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Star Wars: The Old Republic


Tython Planet - Star Wars: The Old Republic

Tython Planet - Star Wars: The Old Republic - SWTOR Codex: Datacrons, Locations, Organizations, Persons of Note, Species, Bestiary and Lore.

The mysterious Deep Core world of Tython is the birthplace of the Jedi Order. Millennia ago, Tythonian warriors and scholars developed a unique mystic and martial philosophy while studying the Force. Today, their Jedi descendants excavate ancient Tythonian ruins and relearn what was lost.

After the recent destruction of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the Jedi made their new home on Tython. The mountainous planet remains mostly unexplored, and the violent natives pose a constant threat. The order remains committed to rebuilding here, however, and is now training a new generation of Padawans.

  • faction: Galactic Republic, levels: 1 - 10
  • location: Coreward Worlds, status: inhabitants petitioned for aid from the Jedi in order to retaliate against the Raiders
  • terrain: Mountains & Forests
  • key facts: Ancient home world of the Jedi

Starting planet for Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular.

Companions from this world: Qyzen Fess (Jedi Consular companion), T7-01 (Jedi knight companion)


Jedi Temple

Since the destruction of the original temple during the Sacking of Coruscant, the Jedi Temple on Tython has become the spiritual home and sanctuary of the Jedi Order. Housing meditation rooms, lecture theaters and the Jedi Archives, the temple's architecture was deliberately changed from the original on Coruscant, in line with the Jedi philosophy of non-attachment. The new design is intended to echo the style of Alderaan's famous castles and to evoke the Jedi virtues of humility, serenity and patience.

Construction began a year after the Jedi made a permanent settlement on Tython and took three years to complete using local Tythonian stone and timber. The temple's site, built upon the ruins of a much older temple, was chosen by the Jedi Council after a week of fasting and meditation. While the temple's formidable technological defenses are concealed and integrated into the architecture, it's the presence of the Council and the Jedi who train there who truly ensure its safety from invaders.

Kalikori Village

Named after an old Twi'lek word for "beginning," Kalikori village is a settlement in the Tythonian hills, founded by a group of Twi'lek Pilgrims fleeing persecution. The Pilgrims asked the Republic for permission to settle on Tython but were refused; defying the ruling, the Pilgrims founded a small camp that gradually grew into Kalikori village. The village Matriarch's home is built on the site of the original landing.

Kalikori is technically an illegal settlement, without protection under Republic law. As the village grew, boasting fertile fields and its own irrigation system, the Twi'lek Pilgrims realized they were expanding into Flesh Raider territory and have been fighting off the creatures ever since without outside help. Despite the anger of the villagers at the Jedi who have "abandoned" them, many Padawans travel to Kalikori village to seek the Matriarch's blessing or to learn about the Pilgrims' teachings.

Ruins of Kaleth

Crumbling walls and rubble are all that remain of the fortified city of Kaleth. Carvings at Kaleth suggest the site has been inhabited and abandoned more than once over the millennia--but always by Force users. This has given rise to dozens of theories about Kaleth from scholars at the Jedi Temple, not to mention interest from archaeologists seeking artifacts of the ancient Jedi. Unfortunately, exploration of Kaleth is hampered by ancient hostile droids that still roam the ruins.

The presence of these droids, the discovery of surviving computers and reports of strange lights at night prove Kaleth still has sections with functioning power despite being abandoned for centuries. Because of this, some members of the first expedition to Tython recommended restoring Kaleth and making it the new settlement of the Jedi Order. The Jedi Council decided against this, however, preferring to study Kaleth and its history from a distance.

The Chamber of Speech

The Chamber of Speech is mentioned several times in surviving histories of Kaleth, though only in passing. The scrolls Jedi Knight Do Zonn obtained suggest the chamber was a repository of knowledge in some form, and reference a mysterious being who was master of the chamber's lore.

Attempts to fully examine the old machines in the Chamber of Speech have proved fruitless, as the battle droids that guard the ruin are particularly violent. There is evidence that the droids were programmed to return to the chamber if its other defenses failed. Whatever secrets the chamber hides, the ancients of Kaleth were careful to protect them.

