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Star Wars: The Old Republic


Hutta Planet - Star Wars: The Old Republic

Hutta Planet - Star Wars: The Old Republic - SWTOR Codex: Datacrons, Locations, Organizations, Persons of Note, Species, Bestiary and Lore.

Adopted homeworld of the notorious Hutt Cartel, Hutta is a planet of semi-toxic swampland broken up by industrial facilities and urban centers. Hutt-aligned gangs control the civilized regions, forever warring over territory and resources. In the swamps, the native Evocii struggle against their Hutt rulers with limited success.

The Hutts are officially neutral in the conflict between Empire and Republic, and welcome visitors. Pirates, slavers and spice dealers are all common sights in Hutt palaces, while corporations often establish themselves on Hutta's moon, Nar Shaddaa. Newly arriving shuttles on Hutta are directed to the town of Jiguuna.

  • faction: Neutral: Controlled by the Hutts, levels: 1 - 10
  • location: Hutt Space, status: Over-industrialized and Polluted
  • terrain: Swamps and Industrial wasteland
  • key facts: Also known as Nal Hutta, this is where the Hutt Crime Cartels originated

Starting planet for Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent.

Companions from this world: Jaesa Willsaam (Sith Warrior companion), Mako (Bounty Hunter companion), Kaliyo Djannis (Imperial Agent companion)


Fa'athra's Palace

Like the palace of Nem'ro, Fa'athra's palace is modeled after the capitol building in the Hutta city of Bilbousa. Unlike the palace of Nem'ro, Fa'athra's home is a veritable deathtrap--built with warfare and defense as its primary purpose, rather than business and luxury.

Fa'athra employs several different mercenary groups to patrol the palace grounds and corridors. Each mercenary organization is given information only about its own territory and has no information about the rest of the palace's defenses. Fa'athra's paranoia guarantees that no single betrayal can cause his downfall, but it may also be his greatest weakness.

Hutta Swamps

Outside the settled and industrialized sectors of Hutta are the swamps--land occupied only by the desperate and foolhardy. Mutated animal life and crazed bog people are a threat to all ground transport; the Hutts normally travel by air, leaving their humanoid servants to move by foot or landspeeder.

Swampland covers nearly half of Hutta's surface, uninhabitable by galactic standard due to the level of pollutants in the water and air. This wasn't always the case--before the Hutts migrated to the planet, most of what is now swampland was jungle and ocean. Over centuries of intentional planetary engineering and simple neglect, however, the jungles died and the oceans were drained and chemically converted.


Hutts are notoriously territorial creatures, and their settlements reflect this. Enormous urban centers inhabited by thousands of Hutts are few on Hutta; instead, the planet's industrial towns are scattered across the globe, ruled like city-states by whichever Hutt rises to the top.

Jiguuna is one such industrial town, serving as an operational hub for nearby factories, mines and processing centers. Booming and influential two centuries ago, Jiguuna fell into anarchy when its founder, Bakuush the Hutt, died in a mechanical accident. Afterward, Jiguuna's population of humanoid enforcers, workers and slaves fought for scraps under a succession of would-be ganglords.

Eventually, a Hutt called Nem'ro eliminated his competitors and declared himself Jiguuna's new ruler. Since then, Jiguuna has been on an upswing, facilitating the distribution of shvash gas, spice and weapons. Competition with neighboring Hutts has brought gang warfare back to town, but business goes on, and Nem'ro controls the locals with bribes and brute force.

Nem'ro's Palace

The palace of Nem'ro the Hutt is half-fortress, half-monument-to-hedonism. Anyone who does business in Jiguuna is expected to come to the palace and pay his or her dues, but Nem'ro himself stays hidden behind multiple layers of security; most visitors are lucky to speak to one of his lieutenants.

Still, a visit to the palace has its privileges. In addition to the fully stocked cantina and the right to socialize with traveling traders, pirates and businesspeople from across the galaxy, the pleasures of the fighting pit and the private suites await those of a particular temperament.

Murder and theft aren't unknown in the palace, either--but acts performed without Nem'ro's blessing can have gruesome repercussions.

Rust Yards

The Rust Yards, according to common wisdom, are where old industrial facilities go to die. Over the decades, many factories have been constructed, operated and run into the ground here--only to be rebuilt and repurposed. Ore refineries become droid recycling plants when the ore supply runs dry; weapons assembly lines become toxic chemical storage bays when the arms dealing business is slow.

