Fallout 4 World Map
It's all uncovered map of The Commonwealth in the world of Fallout 4 video game. The icons on the map mean a significant in game locations.

- Abernathy farm
- Boston Airport
- Bunker Hill
- Coastal cottage
- County Crossing
- Covenant
- Croup Manor
- Dalton farm
- Echo Lake Lumber
- Egret Tours Marina
- Finch Farm
- Graygarden
- Greentop Nursery
- Hangman's Alley
- Home Plate
- Jamaica Plain
- Kingsport Lighthouse
- Longfellow's cabin
- Murkwater construction site
- National Park Visitor's Center
- Nordhagen Beach
- Nuka-World Red Rocket
- Oberland Station
- Outpost Zimonja
- Red Rocket Truck Stop
- Sanctuary Hills
- Somerville Place
- Spectacle Island
- Starlight Drive-In
- Sunshine Tidings Co-op
- Taffington Boathouse
- Tenpines Bluff
- mThe Castle
- The Mechanist's lair
- The Slog
- Vault 88
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