The Forge (Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight)

Since the rebuilding of the temple, the very best of the young Jedi have braved the paths through the mountains, hoping to make their first lightsabers at the monument known as the Forge--the ancient Tythonians' site for creating or mending weapons. When the Jedi returned to Tython, they had only scraps of information on the Forge's location; it took ten months before a small team finally discovered it, overgrown by vines and half-buried by a landslide.

Despite the Forge's power, many Jedi have sensed a strange darkness or corruption in the region surrounding the Forge. The local beasts are unusually vicious, and the weather often changes without warning. These phenomena mean only the most skilled and combat-ready Padawans are encouraged to seek out the Forge.

The Gnarls

"The Gnarls" is a name given to the wilds near the outpost and landing pads beneath the Masters' Retreat. It was nicknamed for the thick undergrowth that originally covered the region, which took several months to clear. The original explorers of Tython discovered and restored ruined stone paths and bridges leading through the Gnarls, suggesting these wilds were once used by the ancient Jedi.

Although still a proving ground for Jedi Padawans, in recent years the Gnarls has become increasingly dangerous. Wild animals have begun migrating closer to the Gnarls outpost, and there have been sightings of Tython's native Flesh Raiders in neighboring sectors. The Jedi Council is in discussions about moving the training grounds to a safer region, but many Masters feel that risk is necessary at a certain level of tutelage; the galaxy is dangerous, and Jedi can't be shielded forever if they're to be prepared.

Tythos Ridge

The primitive Flesh Raiders have turned the once-lush mountains of Tythos Ridge into a horrific camp from which to launch their raids on the other denizens of Tython. The ground is black and barren; the trees and foliage burned away. The air is thick with the stench of death, and piles of bones desecrate ancient Tythonian pillars, mute testament to the countless victims of the Flesh Raiders' appetites.

Tythos Ridge was never fully studied during the early stages of Tython's Jedi reoccupation; Master Bestros proposed its use as a meditation retreat, but since then, the increasing number of Flesh Raiders has made exploration impossible. It is unclear whether a small Flesh Raider village was the seed for this now-vast settlement, or whether the Flesh Raiders migrated to the ridge en masse--but either way, for Jedi Masters seeking to understand the creatures, further reconnaissance of the ridge is an absolute necessity.


Galactic History 10: The Tion Cluster

Galactic History 11: The Tionese Face the Hutt Empire

Galactic History 9: The Force Wars


Jedi Council

Those who walk the path of the Jedi are guided and overseen by the Jedi High Council. Sworn to protect and defend the Republic, the Council has existed in one form or another for millennia, comprised of the wisest Jedi Masters of every era.

After the destruction of the Jedi Temple and the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, the modern council removed itself from the politics of the galactic capital and settled on Tython, the ancestral home of the Jedi. Led by Master Satele Shan, the Council now struggles to uphold its peaceful ideals in the face of the Sith threat. This paradox is reflected in the personalities and beliefs of various members of the Council--some, such as the scholarly Master Syo Bakarn, hope the Sith can be redeemed and turned to the light side; others, such as the militaristic Master Jaric Kaedan, believe peace can only be achieved when all those who serve the dark side are destroyed.

Twi'lek Pilgrims

Tython is home to a small settlement of Twi'lek Pilgrims united by their belief in a humble lifestyle and the authority of their Matriarchs. Although their numbers are few, the Pilgrim movement goes back almost two decades--and until their recent arrival on Tython, they had never possessed a permanent home, nor escaped persecution.

The founding Pilgrim Matriarch gained her followers while serving at a refugee settlement catering to escapees from Ryloth--the enslaved Twi'lek homeworld. The refugees listened to the Matriarch's stories about a set of ancient texts she had discovered on an alien world, which urged simplicity, devotion to family and faith in a spiritual mother. But while some Twi'leks gladly joined the Matriarch, others saw her as a cult leader taking advantage of the desperate.

The Pilgrims left the settlement and traveled to one Twi'lek settlement after another, gaining in numbers but always driven off. Fleeing into hyperspace after years of wandering, the Pilgrims at last arrived on Tython. The Jedi, only recently arrived themselves, were astonished that the Pilgrims could stumble upon the secret Jedi homeworld so easily; the Matriarch saw the Pilgrims' discovery of an inhabitable planet as destiny.