Nem'ro the Hutt has traditionally controlled the businesses in the Rust Yards--never by official contract, but by virtue of having the largest armed force in the area and by coaxing plant foremen into cooperating. Recent brutal attacks have shifted control of the Rust Yards to Nem'ro's rival, Fa'athra, who keeps the area locked down with his own mercenaries and security droids. The local workforce has little choice but to cooperate.

The Old Muckworks

The facilities at the Old Muckworks process the enormous quantities of chemicals and liquid pollutants in the waters of Hutta. Unfortunately, this "processing" doesn't necessarily clean the water. Although the facilities do prevent the planet from becoming entirely lethal to non-Hutt life, their primary job is to filter any valuable compounds from waste dumped into the swamps. These compounds are drained into enormous factory vats. Whatever useless chemicals remain afterward go right back into the swamp water.

The original Jiguuna Muckworks was replaced by new Muckworks--built some distance west of town--several decades ago, but the successor facility went into critical failure shortly after its installation. The "Old Muckworks" returned to use, and the name stuck.


Galactic History 1: The Architects

Galactic History 2: Ancient Civilizations

Galactic History 3: The Battalions of Zhell


Bog People

Even on Hutta, even in communities built around theft and violence, there are outcasts. People who cross a line, committing acts so vile that their fellow criminals don't dare retain them; people who lose everything, and have nowhere to turn; people who outrage their Hutt overlords. These people are exiled to the swamps, and most die quickly... but not all.

Survivors learn what it takes to endure in the swamps--respirators to cut down on toxic gas inhalation, medicinal compounds to counteract absorbed chemicals, specially treated clothes to alter one's scent, and blasters, of course, for self-defense. But no one can escape the changes wrought by living submerged in poison, and survivors suffer from paranoia, delusions and hallucinations. They become, as locals say, "bog people."

For the most part, bog people aren't organized--but they form packs and adopt new exiles to teach them the ways of the world. They are invariably violent (and most always were, even before becoming pariahs), and target anyone of any species in hopes of obtaining supplies.

Czerka Corporation

Originally founded as "Czerka Mining and Industrial," this centuries-old, galaxy-spanning corporation has diversified into businesses ranging from consumer food products to military weapons. It is one of the wealthiest and most successful economic enterprises in operation, conducting commerce on virtually every civilized planet and--as owner of multiple star systems and employer of several billion individuals--has representation in the Republic Senate.

Czerka is unique in being able to negotiate trade agreements with the Hutt Cartel and other independent worlds, crossing political borders with impunity to generate staggering profits. Despite the company's perceived lack of loyalty, no one can afford to stop doing business with Czerka. "Anytime, anywhere... we're there" is the corporation's slogan--a motto that unscrupulous opportunists eagerly endorse.

Hutt Cartel

Officially, the Hutt Cartel is a business alliance between several different Hutt clans, working together towards the common goals of wealth and prosperity. Between its members, the Hutt Cartel controls vast resources, countless credits and many independent worlds--not least among them Hutta, their adopted homeworld, and Nar Shaddaa, the crown jewel of the underworld. Although the Hutts have no formal government, the Hutt Cartel acts as a loose governing body on these worlds and others.

Unofficially, the Hutt Cartel is a ruthless crime syndicate whose goals are not always so united. Turf wars and clan infighting have often left the Cartel in splintered uproar. Personal grudges and cutthroat competition can result in two rival clans warring in the streets one day and feasting together the next.

While historically the Hutt Cartel has remained neutral in galactic affairs, both the Republic and the Empire have made recent attempts to secure the Hutts' loyalty. It remains to be seen what the outcome of these attempts will be--and what effect the Hutt Cartel will have on the galaxy at large.

Renegade Evocii

Not all Evocii have accepted the Hutts' tyranny; many Evocii prefer to fight, rather than kneel, when they first taste the foreman's lash. These radicals are typically shunned by their tribesmen, who fear that associating with rebels will incur the Hutts' wrath.

Such outcasts often band together to form small, informal tribes that work together to overthrow the Hutts. While these renegade Evocii are rarely able to confront the Hutts directly, Cartel enforcers and foremen alike have learned to fear these bloodthirsty outlaws.

Persons of Note

Braden (Bounty Hunter)

Braden's long and storied career has never quite reached the heights of notoriety it deserved. For more than twenty-five years, Braden has claimed hundreds of bounties for clients ranging from the infamous crime lord Nok Drayen to generals in the Republic military and Jedi Masters with no one else to turn to.

