Common Casino in Idle Heroes
Common Casino, you can cast chips in the Casino Roulette for hero shards, equipment, artifacts, gold and spirits. Idle Heroes Strategy Game Guide.

You should not spend Casino Chips on a regular basis, you should deposit them for the Casino Event period. Then you will have the opportunity to win additional prizes.
In the casino as a prize, there are four 5 Stars Heroes. Lutz (Shadow), Mirage (Fortress), Fat Mu (Abyss), Dragon Slayer (Forest). But the chance of drawing them is very small so do not waste Chips for free.
Common Casino is good source of Spirit and Gold.

Casino Chips can be purchased by gems in the Casino, Market, Event Packages and they can be claimed in some special events.
advice from Ryuroden
"buy all chips dont use more than 2 chips a day, save them for Event"
01 1 time spin
Turn Roulette once, spend Casino Chip to win one of the prizes.
This is the worst way to consume Casino chips.
02 10 time spin (VIP 2 and above only)
10 spins for 8 chips, it is best way to use Casino. But wait with it till Casino Event.
03 Casino Refresh
Casino is automatically refreshed after 24 hours per day. The refresh time will reset if Casino is manually refreshed. You can manually refresh it ever 3 hours for free and instantly for 50 Gems.
04 Lucky Store
Read more about Lucky Store
05 Time to force casino refresh.
06 Buy Chips for Gems
It is not very smart. Do it only if you have to.
07 Records
List of last good spins.
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