Korriban Planet - Star Wars: The Old Republic
Korriban Planet - Star Wars: The Old Republic - SWTOR Codex: Datacrons, Locations, Organizations, Persons of Note, Species, Bestiary and Lore.
A cruel planet of rocky red deserts and crumbling ruins, Korriban was the homeworld of the ancient Sith. Reclaimed by the Empire in recent decades, it is now the site of the Sith Academy, where the Dark Council oversees the training of new acolytes. Only Sith may come and go freely from the academy, and for a non-Sith to visit Korriban is a great privilege.
Surrounding the academy are the tombs of the first Dark Lords. Used as testing grounds by the academy overseers, the tombs remain filled with traps, monstrosities and relics, even millennia after their construction--along with the bodies of a generation of failed acolytes.
- faction: Sith Empire, levels: 1 - 10
- location: Imperial-controlled Outer Rim, status: Tightly controlled by the Sith
- terrain: Red, rocky desert
- key facts: Original home world of the Sith, after being driven out of the early Jedi Order
Starting planet for Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor.
Companions from this world: Khem Val (Sith Inquisitor companion), Vette (Sith Warrior companion)

Sith Academy
Rising above the Valley of the Dark Lords, the Sith Academy is a monument to the power of the dark side and the might of the Sith Empire. Would-be students throughout Imperial space compete for the privilege of studying within the Academy halls, but only those strong in the Force are selected--and most of those perish in the struggle to become Sith.
Beyond the training rooms lay many secrets that remain hidden to all but the most powerful Sith Lords. Higher levels contain chambers for members of the Dark Council, where few living creatures are permitted. Whispered rumors suggest that the Emperor himself has a sanctum within the Academy, but no one has seen the Emperor on Korriban for many years.

The Wilds
Nowhere on Korriban is the planet's dark influence stronger than in the lower wilds. What begins as ringing ears and a cold unease can eventually cripple and dominate an unprepared Sith; weaker minds can be twisted and broken in a matter of hours, leaving soldiers weeping in the sand or slaves frothing, ready to kill.
The source of this corrupting power is unknown. Some believe it is the residual dark energy of the ancient Sith species, while others insist the canyon serves as a focal point for the combined hatred and strength of the entombed Dark Lords. Some even hope the madness is caused by an artifact buried beneath the sands, waiting for a Sith to claim its power

Tomb of Ajunta Pall
Before the Empire, before the Sith Order, Ajunta Pall was the very first Dark Lord. Once a Jedi Master, Ajunta Pall learned how to create and shape life itself through the Force--an art the Jedi feared and sought to end. In an act of defiance, he turned his newfound power against the Jedi Order and rebelled.
In the end, the Jedi banished Ajunta Pall and his followers, exiling them to the Outer Rim--where the exiles found Korriban and a Force-wielding native species called the Sith. Ajunta Pall impressed the Sith with his power and technology, and the Sith soon revered the exiles as gods. From his seat of power on Korriban, Ajunta Pall was named Dark Lord of the Sith and founded the Sith Empire.
Upon his death, Ajunta Pall's body was entombed in the Valley of the Dark Lords. After millennia of sandstorms, cave-ins and warfare, the tomb still stands as a testament to his lasting influence.
Tomb of Marka Ragnos
Strength, power and strategy marked the rule of Marka Ragnos. Descended from the original Sith inhabitants of Korriban and the Dark Jedi exiles who interbred with them, Marka Ragnos was destined for greatness. He conquered his competitors in a series of quick, ruthless campaigns and became Dark Lord of all Sith, a title he would hold for more than a century.
The reign of Marka Ragnos might have been short-lived had he not displayed great strategic discipline. Instead of clashing directly with Sith challengers who hungered for his power, he pitted his enemies against each other to weaken and destroy them. Similarly, he was one of few Sith of his era who knew of the existence of the Republic and the Jedi Order. He chose not to attack, and instead focused on strengthening the Sith Empire.
The golden age of the Sith would end shortly after his death, but the legacy and spirit of Marka Ragnos would live on within his tomb in the Valley of the Dark Lords.
Tomb of Naga Sadow
Naga Sadow was ruled by ambition: ambition for power, for dominance and for the expansion of the Sith Empire. Marka Ragnos's body was still warm when Naga Sadow clashed with Sith Lord Ludo Kressh over their late ruler's title. The spirit of Marka Ragnos interrupted their duel and told the two Sith Lords of a greater enemy: the Republic and its Jedi defenders. Naga Sadow saw opportunity in this revelation and launched an attack on Republic space, a move that would see Sadow named the Empire's ruler and spark the Great Hyperspace War.
