Concord Region Map Fallout 4
Concord Region | Fallout 4 | Locations, NPCs, Companions, Quests, Quest Steps, Secrets, Uniques Items, Bobbleheads and Magazines.

01 Vault 111
Out of Time MAIN QUEST
Exit Vault 111
While cryogenically frozen in vault in awoke just long enough to witness the murder of my wife and the abduction of my infant son. I need to escape vault and return home, so can begin to make sense of this tragedy.
Pickup your first melee and small weapon
Security Baton ITEM
10mm Pistol ITEM
Holotape its a game for Pip-Boy. You need Pip-Boy to exit Vault.
Holotape: Red Menace ITEM
Pip-Boy ITEM
In Overseer's chamber you can find first Unique Item. You can't get this weapon at this point of time, return here later.
Cryolator Special Item
After exit Vault 111
Out of Time Main QUEST
Go Home
I've made it out of Vault in l, only to find the world I knew completely destroyed by nuclear war. I need to head home, and see if there's anything left.
02 Shed
Closed with Expert Lock
03 Sanctuary
Codsworth NPC Companion
Codsworth is first of yours possible companions.
Out of Time Main QUEST
Talk to Codsworth
I've made it back to the old neighborhood. Surprisingly, Codsworth is still where i left him, and completely operational. I should talk with him, and see what he knows.
Holotape: Hi Honey! ITEM
Out of Time Main QUEST
Search the neighborhood with Codsworth
Codsworth suggests we search the old neighborhood for any sign of Shaun it's as good a plan as any.
Follow Codsworth to your home.
Out of Time Main QUEST
Kill the insects Then follow Codsworth to next house and Kill the insects again.
Talk to Codsworth
Out of Time Main QUEST
Investigate Concord
The search of the old neighborhood came up empty, so Codsworth suggested continue looking in Concord the next town over.
Grognak The Barbarian Magazine
Grognak The Barbarian - Critical hits with unarmed and melee attacks permanently do +5 percent damage Video Walkthrough
You'Re SPECIAL! Magazine
You'Re SPECIAL! gives +1 to selected SPECIAL Attribute. Video Walkthrough
Sanctuary after When Freedom Calls Quest
The First Step Random QUEST
Preston Garvey has asked me to travel to a nearby settlement that's requested help from the Minutemen. I should go there as soon as possible and see what can do to help them.
Sturges NPC
Talk to Sturges
Sanctuary QUEST
Fiew step quest of transforming Sanctuary
Mama Murphy NPC
Bring Jet to Mama Murphy Miscellaneous QUEST
Build Mamma Murphy's Chair in Sanctuary QUEST
It is not a ordinary chair, you have to select to build special chair.
Mama Murphy's Chair ITEM
04 Destroyed Military Vehicle
05 Ranger Cabin
Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine
Wasteland Survival Guide gives permanently take 5% less damage from melee attacks. Video Walkthrough
Holotape: Runaway's Girl ITEM
06 Cellar
Safe Advanced
07 Red Rocket Truck Stop
Greet the Dog Miscellaneous QUEST
Dogmeat NPC Companion
08 Mole Rat Den
Fusion Core ITEM
Bobby Pins x 5 item
Safe Novive
09 Concord
Out of Time MAIN QUEST Completed
When Freedom Calls Minutemen QUEST
Take the laser Musket
Enter the Museum
A man is protecting a group of people inside the Museum of Freedom in Concord. He pleaded for meto help him fend off their attackers.
10 Museum of Freedom
When Freedom Calls Minutemen QUEST
Locate the trapped settlers
I've made it inside the Museum of Freedom in Concord, where a man is defending a group of people against armed thugs.
Fight Riders
The Museum of Freedom is safe, for the moment. I should check on the people who are trapped on the top floor.
Preston Garvey NPC Companion
When Freedom Calls Minutemen QUEST
Talk to Preston Garvey
Get a Fusion Core
Put the Fusion Core in the Power Armor
Preston Garvey wants me to deal with the Raiders in Concord for good. He Says theres asuit of Power Armor onthe rooi I can use, if I can find a Fusion Core for it.
Fusion Core ITEM In the basement
RobCo FUN! Magazine
Includes the Atomic Command holotape game. Near Preston Garvey Video Walkthrough
Perception Bobblehead Bobblehead
Your Perception will be permanently increased by 1. Near Preston Garvey Video Walkthrough
Go to the roof
Log - SSG Michael Daly Holotape
Power Armor Item
Minigun Item
When Freedom Calls Minutemen QUEST
Clear Concord of hostiles
Report back to Preston
Join Preston Garvey in Sanctuary
Mama Murphy NPC
Jewel of the Commonwealth Main QUEST
Go to Diamond City
Diamond City is the largest settlement in the Commonwealth. It's the best place to begin the search for Shaun.
11 Concord Civic Access
After killing Deathclaw you can descend to sewers beneath Concord. There are three entrances. One of them is at main street opposite side of Museum.
