SWTOR Datacron 10 | Tython | Galactic History 10: The Tion Cluster
Galactic History 10: The Tion Cluster - Datacron 10 on planet Tython, Republic faction in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Map of Datacron location and video walkthrough.
Datacron 10 Location
datacron: Willpower + 2
planet: Tython, faction: Republic

Galactic History 10: The Tion Cluster
As the Core Worlds began to expand, another power in the Core was rising. The Tion Cluster, inhabited by the descendants of ancient sleeper ship crews, had developed a new hyperspace beacon technology based on fragments left by the Infinite Empire--far superior than the hyperspace cannons previously in use.
The Tion Cluster was gradually conquered by an arrogant and powerful pirate prince, known to history as the despot Xim. Using the new hyperspace technology, he despoiled world after world, taking slaves and ruthlessly expanding his territory. His rule of the Tion Cluster lasted for thirty years and saw the conquest of hundreds of thousands of planets.
Xim might have continued his rule unchallenged even longer, but he chose to expand his empire into a new area of space, one already inhabited by the powerful Hutt Empire.
Youtube Datacron Walkthrough
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