Naga Sadow's ambition and overconfidence soon became his greatest weaknesses. Even with his mastery of Force illusions, the Republic outmatched the Sith. Sadow's invasion failed, and the Republic fleet pursued him back to Sith space. He fled Korriban with his warriors as the Sith Empire crumbled around him.
Sadow sought refuge on the remote moon Yavin Four, where he died after spending years trying to rebuild the Empire he had inadvertently helped to destroy. Naga Sadow's spirit, however, survived to pass on Sith teachings, planting the seed of corruption among his Jedi enemies.
Tomb of Tulak Hord
Lord of Hate, Master of the Gathering Darkness and Dark Lord of the Sith. These are but a few of the titles worn by the great Tulak Hord. His command of the dark side and mastery of lightsaber techniques won Hord many battles, and each victory earned him enemies abroad and within the Sith ranks. Of the many who challenged his might, none were successful.
Among Hord's greatest triumphs were the battles of Yn and Chabosh. With an army of dark side warriors and his faithful Dashade assassin at his side, he annihilated the rebels who defied the expansion of the Sith Empire and went on to conquer the Dromund system--setting the stage for Dromund Kaas to eventually become capital of the Empire. Imperial historians believe the worlds conquered by Hord number in the hundreds, but any records from his bygone era were lost in the Great Hyperspace War.
Valley of the Dark Lords
Since the dawn of the Empire, the Valley of the Dark Lords has been the final resting place for the galaxy's most legendary Sith. Carved into the rock walls and anointed with the blood of a thousand slaves, the valley's tombs are monuments to the influence and strength of their interred lords. A tomb's construction can require decades, construction beginning long before death claims its eventual occupant and ending long after.
With the defeat of the Sith Empire in the Great Hyperspace War, Korriban was abandoned with only ancient statues to guard over the valley. Grave robbers and cave-ins wore down the tombs for a thousand years until the Sith returned and restored Korriban to its former glory. Excavations into the rediscovered tombs are now underway, and already Sith wonder who will be the next great warrior to lie among the legends in the Valley of the Dark Lords.
Galactic History 15: Mandalore
Galactic History 16: The Alsakan Conflicts
Galactic History 17: The Duinuogwuin Contention
The Dark Council
While the undying Emperor serves as the unquestioned leader of the Empire, the twelve members of the Dark Council oversee the daily workings of their vast civilization and speak in the Emperor's name. Each is among the most powerful Sith in the galaxy; to hold a seat on the council is the highest honor and the greatest position of influence a Sith can attain.
The individual members of the Dark Council control their own spheres of influence and pyramids of subordinate Sith--overall Imperial military strategy falls in the hands of one Dark Council member, while study of ancient artifacts falls into the hands of another. These spheres occasionally overlap, leading to conflict. However, every Sith Lord and apprentice is ultimately answerable to the council member at the top of his or her pyramid. Similarly, non-Sith organizations are usually clearly answerable to one Dark Council member or another.
Meetings of the Dark Council are normally held in the Citadel on Dromund Kaas or in the Sith Academy on Korriban. It's rare for all members to gather at once--power plays among members are frequent, and several of the Dark Lords are virtual hermits. On the occasions when the Emperor summons them, however, all members of the Dark Council are expected to gather and obey.
Tomb Raiders
The ancient Sith tombs of Korriban have long been a target of raiders and treasure seekers with dreams of valuable plunder. While many are the minions and hirelings of Sith Lords hoping to lay their hands on powerful relics, others are daring fortune hunters who come from offworld and risk conflict with the Sith.
Individual pirates and rogues occasionally arrive stowed away on ships, but a more organized group led by an eccentric underworld figure has infiltrated shipments of slaves sent to the red planet. Once on the surface, the "slaves" sneak into the tombs; few ever leave Korriban, but those who survive are paid handsomely for their trouble.
Persons of Note
Darth Baras (Sith Warrior)
Entrusted by the Emperor and the Dark Council to oversee the negotiations leading to the Treaty of Coruscant, Darth Baras has long held sway within the highest layers of the Sith Order. His power base of secret spies and well-placed minions stretches across the galaxy, enabling him to orchestrate and manipulate events from the shadows.
He is a man of great vision, and it is even said that the Force grants him glimpses of disturbances yet to come. Methodical and calculating, Baras is a true master of the dark arts, and some say the future of the Empire.