Since then, the Pilgrims have done everything possible to make a permanent home of Tython, building their community and creating new traditions. Whether the movement will survive in the face of the Flesh Raider danger is an open question.

Persons of Note

Orgus Din (Jedi Knight)

A grizzled Jedi Master who's fought more battles with the Sith than any other living member of the order, Master Orgus Din was an eyewitness to the Sacking of Coruscant. The destruction of the Jedi Temple, along with the loss of his Padawan Bengel Morr, hardened him. Now considered a maverick among his peers, Orgus prefers to leave meditation, debate and diplomacy to the Jedi Council while he goes out and gets things done.

Despite his sometimes abrasive nature, there are many among the order who respect Orgus as a man of action. Yet even though he would be the first to proclaim that the Jedi need more individuals like himself, Orgus is still haunted by what he's seen and has refused to take on a new Padawan for many years.

Qyzen Fess (Jedi Consular)

  • Companion of: Jedi Consular
  • Melee Tank
  • Crew Skills Bonus: +5 BioChem, +15 Archaeology
  • Primary Weapon: Vibrosword
  • Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator

In contrast to many Trandoshans, Qyzen Fess rejected the path of a mercenary to become a hunter of the galaxy's most dangerous beasts. Earning "Jagganath points" with every honorable kill, Qyzen has traveled for years, seeking worthy prey and honoring his goddess, the Scorekeeper. Although his travels have brought him to Tython several times, he is never seen by the Jedi if Yuon Par is not at the temple.

Despite his disdain of fame and fortune, Qyzen has attracted some notoriety. He often slips through apparently watertight Imperial borders to follow his prey, much to the consternation of the Empire's officials. Qyzen is also the only living hunter to have killed a greater crested gundark, thought extinct for centuries. His simple habits and devotion to the Scorekeeper give him common ground with the Jedi, though many disapprove of the attitudes and instincts that come naturally to a Trandoshan.

Satele Shan

Grand Master of the Jedi Order and leader of the Jedi Council, Satele Shan was born on the Core World of Brentaal Four and is descended from legendary Jedi Bastila Shan. Both a gifted warrior and wise teacher, Satele was personally responsible for rediscovering Tython and its hyperspace route. Ever since, she has devoted herself to the Jedi resettlement of Tython and the revitalization of the order.

Satele has played a key role in recent galactic history in other ways, as well. She fought on the front lines of several major battles--including the battles of Alderaan and Rhen Var--and was present as a Padawan during the Imperial retaking of Korriban, the first modern contact between the Sith Empire and the Republic. She is greatly respected by certain members of the Republic military, and her advice is often sought by the Supreme Chancellor. In person, Satele's strength in the Force is matched with a keen intelligence and a subtle sense of humor.

Syo Bakarn (Jedi Consular)

Rumored to be the descendant of a Corellian noble family, Syo Bakarn distinguished himself as a Padawan by saving his master from a Mandalorian Jedi hunter. Syo was part of the delegation at the original Jedi Temple when the Sacking of Coruscant occurred.

Syo has represented the Jedi Council on several diplomatic missions and spoken for the order before the Republic Senate. In addition to his duties for the Council, Syo is also a talented engineer, responsible for the rebuilt Jedi Archives and many of the systems within the Jedi Temple on Tython.

T7-01 (Jedi Knight)

  • Companion of: Jedi Knight
  • Ranged Tank
  • Crew Skills Bonus: +10 Bioanalysis Efficenc,y +2 Slicing Critical
  • Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol or Blaster Rifle
  • Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator

A quirky and surprisingly stubborn astromech droid with a lively personality and strong independent streak, T7-01 serves the Jedi by bravely facing danger on a daily basis. Skilled in high-resolution sensor scans, mechanical repair and starship piloting (along with numerous undocumented talents), the droid's hard work is responsible for saving dozens, if not hundreds, of lives on Tython alone.