Taboo Tattoos Magazine
Permanently unlocks new facial tattoo. Video Walkthrough
12 Abernathy Farm
Lucy Abernathy NPC
Connie Abernathy NPC Trader
Blake Abernathy NPC
Returning the Favor QUEST
Retrieve Mary's Locket in USAF Satelite Station Olivia
Blake Abernathy asked me to retrieve his late daughter's locket from the Raiders that murdered her. He believes i'll find them at USAF Satellite Station Olivia.
13 Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup
Grognak The Barbarian Magazine
Grognak The Barbarian - Critical hits with unarmed and melee attacks permanently do +5 percent damage Video Walkthrough
Holotape: Wicked Business ITEM
Wicked Shipping Trailer Key ITEM
You can use this key to open any Wicked Shipping Truck. One is standing near. Location of two others you can check in terminal near
Use other terminal to activate Utility Protectron.
14 Gorkski Cabin
Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine
Diamond City is now Permanently marked on your map. Video Walkthrough
15 Robotics Disposal Ground
Hot Rodder Magazine
Permanently unlock a new custom paint for you Power Armor Video Walkthrough
Fat Man Mini Nuke ITEM
Combat Sentry Prototype MKIV NPC
To activate robot, use terminal and eject Combat Sentry Proto MKIV Holotape and use it in Pip-Boy
Combat Sentry Proto MKIV Holotape ITEM
Theoretically you can send MKIV to defend USAF Olivia, South Boston Checkpoint, Revere Satelite Array or Fort Hogan, but I was unable to make it. So use self destruct and loot remainings.
16 Power Armor Parts
17 USAF Satellite Station Olivia
Inside building you will meet Riders lead by Ack-Ack with minigun.
Fusion Core ITEM
Intel Room Key ITEM Use it to open Security Gate if you are unable to hack terminal.
Mini Nuke ITEM
U.S. Covert Operations Manual Magazine
Permanently more difficult to detect while sneaking. Video Walkthrough
Loot Toolbox for Returning the Favor
Toolbox ITEM
Returning the Favor QUEST
Report your success to Blake Abernathy
I was able to retrieve the locket that the Raiders stole. I need to return to Abernathy Farm and make sure Blake gets it. He'll be grateful to have it back.
18 Thicket Excavations
Sully Mathis NPC
Pull the Plug QUEST
Repair 3 Pipes
Sully asked me to help repair the leaky pipes so he can get the pump running again.
Pipes are underwater, where you see bubbles. Go back to Sully, turn on the pump. Fight Mirelurks, talk to him again and finish quest.
When you come back here later in game, there will be no water and you can descend to bottom of Excavations.
Taboo Tattoos Magazine
Permanently unlocks new facial tattoo. Video Walkthrough
19 Tenpines Bluff
The First Step QUEST
Kill the Raiders in Covega Assembly Plant.
A nearby gang of Raiders has been terrorizing the settlement. need to find them, and make sure they'll never hea threat to anyone else again.
20 Outpost Zimonja
Boomer NPC
Boomer with Raiders is defending this Outpost. Watch out for him
Astoundingly Awesome Tales Magazine
Do +5% damage at night. Video Walkthrough
21 Bedford Station
Inside terminal is tape to pick.
Bedford Station Recording ITEM
22 Sunshine Tidings Co
Professor Goodfeels NPC
Hack terminal to activate Professor Goodfeels defence protocol.
Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine
Permanently collect extra meat from animal kills. Video Walkthrough
23 Walden Pond
Inside Gift Shop there are some treps and locked door (Master Lock)
Read note pinned to the wall near door, and go to drainage pipe.
Outside the cabin - Automated Tour.
24 Drainage Pipe
Bear NPC
Tweez NPC
Tales Of A Junktown Jerky Vendor Magazine
Permanently gain better prices when buing from a vendor. Video Walkthrough
Gift Shop Basement
Wiphlash NPC
Walter NPC
Gift Shop Key ITEM
You can open Safe and door leading outside with this key.
Big Jim Special Item
20% chance to criple the target's leg.
25 Drumlin Diner
Outside you will meet two Raiders, talk to them.
Wolfgang NPC
Simone NPC
Order Up QUEST
Talk to Trudy
Wolfgang over at the Drumlin Diner Says Trudy owes him money she won't pay. He's offering me a reward if resolve their disagreement.
After talk with Trudy, kill Wolfgang and Simon (or try to make it peacefully)
Trudy NPC Trader
General Chao's Revenge Special Item
Sword that does 50% more damage against robots. You can buy this sword from Trudy at Drumlin Diner
26 Starlight Drive In
27 Rotten Landfill
28 Mystic Pines
Tales Of A Junktown Jerky Vendor Magazine
Permanently gain better prices when buing from a vendor. Video Walkthrough
Fusio Core ITEM In the Basement
29 Super Duper Mart
Lot of Ghouls inside, also lot of Nuke Cola
Protectron NPC
Use Terminal to activate Protectron and set it to law enforcement mode
Emma's Holotape ITEM Downstairs near garage doors.
Legendary Feral Ghoul Random Legendary Monster
Tales Of A Junktown Jerky Vendor Magazine
Permanently gain better prices when buing from a vendor. Video Walkthrough
30 Lexington
31 Lexington Apartments
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