Khem Val (Sith Inquisitor)
- Companion of: Sith Inquisitor
- Melee Tank
- Crew Skills Bonus: +15 Artifice Efficiency, +5 Research Efficiency
- Primary Weapon: Vibrosword
- Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
Once a loyal servant of the Sith Lord Tulak Hord, Khem Val was placed in a stasis chamber in the tomb of Naga Sadow centuries ago by his master for safekeeping. Tulak Hord is long dead, but Khem Val lives on; a terrifying nightmare from the ancient past.
Powerful, cunning and ruthless enough to slay even the strongest Force users, Khem Val was trained as an elite assassin. After emerging from his long slumber, the Dashade is the very embodiment of death and destruction; a reminder that there are things even Sith and Jedi must fear.
Although once pledged to a life of service, with his original master gone, it is uncertain where Khem Val's true loyalties now lie. A near-perfect killing machine, he could prove a valuable weapon for anyone willing to take him on... though he is a weapon that can cut both ways.
Lord Zash (Sith Inquisitor)
Energetic and excitable, Lord Zash has devoted her life to researching the arts of the Sith. An expert in manipulating the dark side of the Force, she eschews the ostentation and pretentiousness common to instructors at the Academy on Korriban.
Many students are initially taken aback, both by her appearance and her demeanor. Scholarly--even bookish--she also seems young for one who has risen so high in the Academy's ranks. Instead of instructing through fear and intimidation, she is quick to offer encouragement or a helping hand to acolytes who show promise.
But on Korriban, only the cunning and the strong survive. There is more to Zash than meets the eye, and those who underestimate her rarely live to regret their mistake.
Overseer Harkun (Sith Inquisitor)
A gruff, hard-line traditionalist, Overseer Harkun believes in the Empire and the superiority of its children. He makes no effort to hide his contempt for acolytes who have risen up from slavery or those chosen from alien cultures. His stubborn rejection of the changes at the Academy--of the need to replace Sith lost in the war with a new and "lesser" generation--has crippled his prospects for advancement, leaving him bitter and spiteful... particularly to those students who represent what he most despises.
Harkun is well aware that his days are numbered. Yet he is determined to exact his revenge on those acolytes unfortunate enough to be placed under his supervision. If he can't keep the fools of the galaxy from joining the Academy, at least he can make them suffer.
Overseer Tremel (Sith Warrior)
A long-tenured administrator of the trials at the Sith Academy, Overseer Tremel is the latest in a family line that has guarded the gateway to becoming Sith for centuries--first on the Imperial homeworld of Dromund Kaas, and more recently on the reclaimed Sith holy world of Korriban.
A staunch traditionalist, Tremel is fervently opposed to the recent mandate allowing any Force-sensitive individual--regardless of heritage or background--to face the trials. He believes it to be a great threat that must be stamped out and will stop at nothing to weed out the impure and unworthy--even if it means defying his superiors.
Vette (Sith Warrior)
- Companion of: Sith Warrior
- Ranged Damage
- Crew Skills Bonus: +5 Underworld Trading Efficiency, +5 Treasure Hunting Critical
- Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
- Secondary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
A Twi'lek born into slavery on the planet Ryloth, Vette escaped a life of servitude to become an accomplished rogue and treasure hunter. Too daring for her own good, she managed to breach Imperial defenses and sneak onto Korriban, gaining entry into the most sacred Sith tombs before being caught.
Years of travel and close calls have made Vette quick with a blaster. Outspoken, uppity and unfiltered, she can be fiercely loyal or relentlessly taxing, making her a source of annoyance to some and of great amusement to others.
Abyssins are a nomadic and savage species from the planet Byss. They are distinguished most obviously by the single large eye centered prominently on their foreheads. They are also notoriously hard to kill, possessing incredible regenerative abilities that allow them to recover from virtually any non-fatal wound.
The Abyssins' uncanny resilience has no doubt contributed to their violent culture. While bloody conflicts between warring tribes are all too common, casualties from these skirmishes are surprisingly few. Their fortitude makes them ideal hired muscle, and they often find work throughout the galaxy as mercenaries and bodyguards.
As fearsome as they are scarce, Dashades are the hulking survivors of a long-dead planet. Their homeworld, Urkupp, was destroyed a millennium ago, leaving scant few of their kind left; a live Dashade is a rare sight these days.
Prior to Urkupp's destruction, they were feared for their inherent resistance to the Force; Jedi and Sith alike often found their powers useless against the Dashades. While the Jedi generally preferred to avoid them, many Sith Lords took advantage of their unique abilities and employed Dashades as assassins to dispose of Jedi and rival Sith.
