Elaaden Map Walkthrough Guide ⚔ Mass Effect Andromeda
Elaaden Map, Elaaden Walkthrough, How to Elaaden Game Guide for Mass Effect Andromeda. Map contains Quest Starters, Elaaden Remnant Vault Walkthrough with Secrets and Rem Tech, Monoliths, Remnant Decryption Puzzles, Forward Stations, POIs locations, Kett Base, Hidden Caches, Caves, Memory Triggers, Remnant Architect, Priority Ops, Secondary Ops, Resources.

Elaaden is the scorching desert moon of a gas giant Identified on Initiative charts as Habitat 2. Eaaden Was considered a "golden world" despite its harsh conditions, because of the moon's vast mineral wealth. Tidal gravitational effects cause plumes of Sodium silicate to erupt from Elaaden's Core, depositing unusually pure Silicon Sand across the Surface-invaluable for manufacturing high-performance computer hardware.
Orbital Surveys show that contrary to projections, Elaaden is almost devoid of water vapor, making long term settlement or mining efforts unlikely. Those who live on Elaaden face a constant struggle for survival. Able to thrive in environments that would kill most organic species in days, the krogan who departed the Nexus have established a Colony on Elaaden.
You arrived at Elaaden to do Priority Ops Elaaden: A New World.
This is the last big planet on which you will put Outpost. You should have here the following tasks to do or to finish: The Little things That Matter, Ryder Family Secrets, Turian Ark: Lost But Not Forgotten, Liam Kosta: Outpost Worlds, Nakmor Drack: A Future for Our People, Forgotten History, Contagion, Task: An Exile Raid, Task: Hitting Rock For Science, Task: Remnant Data Cores.
Take Drack with you on your trip to Elaaden.
Elaaden has a very high temperature. To avoid burns you have to hide in any shade.
01Elaaden Landing Zone
End of Elaaden: A New World
Heleus Assignment
Taming A Desert
Elaaden is an arid, burning desert, but Remnant technology could make conditions more livable for Milky Way species and the angara. The key to doing so is the Vault, which can be unearthed by activating the Remnant monoliths Scattered about the planet.
- Activate Elaaden's monoliths (3)
- Investigate the vault's entrance
- Activate emergency power
- Remove the Vault's lockdown
- Escape the purification field and exit the vault
Monoliths are Elaaden 09, 10, 11 and vault Elaaden 12
Heleus Assignment
Conflict In The Colony
A krogan contact named Jorgal Strux has asked to meet secretly at the Paradise on Elaaden
- Visit the Paradise
- Locate a krogan named Jorgal Strux
- Speak to Strux
Go to Elaaden 02
02 The Paradise
Jorgal Strux upstairs
For Conflict In The Colony, speak to him.
Heleus Assignment
Parlay With The Krogan
Strux insists that Morda is planning a move against the Nexus. We need to visit the Krogan colony and check it out ourselves. We should look for Ravenor Brenk.
- Go to krogan Colony
- Go to the throne room
- Speak to Ravanor Brenk
- Find Brenk to speak to him privately
Morda will interrupt the conversation.
Heleus Assignment
The Mind Of An Exile
Lexi suspects the scavengers on Elaaden may have more problems than meets the eye. Scan scavengers in the Paradise and surrounding area so she can provide an analysis.
- Scan scavengers in Paradise and Paradise Sands
Scan 4 scavengers groups in Paradise.
Kent Halsey
Heleus Assignment
The Rebel
Kent Halsey traveled from the Nexus to locate his exile sister, Isabel, but he needs help. He thinks Velonia in the Paradise might have information to help find her.
- Speak with Velonia
- Find Isabel Halsey
Speak to Velonia in Paradise. Isabel is in cave at Elaaden 18
Velonia inside building
For The Rebel ask about Isabel Halsey.
Sjaan inside building
Annea Vendor - she will tell you lot about Elaaden.
Shipping Manager outside
Water Distributor
It is some time after you finish The Mind Of An Exile.