With his glory days behind him and his career in decline, Braden is looking for one last chance to shine before passing the torch to a new generation of hunters and retiring in some quiet corner of the galaxy.

Fa'athra the Hutt

Less than two centuries old, Fa'athra is an upstart among the Hutt clans. Instead of focusing on the slow accumulation of wealth and power with the intent of crushing his enemies with unstoppable force, Fa'athra is a nimble strategist, making prey of enemies too entrenched to respond quickly. After eliminating several Hutts in disfavor with the Cartel, he chose Nem'ro as his next target, seeing a ready-made power base ripe for the taking.

While Fa'athra is less than devoted to Hutt Cartel law, he considers himself a disciple of ancient Hutt traditions abandoned by most of his species. Rumors abound that he is a member--possibly the only surviving member--of one of the lost cults of Varl.

Intelligence Profile: Kaliyo Djannis (Imperial Agent)

  • Companion of: Imperial Agent
  • Ranged Tank
  • Crew Skills Bonus: +10 Armstech Efficiency, +2 Underworld Trading Critical
  • Primary Weapon: Blaster Rifle or Blaster Pistol
  • Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
  • Name: Kaliyo Djannis
  • Gender: Female
  • Species: Rattataki
  • Age: 29 (unconfirmed)

Background (Summary): Multiple contradictory accounts make full background assessment difficult. Subject likely born on Rattatak. Escaped homeworld at a young age. Proceeded to find employment as freelance enforcer and assassin for major criminal syndicates (Exchange, Hutt Cartel) and individual underworld figures (Rholl). Persistent links to Brentaal Four anarchist cells (see Revolutionary Edge Brigade). Minimal activity within Imperial borders.

Personality: Kaliyo Djannis prizes her freedom, and will lie, murder and blackmail in order to ensure that she is in control of a situation and able to indulge her vices. Known to pursue lengthy vendettas to redress grievances. Possesses a track record of expertly manipulating employers, lovers and associates (agents should not be fooled by attempts at seduction). As with many mercenaries, her loyalty cannot be purchased, but her services can be--if only temporarily.

Notes: No known military training, but extremely capable with assault weapons. Has been known to bite when disarmed.

Intelligence Profile: The Red Blade (Imperial Agent)

  • Alias: The Red Blade
  • Gender: Unknown
  • Species: Unknown
  • Age: Unknown

Background (Summary): Mysterious pirate known to operate along the Ison Corridor trade route in the Outer Rim. Typically assaults and pillages mid-size trade vessels with military escorts. Regularly docks at underworld havens (Port Nowhere, Wild Byth's) to refuel, sell off cargo and celebrate accomplishments. Rarely emerges from ship or private suites during celebrations.

Personality: The Red Blade is brutal during raids, rarely leaving survivors. Despite the pirate's obvious caution, we believe the Red Blade's identity isn't entirely secret--he or she has been present during raucous parties and gatherings at several pirate bases--but rather, revealed only to trusted associates and otherwise protected through obscurity.

Notes: Although the Red Blade identity is suitable for undercover operations in Hutt Space, do not attempt to operate under this alias near the Ison Corridor.

Jaesa Wilsaam (Sith Warrior)

  • Companion of: Sith Warrior
  • Melee Damage
  • Crew Skills Bonus: +5 Archaeology Efficiency, +5 Synthweaving Critical
  • Primary Weapon: Polesaber
  • Secondary Weapon: Focus

Once in a millennium, a man or woman is born who expands the frontiers of what Force-users can achieve. Proud young Jedi Padawan Jaesa Wilsaam discovered the unprecedented ability to discern any being's true nature and uncover a person's most secret intentions. Born to a family of servants on Alderaan, she was brought to the Jedi Order and trained by Master Nomen Karr.

But Nomen Karr could only protect and shield his Padawan from the world for so long. Through the machinations of Darth Baras, Jaesa was drawn away from the protection of the order and confronted by Baras's own apprentice--and with the emotional instability of her Master.

Having finally witnessed the Jedi Order's weakness and the dark side's true power, Jaesa embraces the Sith path with reckless abandon. She now knows that the only truth-inducing force in the galaxy is fear.