Sith Pureblood
Although the name "Sith" is now used by the order of Force users who call upon the dark side, the term originally referred to a Force-sensitive species of red-skinned humanoids. The term "Sith pureblood" is now used to distinguish between those descended from the species and the order itself.
The Sith species was discovered three thousand years ago on Korriban by exiled human Dark Jedi fleeing Republic space after their defeat in a war called the Second Great Schism. The Dark Jedi quickly enslaved the primitive culture, and over many generations, the two groups intermingled.
Eventually, the elite ruling class of Korriban consisted almost exclusively of the hybridized offspring of the Dark Jedi and the high priests of the Sith people. These offspring tended to exhibit the physical characteristics of their Sith parentage, such as red skin, yellow eyes, bony protrusions on the face or head, and fleshy tendrils dangling from the cheeks and chin. For a brief time, Sith blood was seen as a sign of weakness--but the modern Empire believes purity of heritage carries the strength of the Force.
Genetically speaking, true "pureblood" Sith are virtually extinct, but red skin is still the mark of an Imperial--almost always a Force user--who can trace his or her ancestry into antiquity.
Hulking, worm-like creatures with pincer legs and gaping maws of teeth, k'lor'slugs are among the most dangerous species on Korriban. Not only can they shear a man in half or swallow him whole, they can project their vile, venomous spit great distances. Hatched from eggs laid hundreds at a time by their queens and blessed with a short incubation period, these hideous monsters can infest and overrun an area in no time.
A century ago, a notorious hunter named Riegenn Hetuu was contracted to bring a live k'lor'slug queen to an eccentric Hutt for a gala celebration. The beast was meant to be a highlight in the Hutt's annual gladiatorial tournament, but when Riegenn arrived on Hutta and opened his cargo bay, some four hundred k'lor'slugs poured out, consuming the hunter as well as the Hutt. To this day, the sound made when a batch of k'lor'slugs hatch is called "a Hutt's cry."
Eyeless, winged monstrosities that hunt in swarms, shyracks are cave-dwelling terrors indigenous to Korriban. Fiercely territorial, they attack intruders with aggression and frenzy.
Typically cave-bound, every sixty-three years the shyracks of Korriban spill from their habitats every day for the entire summer. They fill the sky, blotting out the sun and moon, and rain their bluish droppings onto everything below. Before the Sith returned to reclaim Korriban, every sixty-third summer saw biologists from across the galaxy descend on the planet to observe the nightly purpling of the red terrain.
The legendary terentatek is a vicious, tusked monster that feeds on the blood of Force sensitives. Terentateks are known to cluster wherever there is a strong dark side presence and to remain dormant for many years before emerging to hunt.
How terentateks came to be is a subject of much debate. Ancient chronicles report terentatek-like creatures on Korriban, twisted by the dark side rituals performed by early Dark Jedi. Other sources attribute their creation directly to the Sith Lord Exar Kun, who performed many Force experiments on creatures on Yavin Four. Terentateks are undoubtedly one of the most vicious of all creatures steeped in the dark side, and they are doubly dangerous because of their unnatural resistance to Force powers.
Jedi throughout the ages have tried to wipe terentateks from the galaxy, but the creatures have proven incredibly resilient. The most recent concerted effort was three centuries ago; many terentateks were destroyed, but the hunt took the lives of many Jedi Masters, as well.
The Beast of Marka Ragnos (Sith Warrior)
Left to guard the tomb serving as the resting place for its master, Marka Ragnos, the beast has dwelled in darkness for centuries. Legend tells that Ragnos beat his pet nightly, warping it with the Force until it was a creature of pure hate and anguish. Starved for unthinkable periods of time and then fed only blood, it is said to be filled with an unquenchable thirst for more.
Since the death of its master and its seclusion in the tomb, no one has seen the beast and lived to tell the tale. But the strongest Sith can feel its unnerving presence.
These oversized hounds were bred to be fearless and relentless. Left to guard the Sith tombs of Korriban, they have sharp horns, long claws and savage teeth. They are unusually intelligent and seem capable of communicating with one another through unknown means.
It is said that the species was nonviolent and grazing before being corrupted by Sith alchemical experiments that awakened a latent part of their brains and changed them into unnatural abominations. Random mutations now occur that produce some tuk'ata that can live for centuries and grow to immense proportions.
Admission to the Sith Academy
It has always been a privilege to face the trials at the Sith Academy. Even though most acolytes fail--and the cost of failure is typically death--the chance to train in the dark arts and become one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy is incentive enough for most. Others, attuned to the Force but reluctant to participate, are dragged and forced to face the trials.