Heleus Assignment
Gray Matter
Lexi has developed a serum that may hold off the symptoms of neural decay that a number of scavengers are experiencing. All she needs is the perfect test subject.
- Pick up Lexi's Serum
- Scan scavengers to find a test candidate
- Talk to scavenger
Pick up Lexi's serum inside Vendor store for Gray Matter
Scan scavengers for Gray Matter
by Autoola
"Quest Truth and Trespass is missing. Two locations in the north near white structure.
There's a quest missing. It has to call something like "Augmentations Crafting" (I don't play in english, so I'm not sure). A krogan standing near the Paradise will give it to you, if you talk to him (or her?)."
Heleus Assignment
An exile named Barrett harbors aspirations of turning Elaaden into something more than the lawless wasteland it is now. To do that, he needs a hideout that is well fortified, and has his sights set on a rival gang's Outpost.
- Head to the Outpost
- Clear out the scavengers
- Secure the outpost for Barrett
- Defeat the reinforcements
- Contact Barrett
Gang's Outpost is in Elaaden 15
04 Raiders Camp
For Task: An Exile Raid, take medical supplies.
Heleus Assignment
SAM has identified more sites where scavengers could find Remnant cores. Making the cores inert will prevent them from becoming dangerously unstable.
- Investigate the Remnant site
- Investigate Remnant sites (2)
Make the Remnant cores Elaaden B
Nora Tallis
Heleus Assignment
Hard Luck
Nora Tallis is stranded on Elaaden until her shuttle is repaired. Retrieve her shuttle's thruster from the scavengers she sold it to.
- Find Nora's Shuttle thruster
- Retrive the truster from Axius
- Return the truste catalyzer to Nora
Go to Elaaden 07, then Elaaden 08
07 Scavengers Camp
For Hard Luck
08 Axius Camp
For Hard Luck
Now you should make conditions on Elaaden more livable so do Taming A Desert
09 Elaaden Remnant Monolith (1/3)
10 Elaaden Remnant Monolith (2/3)
Remnant Puzzle
Elaaden Monolith (2/3) Remnant Puzzle Solution

11 Elaaden Remnant Monolith (3/3)
12 Elaaden Remnant Vault
Full text walkthrough with map for Elaaden Vault you will find here:
Elaaden Remnant Vault Walkthrough
and also Video Walkthrough:
Remnant Puzzle
Elaaden Vault Remnant Puzzle Solution

After finishing Elaaden Vault you will get Settling Elaaden
Heleus Assignment
Settling Elaaden
Several issues must be addressed before we can establish an Outpost on Elaaden. One of the most pressing is to ensure that the krogan there do not see our activity as a threat. Being supportive of them might gain their trust.
- Reach 40% viability on Elaaden
- Resolve the tension at the krogan Colony
- Clear Out the scavenger flophouse
- Create an outpost
This is main quest on Elaaden.
13 Elaaden Second Remnant Vault
There is no in game map for this location.
Here is Map and full text walkthrough for Elaaden Second Vault
The main purpose of this location is to gather Remnant Data Core for task and solve Remnant Puzzle for Cryptographer Trophy.
and also Video Walkthrough:
Remnant Puzzle
Elaaden Second Vault Remnant Puzzle Solution

14 Remnant Site
This is random quest starting location, should be in small Remnant Site
Additional Task
Task: Cache Flow
You've discovered a Remnant data cache the scavengers have tampered with (random locations). SAM can piece togheter its data if you locate additional caches.
- Locate data caches
- Enter the Remnant facility
- Acquire the Remnant data
You will recognize data caches by magnifying glass icon above it. Look at Elaaden D (random locations)
Remnant facility is Elaaden 32
15 Gang's Outpost
Rival gang's Outpost for Aspirations
Clear out the scavengers, defeat the reinforcements and contact Barrett using terminal.
Additional Task
Task: Volatile
SAM has discovered tracking device inside an explosive cannister. The scavengers on Elaaden may be up to something.
