Task: Naming The Dead - Mass Effect: Andromeda
Additional Task - Task: Naming The Dead it is mission (quest) in Mass Effect Andromeda Video Game. It begins on Eos Site 1.
Location of Quest Starter for: Additional Task: Task: Naming The Dead on Eos Site 1

quest name Task: Naming The Dead
quest type Additional Task
starting planet Eos Site 1
quest starter Examine Dead body near Eos Site 1, behind building
prerequisites Visit Eos Site 1
Bodies of fallen ColonistS have been left to rot on the hostile surface of Eos. Find and scan them all, then bring back information to the Nexus to provide closure to family and loved ones.
- Find and Scan Colonist bodies
There are 7 dead bodies including this one. They are marked A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 on this map and on Eos East Map.
Check full Eos Site 1 Walkthrough.
Other Eos Site 1 Missions.
List of all Priority Ops, Heleus Assignments, Allies and Relationships Missons and Additional Tasks for Mass Effect Andromeda you will find at ME Andromeda Full Quest List.
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