Little is known about T7 before the droid came into the service of the Jedi. Certain features of its construction hint at it being a custom model built some time ago, but there are no official records to substantiate the theory. Despite the uncertainty of its origins, the droid's enthusiasm and willingness to put itself in harm's way leave little doubt as to its loyalty.

Yuon Par (Jedi Consular)

A renowned archaeologist and tireless explorer, Jedi Master Yuon Par is one of the order's most respected scholars. She specializes in the pre-history of the Jedi Order and has recovered several major artifacts, including the surviving Gharnus Texts and a holocron compiled by Odan-Urr. Yuon once taught the history of Jedi philosophy at the temple, but in recent years she has returned to working in the field.

Yuon's search for lost Jedi ruins and artifacts has brought her into contact with dozens of different cultures. She has negotiated with warring Gamorrean clans and was even made blood sister to a Kaleesh chieftain. Some Jedi have expressed concern at Yuon's rather unorthodox methods and teaching style, but no one questions her devotion to the Jedi Order.



Cathar are a feline humanoid species native to the planet of the same name. They are normally covered in fur, although variations in the genetic baseline have expressed themselves as at least two distinct subspecies. Cathar are noteworthy hand-to-hand combatants, possessing retractable claws, strong physiques and natural agility.

It was the Cathar reputation for martial prowess that drew the Mandalorians to besiege their homeworld several centuries ago. Despite their valiant resistance against the remorseless invaders, the native Cathar were virtually exterminated. Out of millions, only a few hundred escaped the Mandalorians' attack and fled to Republic space.

In the time since their near-extinction, the Cathar have rebuilt their numbers to become common faces on Republic worlds. The Jedi Order, Galactic Senate and Republic military all claim numerous proud and loyal Cathar among their ranks. It is rare to encounter a Cathar who doesn't actively despise the Sith Empire--and especially its Mandalorian allies.

Flesh Raiders

Fierce creatures with an unrelenting hunger, Flesh Raiders are believed to be Tython's only sentient natives. They are at least partially intelligent, capable of building shelters and assembling basic weapons from scavenged technology, but attempts to communicate have all ended violently. Known for devouring their prisoners and any animals they come across, the Flesh Raiders were formerly content to live in their primitive, bone-strewn camps in the hills. More recently, the expansion of the Jedi and the defenseless Twi'lek Pilgrims seem to have drawn the Flesh Raiders into the valleys.

No one knows where the Flesh Raiders came from. Some speculate they were once a civilized people, driven to cannibalism and madness over years of isolation. Others fear they are the result of dark side experiments. Whatever their origins, the Flesh Raiders have only grown more powerful and numerous over the years, and they are quickly becoming a blight on Tython.


Twi'leks are a humanoid species with long, prehensile head-tails called lekku--organs housing sections of the Twi'lek brain and specialized for communication through subtle motion. Twi'leks are native to the harsh world of Ryloth, a planet that has suffered from occupation by the Hutt Cartel in recent years; Twi'leks on Ryloth not forced to work in the mines are often taken as slaves, exported to markets throughout the Outer Rim.

Millennia of dispersion into the wider galaxy, however, means that many Twi'leks have little or no sense of connection with their beleaguered homeworld; Twi'leks may be second only to humans in their ubiquity throughout known space. Nonetheless, many Twi'leks can't escape the shadows of slavery and the underworld--often, they find work with the same pirates, slavers and spice dealers who have traditionally oppressed their species.

Twi'lek names vary dramatically, depending on whether the parents follow the old Twi'lek tradition of combining given and family name, or use the more common approach (separating first name and surname) used by many other species. Some Twi'leks eschew any surname altogether.


Zabrak are near-human sentients from the planet Iridonia renowned for their independence and wandering spirit. They have distinctive facial horns, whose number and pattern denote which subspecies an individual Zabrak belongs to. Most Zabrak wear ritual facial tattoos, which vary from simple lines to more elaborate patterns. The designs can mark significant events in their lives, or merely be a matter of personal preference.

After discovering space travel early in their civilization, they quickly colonized worlds throughout the Mid Rim and gained a reputation as pioneers and explorers. Zabrak are also skilled warriors, engaging in inter-clan competitions to hone their talents; their physiology, which includes a secondary heart and some resistance to pain, gives them surprising endurance in battle.