Keeper (Imperial Agent)

The individual designated "Keeper" is charged with overseeing the Operations Division of Imperial Intelligence. It is Keeper who approves every infiltration into enemy territory, every execution of an enemy of the state--and it is Keeper who selects agents worthy of further training and advancement through the ranks.

Keeper reports to the Minister of Intelligence, who reports directly to the Dark Council. This effectively puts a Keeper one step away from the absolute highest position any non-Sith can achieve in the Empire.

Mako (Bounty Hunter)

  • Companion of: Bounty Hunter
  • Ranged Healer
  • Crew Skills Bonus: +5 Cybertech Efficiency, +15 Slicing Efficiency
  • Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
  • Secondary Weapon: Vibroknife

At first glance, Mako's relationship with Braden seems more like that of a father and daughter than members of a team of professional bounty hunters--and that assessment wouldn't be too far off the mark.

Orphaned and homeless but with an uncanny instinct for computing, Mako had been living as a freelance slicer in the shadows of Nar Shaddaa's underbelly... until the day Braden pulled the girl bleeding out of an alley, and paid a street surgeon to patch her blaster burns.

Recognizing talent and trouble when he saw it, Braden took Mako under his wing and has been looking after her as his own ever since. But while Mako loves the old man more than anything, her independent nature is beginning to chafe under Braden's protectiveness.

Nem'ro the Hutt

When a Hutt reaches the pinnacle of his career, it is his right and privilege to let his mind and body atrophy--to turn away from menial concerns and strictly indulge his appetites. So it goes with Nem'ro.

Decades ago, Nem'ro was a scheming and ambitious leader among the gangs of Jiguuna. Block by block, factory by factory, he took control through brutality, blackmail and sheer business savvy. He paid his henchmen handsomely and overthrew Jiguuna's previous ruler in a bloody coup. He never did get rid of the competing gangs; he just cowed them and demanded a share of the profits.

Now, comfortable and confident, Nem'ro is free to let his lieutenants run the show while he concentrates on what makes life worth living: food, arena fights and reveling in the respect of his peers. Only the rise of Fa'athra, a Hutt upstart and would-be rival, threatens to force his attention back on business affairs.

Tarro Blood (Bounty Hunter)

The son of Alderaanian nobility, Tarro Blood renounced his privileged existence as the heir to a minor lordship in favor of pursuing greater glory and fame as a galaxy-renowned Mandalorian mercenary.

Leaving his past behind and taking on a new dramatic moniker, Blood was able to prove that he was no pretender after years of training under a famed Mandalorian champion. Under the guidance of this exceptional tutor, Blood became a feared warrior and the favorite to claim victory in the next Great Hunt.

Unfortunately, Tarro Blood's characteristic arrogance and sudden rise to prominence rubbed his competition the wrong way. The other Mandalorians in the competition made it their mission to ensure that he never came close to claiming victory. The resulting defeat nearly cost Blood his life, in addition to his pride, and he has remained away from the public eye for nearly a decade.



An oppressed and miserable species, the Evocii were once Hutta's sole inhabitants. They were a primitive people, existing in small tribes and possessing basic technology. Then the Hutts came, exchanging their advanced machines for Evocii land until they had bought up the entire planet.

Now the Evocii are enslaved, preserved only to serve their corpulent masters' whims. While a few brave Evocii actively oppose the Hutts' tyranny, most have resigned themselves to a life of servitude. The Evocii are generally found in small, impoverished tribes on Hutta and Nar Shaddaa, though a lucky few have managed to escape the Hutts' influence and carve a life for themselves elsewhere.


A species of large, amphibious gastropods, Hutts are noted for their vast appetites and widespread cultural involvement in organized crime. Their bodies average three meters in length, with large eyes and wide mouths offset by comparatively small upper appendages. Corpulence is a favored trait among Hutts, who believe that greater body mass indicates greater success and riches.

Although Hutts are biologically hermaphrodites, many take on the gender roles of other species; scientists and sociologists disagree on the reason for this. Hutts are also considered one of the longest-lived species in the galaxy, with several documented individuals living for more than one thousand years.

Culturally, Hutts favor entrepreneurial pursuits over direct action or labor. A vast number of these pursuits are based on illegal activities, with some Hutt clans constructing vast criminal empires that operate across numerous worlds for centuries at a time.


Ugnaughts are small, hardworking humanoids with a knack for mechanical work. Living in close-knit tribes, they are native to the volcanic world Gentes, where they build cunning devices to help them survive Gentes's inhospitable conditions. Living in Gentes's thick atmosphere gives Ugnaughts some natural resistance to toxic gases, meaning they can work happily in industrial environments without protection.

