bursts, the initial stages of activation disable droids and other electronics in an ever-widening circle with the Shock Drum at the epicenter.

The sonic bursts become progressively more intense, with the second stage causing damage and even death to organic life. Left unchecked, the ever-stronger vibrations of the Shock Drum can eventually destabilize a planetary core, causing a world to literally fracture.

The Sarlacc

Extremely rare creatures that defy classification, semi-sentient sarlaccs have been identified on a handful of worlds scattered across the galaxy. Xenobiologists estimate the lifespan of an average sarlacc to be anywhere from 20,000 to 50,000 years, with virtually all of that time being spent at a single location.

Sarlaccs typically bury themselves deep below the ground so that only their great mouths are exposed, making them virtually invulnerable to standard weapons. The mouth resembles a massive pit lined with spiny protrusions. From the center, long tentacles can lash out to grasp prey near the edges of the pit, dragging it down into the creature's stomach where the unfortunate victim is slowly digested. Victims may survive for a period of weeks or months, kept alive by the sarlacc's unique stomach fluids, but total digestion can take centuries.

Tulak Hord's Madness (Sith Inquisitor)

Incidents of Sith Lords imbuing their most precious possessions with some fragment of their dark power appear throughout Sith history. Such ritual imbuement can be used to inflict all manner of trouble on those who would steal these terrible treasures.

The Dark Lord of the Sith Tulak Hord was especially known for this practice, and many possessions of Tulak Hord's have driven their discoverers to madness throughout the years. Tulak's Madness is unique in who it affects, however; ignoring whether a person's spirit is dark or light, it afflicts only the weak-willed, driving them to delusions of grandeur and eventual self-destruction.

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