SWTOR Datacron 3 | Hutta | Galactic History 3: The Battalions of Zhell
Galactic History 3: The Battalions of Zhell - Datacron 3 on planet Hutta, Empire faction in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Map of Datacron location and video walkthrough.
Datacron 3 Location
datacron: Blue Matrix Shard
planet: Hutta, faction: Empire

Galactic History 3: The Battalions of Zhell
In the millennia before the founding of the Republic, humans had not yet developed spaceflight. One human population--perhaps the only one--was confined to Coruscant, divided into thirteen tribes. This nearly proved disastrous when a volcanic eruption caused a near-extinction event, wiping out a large percentage of human life.
This made the humans easy prey for the Taung, a gray-skinned species that reveled in battle. Awed by the majesty of the eruption's ash cloud, the Taung took the name "Warriors of the Shadow," descended on the surviving humans and subjugated them. Gradually the fighting force of the thirteen human tribes--known as the Battalions of Zhell--mustered a resistance against the Taung.
After years of struggle, the Battalions managed to repel the Taung and claim their freedom. Coruscant has been the seat of humanity ever since.
Youtube Datacron Walkthrough
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