The Ugnaughts' small size and impressive technical expertise unfortunately make them prime targets for slavers. The Hutt Cartel alone is responsible for displacing entire Ugnaught tribes, putting them to work in droid factories or to maintain the Hutts' extravagant palaces.


Akk Dog

Loyal guard dogs, faithful pets and savage killers: with the right training, akk dogs can fill any of these roles. Those brave enough to challenge the beasts must contend with a thick, scaly carapace that deflects the most powerful of blows and jaws strong enough to crush durasteel. Although native to Haruun Kal, akk dogs have been exported across the galaxy to serve a variety of masters. When not domesticated, akk dogs live in the wild, hunting in packs and attacking anyone foolish enough to enter their territory.

In addition to their incredible strength, akk dogs are rumored to be Force sensitive. In recent years a Jedi named Master Sulan attempted to connect with the creatures through Force-bonding exercises. The Jedi's endeavor was cut short when his Padawan's life was claimed by a particularly hungry akk dog pack leader.


Most creatures avoid Hutta's polluted swamps, but these massive reptiles call the toxic marshes home. Nicknamed "chemilizards" by the local workers, these predators have adapted to the poisonous land by absorbing toxins, which contribute to their unique coloring and acidic saliva. Many also believe these toxins have poisoned the chemilizards' minds, turning the ferocious reptiles violent and untamable.

Before their mutation, chemilizards were a Hutt delicacy known as orpali dragons. These rare lizards were bred for harvest, killed in infancy and traditionally served over a bed of glazed chuba eyes. Orpali dragons were on the menu for the centennial feast of Bakuush the Hutt when several hatchlings escaped into the wild through the palace sewers. Over time, the resilient lizards evolved, and although one Hutt did attempt to dine on the adapted chemilizards, the results were most unappetizing.

Kintan Crusher

Kintan crushers, also known as "Kintan enforcers," are savage, brutish creatures native to the Nikto homeworld of Kintan. They are characterized by their stocky builds, powerful arms and large, meaty fists. Crushers are notably smarter than their cousins, the Kintan striders, and are rarely seen in the wild thanks to centuries of "domestication" by the Hutts; the Kintan crushers' ability to follow complex commands and pound their victims into jelly inspired the Hutts to employ them as reliable and obedient footsoldiers. Many speculate as to how the Hutts pay their Kintan enforcers, with guesses ranging from the absurd to the grotesque.


Reeks are horned, thick-skinned herbivores. They originally hail from the planet Ylesia but can be found all over the galaxy, particularly on Iridonia, Ithor and Tatooine. They are highly sought-after as pack animals, but are also commonly used as mounts.

Curiously, reeks' temperaments are largely dictated by their diets. While they normally subsist on plants, reeks will eat meat if it is offered to them; however, a carnivorous diet turns their skin dark red and makes them extremely hostile. This phenomenon inspired the phrase "mad as a red reek" and has led to the practice of using battle-maddened reeks in gladiatorial arenas.


The flapping of thick, hairless wings is often the last sound heard by a victim of the deadly xuvvas. Their fangs bite with brutal precision, quickly disabling prey while filling the xuvvas' swollen stomachs. The creatures then take flight and hunt down their next meal using sensitive electroreceptors in their horn-like antenna. A single xuvva is capable of killing a trained hunter; an entire flock can reduce a mature Hutt to bones in minutes.

Unknown to most, xuvvas are distant relations to the decidedly less vicious mynocks. Like their parasitic cousins, xuvvas latch onto power sources and leech their electrical energy. Ten years ago, an entire xuvva flock sapped enough power from a subterranean conduit to cause a blackout over half of Jiguuna. In a fit of fury, Nem'ro the Hutt placed a bounty on the creatures that was quickly called off when his palace became littered with the trophies of dead xuvvas.


Carbonite Freezing

Carbonite is a metal alloy that, when mixed with various gasses, can be used to flash freeze blocks of cargo for transportation or storage. Its use in freezing living creatures is relatively new in the galaxy and considered highly dangerous--subjects frozen for more than a few hours have a very low survival rate unless the carbonite is prepared with much expense at an elaborate facility. Even in the best cases, the sudden shock of flash freezing (often combined with a lack of life-support monitoring during suspension) tends to make the process extremely traumatic--sometimes even turning fatal hours after a subject has been thawed.