- Destroy the volatile canisters.
- Follow the navpoint
- Destroy the explosive stockpile
Look them at camps Elaaden E, skull and bullets are above it.
Explosive stockpile to destroy is at Elaaden 40
Datapad for The Rebel
18 Cave
For The Rebel
Isabel Halsey
19 Camp
Random locations in camps. Datapads.
Additional Task
Task: Little Mouse
You've discovered a datapad that recounted a scavenger's run-in with a gang run by "Little Mouse." Find more datapads to learn more about this gang and its activities.
- Locate more datapads
- Track down the stash
Locate datapads at Elaaden F
Stash is at Elaaden 41
For Turian Ark: Lost But Not Forgotten, scan pods.
21 Nomad breaks
Our reliable vehicle stops going. Drive further west.
Heleus Assignment
Out of Gas
You wandered off the beaten path and something in the middle of nowhere Seems to have disabled the Nomad. A scavenger named Hardy, who just happened to be around, claims he can fix it.
- Look around for signs of life
- Speak with Hardy
- Get the part
- Start up the Nomad
Head to Elaaden 22
For Out of Gas
Kill Hardy or pay him. Take part from crate and return to Nomad.
23 Angaran Relics
For Forgotten History
24 Outlaw Camp
Random bodies location in camps
Additional Task
Task: Infection
You've discovered the body of a scavenger who was killed by a highly infectious disease. SAM recommends finding the source to prevent the disease from spreading
- Scan the scavengers' bodies
- Investigate the disease source
- Search for the radioactive source
- Make the radioactive canister inert
Look at Elaaden G
Containment Cannister for Task: Infection
26 New Tuchanka
Look at New Tuchanka Map & Walkthrough
After New Tuchanka
For The Search for Ljeta speak to Velonia
For Rising Tensions, place the lure and defeat the fiend
For Save Dr. Okeer's Krogan Research, hack the terminal.
29 The Flophouse
The Flophouse is just a large scavengeres base. Everyone here will be enemy to you. Kill them all by following the task that brought you here The Flophouse.
Enter from the East.
In a two storey building on the south side, on the top floor:
Terminal to turn off the alarm
Heleus Assignment
Crisis Response
A recent transmission between two scavengeres discusses a recent ship crash. There might be survivors.
- Locate the crashed ship.
- Defend the crash suvivors
- Talk to the survivors
crashed ship is at Elaaden 30
Next to the south, on guard tower:
Heleus Assignment
Water Supply
Annea knows about a water source on Elaaden. Rather than share its location, she sells water to the planet's inhabitants, who then live and die by her whim. Looking into this situation would probably benefit all involved, as well as Elaaden's future residents.
- Go to the Paradise
- Find Annea's office
- Scan for a network console
- Hack the network console to access Annea's Office
- Enter Annea's Office
- Search for clues about the location of the water source
- Go to the water source
- Scan for information
- Check in with Nexus officials at the Paradise
Water source is in Elaaden 31 but you have to search Annea's Office first.
Head to northern part to enter the command center.
Look for console to disable alarm.
Encrypted Message with password, up on north side, inside building
Disable all security terminals.
Access the security storage room
Hack Security
Clear out the command center
Until then you should earn:
100% Planetary Viability for Elaaden
Locate the crashed ship for Crisis Response, defend suvivors and talk to them.
Return to The Paradise for Water Supply and find Annea's Office. It is on top floor.
Near closed doors, scan for wires. Follow wires to console. Console is near containers. Hack console to open office doors.
31 Water Source
For Water Supply
You can let Annea continue to trade water and you will get a bribe in a chest in her office. Or better stop her. She will attack you, but when you defeat her a new vendor will be sent by Nexus to distribute the water justly.
32 Remnant facility
For Task: Cache Flow after you locate enough caches.
Location is simple
In first room fight scavengers, and pick some containers.
