Natick Region Map Fallout 4
Natick Region | Fallout 4 | Locations, NPCs, Companions, Quests, Quest Steps, Secrets, Uniques Items, Bobbleheads and Magazines.

01 Vault 95
Gunners turned the old Vault into a real fortress.
Assaultrons, Gunners, and Turets
Overseer Terminal ITEM to open Facilities Wing
Big Guns Bobblehead Bobblehead
Permanently gain +25% critical damage with heavy weapons. Video Walkthrough
02 Mass Pike Interchange
Gunners and Turrets
Power Armor ITEM
Grognak The Barbarian Magazine
Grognak The Barbarian - Critical hits with unarmed and melee attacks permanently do +5 percent damage Video Walkthrough
03 WRVR Broadcast Station
A peaceful radio station
Anne Hargraves NPC
George Cooper NPC
Live & Love Magazine
Companions permanently gain +10 carry weight Video Walkthrough
04 Abandoned Shack (Federal Surveillance Center K-21B)
Abandoned Shack is really Federal Surveillance Center K-21B.
Small bunker near on surface its exit only.
Enter Shack, pick a Key and open Trapdoor.
Installation K-21B Key ITEM
Power Armor ITEM X-01
U.S. Covert Operations Manual Magazine
Permanently more difficult to detect while sneaking. Video Walkthrough
05 Crater of Atom
Mother Isolde NPC
Astoundingly Awesome Tales Magazine
Do +5% damage against Ghouls Video Walkthrough
06 Rocky Cave - Virgil's Laboratory
This is quest location but you can enter here with no problem.
Tesla Science Magazine
Energy weapons permanently inflict +5% critical damage. Video Walkthrough
07 Sentinel Site
Old military base.
Astoundingly Awesome Tales Magazine
Gain +5% Radiation Resistance. Video Walkthrough
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