Guids are hoofed quadrupeds indigenous to Tython. Notable for their muscular forelegs and the distinctive tufts of hair on the shoulders, back and chin, they are typically encountered grazing alone or in small herds. Guids are not particularly aggressive, but if threatened, they are capable of causing injury or even death with their massive forelegs and powerful jaws. Attempts to domesticate guids have proved unsuccessful due to their stubborn and occasionally irritable nature.

Jedi Master Silvarte has taken to labeling Padawans with a particularly lumbering lightsaber stance as devotees of the "Form of the Guid." At least one of these Padawans--since proclaimed a full Jedi Knight--has taken this mild insult to heart, developing several lightsaber techniques inspired by the study and observation of these strange creatures. Master Silvarte considers this a mark of his success as a teacher.


Four-legged reptilian predators found primarily on Tython, horranths typically hunt in large family groups called broods. With their high birth rate, quick maturation and few natural predators, the horranth population is usually constrained only by a limited food supply.

If food suddenly becomes more abundant in a region, a horranth matriarch will lay hundreds of eggs, causing her brood's population to explode. As their numbers multiply, the beasts grow bolder and more aggressive. Unchecked, the brood will continue to spread until they finally exceed their food supply, at which point the matriarch will suddenly stop producing eggs. Unfortunately, this return to normal population levels typically only happens after the brood has thoroughly devastated the region.

Manka Cat

Fierce feline hunters, manka cats are believed to have originated on Alderaan but can now be found on a number of different worlds due to their desirability as exotic pets or trained guardians. It is no surprise that these accomplished hunters have thrived in virtually every ecosystem into which they have been introduced. Sleek and powerful, they have the speed to run down smaller prey, while their massive protruding tusks and claws also allow them to tackle much larger targets. Often traveling in prides, even a lone manka cat can be dangerous, and extreme caution should be exercised when in their territory. Despite the risks, manka cats are sometimes hunted for sport and for their tusks and teeth, which are said to possess healing properties.


The legendary terentatek is a vicious, tusked monster that feeds on the blood of Force sensitives. Terentateks are known to cluster wherever there is a strong dark side presence and to remain dormant for many years before emerging to hunt.

How terentateks came to be is a subject of much debate. Ancient chronicles report terentatek-like creatures on Korriban, twisted by the dark side rituals performed by early Dark Jedi. Other sources attribute their creation directly to the Sith Lord Exar Kun, who performed many Force experiments on creatures on Yavin Four. Terentateks are undoubtedly one of the most vicious of all creatures steeped in the dark side, and they are doubly dangerous because of their unnatural resistance to Force powers.

Jedi throughout the ages have tried to wipe terentateks from the galaxy, but the creatures have proven incredibly resilient. The most recent concerted effort was three centuries ago; many terentateks were destroyed, but the hunt took the lives of many Jedi Masters, as well.

Tythonian War Droid

The ruins of Kaleth are overrun with various squads of ancient--and hostile--war droids. A deadly remnant of Tython's mysterious past, the original purpose of the droids has been lost in the mists of time. Some speculate they were once guardians, programmed to protect the powerful secrets of Tython's original Jedi inhabitants. Others believe the droids were used for combat training by the order shortly after the creation of the first proto-lightsaber. A more sinister theory suggests the droids were somehow involved in the destruction of Kaleth itself. Whatever the explanation, one fact is not in dispute: The droids will attack any living creature that dares to enter the territory they still fiercely patrol.


Deceptively aggressive, uxibeasts are mammalian herbivores with a multitude of horns covering their shaggy bodies. They are believed to originate on Tython, but have been found in small numbers on other planets--evidence of the migration of the first Jedi, long ago. They typically travel in herds and are quite capable of fending off would-be predators; the pointed spines on their backs prevent attackers from pouncing on them, and a charging uxibeast is capable of inflicting all kinds of bodily harm.

Uxibeasts are generally ill-tempered and unpleasant around people, but they can be tamed--to a degree. Domesticated uxibeasts will imprint on a single individual, whom they are unquestionably loyal to, while remaining hostile toward everyone else.