Still, a quick carbonite spray is the only known technique for freezing living creatures quickly and with minimal preparation. The technology is growing increasingly popular with bounty hunters and smugglers; as a result, many bounty hunting guilds have clauses in their contracts mandating live capture payment even if the bounty fails to survive the post-hibernation period.


Prior to the Hutts' arrival, Hutta was known as Evocar by the native Evocii. It was a temperate planet characterized by lush rainforests, expansive oceans and towering mountain ranges. Natural resources were plentiful, a fact that no doubt attracted the Hutts as they searched for a new homeworld to settle. The Hutts' occupation of Evocar led to centuries of strip-mining and unchecked consumption that forever altered Evocar, transforming the once-idyllic planet into a polluted, bog-infested wasteland.

Evocii Exile

When the Hutts resettled on Hutta, they quickly bought up the entire planet and forced the native Evocii offworld. Lacking any reliable means of interstellar travel, the Evocii had no choice but to allow the Hutts to facilitate their relocation to the orbiting moon of Nar Shaddaa.

Countless Evocii were herded onto Hutt cruisers, the Hutts cramming as many natives into each ship as possible. The Hutt shipping containers were not designed to transport living cargo, however, causing thousands of Evocii deaths during the voyage. Worst of all, Nar Shaddaa proved to only be a temporary refuge for the Evocii, as the Hutts already had plans to annex the moon and use the Evocii as cheap labor.

Evocii History

While no written record exists concerning the Evocii prior to the Hutts' arrival, it is known that they were a simple and primitive species with a tribal society. When the Hutts discovered Evocar--the planet that would become Hutta--they bartered with each tribe individually, offering wondrous technology in exchange for land until they effectively owned the entire planet. Those Evocii who had refused to sell their freedom were herded onto ships and relocated to Nar Shaddaa, where they were kept as a ready source of cheap labor.

The Hutts' dominion over the Evocii continued unchallenged for centuries until a charismatic Evocii named Ejal led an uprising against the Hutts. Ejal's revolt gained unprecedented momentum until he was betrayed by one of his tribesmen and delivered to his foes. Ejal met a gruesome end while the traitor was awarded his freedom and showered with riches. Even today, the Hutts are fond of this tale, as it reminds the Evocii of the rewards for obedience... and the price of defiance.

Evocii Tribes

Although most Evocii remember little of their culture now, it is certain that the Evocii once existed in hundreds of tribes scattered throughout Hutta's (then known as Evocar) once-lush surface. Usually ruled by a married couple acting as paired chieftains, the Evocii tribes traded and competed with each other, building monuments as proof of their comfort and superior resources.

The most honored members of the tribe were rarely the chieftains themselves; the Evocii placed higher value on healers, trackers, and those who could predict Evocar's intemperate weather. The tribes were not entirely peaceful, though; the Evocii preferred cunning guerilla attacks and raids to assaulting their enemies directly.

The Hutts ignored the structure of Evocii society when they obtained control of the planet. Tribes were split up and intermingled, eventually losing their identity altogether. Only fragments of Evocii tribal culture remain, mostly in the communities that resisted Hutt rule and vanished into Hutta's swamps.

The Great Hunt (Bounty Hunter)

A recent Mandalorian tradition stretching back only a few hundred years, the Great Hunt is considered one of the keenest tests of a professional warrior's skill. While the competition has evolved over the centuries, incorporating more complex rules and greatly expanding its scope, two things have not changed: The challengers hunt each other as often as they do their quarries.

To the modern Mandalorians, the title of Grand Champion is second only in prestige to that of Mand'alor--the Mandalorian leader. In order to earn the title, a competitor must best everything the galaxy can throw at him or her. It's not entirely uncommon for a Great Hunt to end without a surviving competitor left to hold the title. As such, the number of beings who can claim that honor is slim.


The ancestral homeworld of the Hutts, Varl was destroyed thousands of years ago. No accurate record of the planet's destruction exists, but Hutt mythos suggests that one of Varl's two suns was pulled into a black hole; according to legend, the resulting cataclysm devastated Varl's atmosphere and rendered the entire system uninhabitable.

Several inconsistencies in the story have led many to suspect that the Hutts themselves were responsible for the planet's destruction. Regardless, the Hutts fled the ruined planet and--after displacing the native Evocii--resettled on Hutta.

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