Next, in the place where the corridor turns you will find Container with Remnant Puzzle
Remnant Puzzle
Elaaden Remnant Facility Puzzle Solution

Next you will find Hydra and Destroyer fighting with each other
In last room you have to scan Remnant data cache for Task: Cache Flow.
33 Derelict Remnant Ship
For Investigate Remnant Delerict
Drive into the tunnel. Watch out for enemies and turrets
Go all the way straight as the corridor leads.
There is Remnant Puzzle Console here.
You have to scan one more glyph, it is on column hear. Scan console and follow yellow path.
Elaaden Derelict Remnant Ship Puzzle Solution

Go straight, use consoles, scan relics.
There is no Drive Core on this ship. Now you have to find second exit (34).
34Second exit from Derelict Remnant Ship
After you exit ship, Forward Stations will spawn near.
Heleus Assignment
Search for the Stolen Remnant Drive Core
SAM scanned the drive core housing and was able to discern unique signature. Suvi will use global planet scans to help us pinpoint the location of the stolen drive core so that we can get it back.
- Trace the path of the stolen drive Core and retrieve it
- Go back to New Tuchanka to inform Morda about Strux's double-cross
35 Trace
For Search for the Stolen Remnant Drive Core, scan it
36 Trace
For Search for the Stolen Remnant Drive Core, scan it
Datapad red it.
37Cave south of The Flophouse
For Search for the Stolen Remnant Drive Core, enter cave
Search cave and secure Stolen Remnant Drive Core
Return to New Tuchanka and finish all other tasks
38 Elaaden Outpost
After Settling Elaaden
You finished Liam Kosta: Outpost Worlds
You can continue The Little Things That Matter
Heleus Assignment
Architect on Elaaden
A report has come in from New Tuchanka about a giant Remnant construct that has appeared and is working a path towards the Outpost.
- Speak to Outpost leader
- Defeat Architect
- Speak to outpost leader
Architect is in Elaaden 39
Boomerang Merchant
Kariste Archana
Speak to her about Architect on Elaaden
For Task: Volatile after you have Destroyed enough volatile canisters
For Task: Little Mouse after you have located enough datapads
Later in game ...
Search the site for Peebee: Reclaiming Poc
After Hunting the Archon
42 Crashed Kett Ship
For Dissension in the Ranks investigate it
Kett Datapad
Return to Tempest and talk about it with Suvi and Lexi
Locations for Quests
Random locations can be checked more than once, log out and log in to game and check location again for random quest items.
A Scan minerals for Task Hitting Rocks For Science.
B Make the Remnant cores inert for Dismantled
C Medical Supplies for Task: An Exile Raid
D Locate data caches for Task: Cache Flow (random locations)
E Destroy the volatile canisters for Task: Volatile (random locations)
F Locate datapads for Task: Little Mouse (random locations)
G Scan the scavengers bodies for Task: Infection (random locations)
Hidden Cache Locations
X1 See exact location of Cache X1
X2 See exact location of Cache X2
X3 See exact location of Cache X3
X4 See exact location of Cache X4
X5 See exact location of Cache X5
X6 See exact location of Cache X6
X7 See exact location of Cache X7
X8 See exact location of Cache X8
X9 See exact location of Cache X9
X10 See exact location of Cache X10
X11 See exact location of Cache X11
X12 See exact location of Cache X12
X13 See exact location of Cache X13
X14 See exact location of Cache X14
X15 See exact location of Cache X15
Mass Effect: Andromeda Map Legend
Quest Starter Locations
Forward Stations
Tempest landing area
Remnant Monoliths
Remnant Areas
Remnant Locations
Kett Base
Kett Outpost
Cave Entrance
Normal Containers
Supply Crates
Hostile encounters
Scan and examine
Memory Triggers
Remnant Architect
Potential mining Locations
Enchanced Mining Zone you need AVP perk unlocked.
Interactable - less important interactable objects in the game.
Hidden Cache Small hidden containers containing valuable equipment.
Vendors You can buy and sell your stuff here. You can also salvage unwanted items.
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