Holocron (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)

Holographic chronicles--more commonly called "holocrons"--are sophisticated data storage devices capable of cataloging vast amounts of complex information within their crystal lattice structure. Frequently used by both the Jedi and the Sith to preserve the wisdom of ancient Masters and Sith Lords, holocrons can only be accessed by Force-sensitive individuals. Some are "merely" repositories of incredible lore, while others possess virtual personalities of their own, modeled after their creators.

Many believe it was actually the Sith who first developed holocron technology, as the oldest known examples are all relics of the dark side. Interestingly, Jedi holocrons take the form of a glowing cube, while Sith holocrons are usually pyramid-shaped. Some scholars claim the six-sided cube of the Jedi represents a more modern and advanced version of the original four- and five-sided pyramids favored by the Sith, though hard evidence for this idea is scarce.

Jedi Weapons (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)

The lightsaber is the iconic symbol of the Jedi. Through the Force, it becomes an extension of the wielder; serving as both a powerful tool for defense and a devastating weapon against the dark side. Padawans, however, typically use electroblade training swords until they have proven themselves worthy. Only then can a Padawan make a pilgrimage to the Forge on Tython to construct a lightsaber in accordance with ancient Jedi traditions.

Lightsabers come in both single- and double-bladed forms, and their blades can be a variety of colors. Blue, green and yellow are the most common among the Jedi, though there are examples of other hues such as magenta and cyan. The color of a given lightsaber's blade is largely determined by the crystals in the hilt that power the weapon. Different crystals confer varying properties on the weapon, allowing each lightsaber to be customized by its creator.

Rebuilding the Jedi Order

In the aftermath of the Sacking of Coruscant and the establishment of peace with the Empire, the fate of the Jedi Order was uncertain. With their temple looted and in ruins and relations with the Republic government at a new low, the Jedi left the Republic capital to establish a new temple on the rediscovered world of Tython--the homeworld of the first Jedi.

By returning to their ancestral home, the Jedi hoped to reconnect with the beliefs and ideals of those who founded the order twenty millennia ago. They sought to reclaim forgotten knowledge and wisdom left behind by ancient Masters, scouring the planet for holocrons and Jedi artifacts to replace those that had been lost during the destruction of the temple on Coruscant. They began training a new generation of students and began to mend relations with those who blamed the Jedi for the destruction of the war.

On Tython, many young Jedi believe they have rediscovered the original purpose of their order: to stand firm against the servants of the dark side. Removed from the machinations and concessions of politicians and bureaucrats, the Jedi have once again become beacons in the eternal struggle between light and dark.

Rediscovering Tython

The birthplace of the Jedi Order was lost for many thousands of years when known hyperspace lanes leading to the region collapsed--a fate that has befallen many worlds in the unstable heart of the galaxy known as the Deep Core. After the destruction of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Satele Shan embarked on a search to rediscover the lost world. Guided by the Force, she ventured into the Deep Core and re-emerged with astrogation charts detailing a new series of stable hyperspace lanes. Tython was once again connected to the rest of the galaxy.

Initial exploration of the planet took months, as Jedi scouts combed the surface for clues to Tython's history. Lives were lost--to a troubled landscape, to the Flesh Raiders and to forces unknown--but soon, the Jedi Council established a new temple on the world, determined to rebuild Tython and return it to humble glory.

The Principles of Rajivari (Jedi Consular)

Master Rajivari's surviving ideas have been the subject of much debate by Jedi scholars, and the records left by his apprentices give new insight into Rajivari's philosophy. His second principle, "all life is a battle, even to the last breath" appears to be an extreme interpretation of the natural survival instincts all beings share. The seventh principle, "to sacrifice strength is the act of a fool" is a clear attempt to break from Jedi teachings, which view self-sacrifice, especially in the service of others, as one of the noblest actions a Jedi can take.

Rajivari's fifth principle, "mercy creates a spiral of destruction," is the most controversial. Jedi are encouraged to take the merciful path wherever possible. However, it can be argued that if a Jedi shows mercy to those who don't comprehend it--such as violent predators--this may cause greater harm in the future.

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