Free Team-up Arena in Idle Heroes
Free Team-up Arena is a place where two teams of three players fight against each other. You can choose one team to join or create your own team to invite other players. Idle Heroes Strategy Game Guide.

Free Team-up Arena is a place where two teams of three players fight against each other. You can choose one team to join or create your own team to invite other players.
Free Team-up Arena is available from Level 60.
Free Team-up Arena opens from 0:00 AM (UTC/CMTO) Tuesday to 23:59 PM (UTC/GMTO) Thursday.
Only team owner can arrange fight order and choose the rival team, while other members can only check the battle records.

Each team has 6 energy at the very beginning after team created and energy recovers 1 point each hour and can be stored up to 12 points. Each battle consumes 1 energy.
At least 1 hero should be selected in your team lineup and players can adjust it any time.
Each battle consists of 3 Fights. Team that wins two Fights first will gain the final victory.
Each Fight lasts 15 rounds, timeout will cause attacking team losing the fight.
Players can watch their last 10 battle video clips in Battle Records.
After each battle, victory team gains arena points, and defeat teams lose arena points, all the teams will be ranked by their total arena points.
When the event is over, rewards will be offered based on the rankings
Players from different servers are notable to team up.
01 Free Team-up Arena current ranking
Here you can check remaining time to end of season.
02 Start next battle
03 Set Lineup

04 Check Rewards
Prizes are valuable but difficult to obtain. One of the prizes is a set of unique avatars.

05 Battle Records
06 Defensive Lineup
You have to set it up.
07 Your Team
Team owner is marked with blue flag.
08 ID number of your team
If you want friend to join, send them this number. They should enter it at the joining team phase.
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