Until recently, only purebloods and humans from the Empire were allowed entrance. To produce a Sith child is one of the Empire's highest honors, and families identify and groom potential candidates from an early age. Since the loss of so many Sith in the war, however, a swell of less traditional thinking has opened the Academy to anyone displaying Force sensitivity.
Some conservative Sith call this a foolish and desperate move that will dilute the order instead of returning it to strength; others accept it as a temporary measure. At first, the conflict was merely intellectual as the first waves of new recruits into the Academy died ingloriously--but things are changing, and the new breed of Sith may yet prove itself worthy.
Legacy of Tulak Hord
The secrets behind Tulak Hord's great power were many, and they all but vanished from the galaxy with the Dark Lord's death. Generations of Sith have obsessed over unearthing his ancient teachings and artifacts, but Tulak Hord hid them well.
Of the relics recovered successfully, the mask of Tulak Hord is most recognizable. Darth Revan discovered this relic in Tulak Hord's tomb while searching for the Star Forge space station, though both the mask of Tulak Hord and the mask of Darth Revan have disappeared since. In recent years, Tulak Hord's lightsaber was unearthed on Dromund Fels by Darth Marr before his ascension to the Dark Council.
Despite these discoveries, Tulak Hord's greatest treasures still lie locked away in the far corners of the galaxy, waiting for a new master to claim their power.
Sith Titles
The Sith Order bestows a number of titles upon its followers, as befits their rank and power. These are the most common:
- Acolyte: A Sith acolyte has not yet completed his or her trials in the Sith Academy, and may well die before becoming truly "Sith."
- Sith: An acolyte who completes the trials and is accepted as the apprentice of a Sith Lord is considered Sith--no more, no less. Any non-Sith, however, is expected to refer to a Sith as "my lord" out of respect.
- Overseer: An instructor at the Sith Academy is called an overseer. Overseers are often Sith Lords, but that rank is not a requirement; they may simply be Sith with a talent for instruction.
- Sith Lord: A Sith who advances in the order's hierarchy will eventually be elevated to Sith Lord. His or her name is preceded by "Lord" in formal address. In the modern Empire, "Dark Lord" is synonymous with this term.
- Darth: The strongest Sith Lords ascend to the position of Darth. Many take a new name at this point, symbolically embracing their transformation into something greater.
- Emperor: There has been only one Sith Emperor since the Great Hyperspace War over 1,300 years ago. He is supreme.
Sith Weapons
The most visible symbol of the Sith is their iconic weapon: the lightsaber. Lightsabers are powered through a combination of rare crystals, precise engineering and the Force itself. They come in both single- and double-bladed forms, and the Sith are believed to be the first to wield the double-blade. While a lightsaber hilt is often customized by its owner, the blade's color is determined by its crystal; red, purple and orange are the most common colors among the Sith, though other colors, such as magenta and cyan, are known to exist.
Acolytes seeking to wield these weapons are required to begin their trials using an electroblade training sword, an unwieldy device designed to cause painful shocks to the target. If an acolyte is found worthy, he may hone his abilities with an ancient Sith warblade--a weapon used in an era before lightsabers, crafted by pureblooded artisans. In the end, only the strongest and deadliest acolytes may earn a lightsaber for themselves, seizing one from a failed Sith or Jedi or uncovering it in the depths of a tomb.
Slavery in the Empire
In contrast with the Republic, which officially condemns the practice, slavery is widely accepted across the Empire. However, instead of slaves being bought and sold merely on an individual basis, the custom has been fully incorporated into the hierarchy of Imperial society. As the lowest caste, slaves perform menial duties and backbreaking labor, and they possess virtually no rights or recourse under the law.
The ranks of slaves are typically made up of those who fall outside the traditional Imperial power structure: prisoners of war, criminals and aliens from conquered worlds. Children of slaves are born into the same caste as their parents, though it is possible for individuals to be elevated should they show strength and ability that would better serve the Empire in a more distinguished role.
Recently--seeking to replenish the ranks of the Sith Order after the war--even the Sith Academy has started accepting slaves who show a strong affinity for the Forceā¦ though many still look on these former slaves with disdain.
The Red Engine
Created by the ancient Sith Lord Tulak Hord, the Red Engine was an infernal machine powered by hate and blood. Located deep in its creator's tomb, legend holds that those who unlock the secrets of the terrible device will gain access to the hidden teachings of Tulak Hord himself. Despite this potential prize, most scholars who have studied the Red Machine Engine have eventually given up in frustration, thwarted by the complexities of the sinister invention.
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