Tower of Oblivion in Idle Heroes
The Tower of Oblivion is heavily guarded. Defeating those guards grants tons of promotion stones and powerful equipment. Certain floors even grant 5-star heroes! Higher floors, tougher guards. Idle Heroes Strategy Game Guide.

The Tower of Oblivion is heavily guarded. Defeating those guards grants tons of promotion stones and powerful equipment.
The difficulty of the Tower of Oblivion will increase floor by floor. Defeating the guardians of the tower grants great rewards.
The Tower of Oblivion is available at 24 Level.
- Gold and Promotion stones - every layer.
- Hero Shards and Equipment - every 5 layers.
- 5 Star Heroes: Level 105 and every 25 next level.
Only defeat within the Tower of Oblivion will consume a Magic Water-drop. You will require at least one Magic Water-drop for battle.
Magic Water-drop recovers every 30 mins/per. You may only have at max, 10 Magic Water-drops.
Players will be ranked according to the floor they reach.

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