Nexus - Mass Effect Andromeda
Nexus Map for Mass Effect Andromeda Video Game. Atlas with Maps, Game Guide and Walkthrough. Map contains Quest starters, interesting locations, Codex Entries.

Hyperion after coming back from Habitat 7
Priority Mission
Nexus Reunion
The Hyperion has docked with the Nexus, the support hub for Andromeda Initiative Teams.
- Travel to the Nexus via tram
- Accompany Kadros to Nexus Operations via tram
- Speak with Director Tann in Pathfinder Headquarters
When you return from Habitat 7, do nothing else just go straight to the Nexus as indicated by the Nexus Reunion Priority Op.
Use tram. Upon arrival at Nexus - Common Area scan a few items around.
There is one container in this area.
Avina artificial intelligence - talk to her.
Construction Worker talk to him.
Kandros accompany Kandros to Nexus Operations via tram.
At Operations you will meet Jarun Tann, Director Addison and Nakmor Kesh. Talk to them.
Intended as a safe anchorage, embassy, and financial Center, the Nexus is a vast space station sent ahead of the main ark fleet. It traveled to Andromeda in an incomplete state to reduce fuel demands, with construction planned to be completed within a standard year after arrival. However, syncing with Nexus databases reveals that damage from the Scourge has set the timetable back significantly.
Returning arks anchor at the Nexus' central wheel, integrating their power grid and off-loading colonists for orientation and temporary housing before deployment to outposts. The Nexus Collates and manages the resources which form the basis of the initiative's economy, coordinates scientific research and defense, and acts as headquarters for Pathfinder teams. Once outposts are established, the Nexus will become the permanent seat of government for the initiative.
Here you will start exploring Nexus.
01 Operations
Additional Task
Task: Getting To Know The Nexus
The Nexus has many moving parts and departments. To get a full lay of the land, get to know the various leaders and important personnel stationed there.
- Speak with Tann
- Speak with Kesh
- Speak with Kandros
- Speak with Addison
- Speak with the scientists
Visit all key locations on Nexus
02Addison's Office
Foster Addison talk to her for Additional Task: Getting To Know The Nexus
Vladimir Brecka after Eos Prodromos Outpost
AVP Status Control after Eos Prodromos Outpost
03 Tann's Office
Director Tann talk to him for Additional Task: Getting To Know The Nexus
Here you will finish Priority Mission: Nexus Reunion
Allies and Relationships
Missing Arks
Tann asked you to look for leads on the various missing arks.
- Find leads on the salarian ark
- Find leads on the asari ark
- Find leads on the turian ark
This task will be solved throughout the game until its end. You have to follow the story of the game and the tasks associated with the arks.
Priority Mission
A Better Beginning
The Nexus needs a resource-producing Outpost, but Eos is the only planet in range. As the only Pathfinder, you have been asked to achieve the impossible: find a Way to settle Eos and give the initiative the foothold it needs. Director Tann has Committed the resources for a last ditch effort, including a ship and support team for the Pathfinder.
- Speak with SAM on the Hyperion
Ray Patil Engineer in Trouble
Heleus Assignment
Station Sabotage
Technician Raj Patil believes Someone is sabotaging Nexus Systems, and he's asked your help investigating possible Sabotage sites.
- Investigate Operation Center site
- Investigate Militia site
- Investigate Pathfinder HQ site
- Confront the Saboteur
- Investigate the Security footage
- Scan security people in the Ops Center
- Scan Nexus security transferred to the Hyperion
- Confront Dale
05 Information Wall
06 Kesh's Office
Nakmor Kesh talk to him for Additional Task: Getting To Know The Nexus
07 Militia Office
Tiran Kandros talk to him for Additional Task: Getting To Know The Nexus
Strike Team Missions
Priority Mission
First Strike
The militia's Strike teams handle dangerous operations across the cluster. Speak with Kandros for authorization to participate.
- Speak to Kandros on the Nexus or via the Tempest's vidcon
- Inspect available Strike Team missions
APEX & Strike Teams
This is an extra mini game that you can have fun both in the game and on your smartphone after downloading the app.
Heleus Assignment
First Murderer
Initiative personnel Nilken has been convicted of murder, but it may be a mistake. Investigate all the details to discern the truth.
- Speak with the prison guard
- Speak with Kandros
- Optional: Playback recording
- Speak with witness Shaw
- Speak With Tann
- Investigate murder evidence W. Examine Omni-tool
- Confront Nilken
- Speak with Tann
Investigate at Eos East E1 to E5
Professor Herik talk to him for Additional Task: Getting To Know The Nexus
After finishing Additional Task: Getting To Know The Nexus, you can get another quests.
Additional Task
Task: Comparatively Alien
Professor Herik is Working on a Comparative wildlife Conservation effort. Travel the cluster and take Scans of any unknown Wildlife.
- Access the terminal
- Scan Andromeda wildlife (10)
- Speak with Profesor Herik
You will perform this task as you will visit more planets.
Chief Lucan
Additional Task
Task: Hitting Rocks for Science
Use your scanner on uncharted worlds to test out Chief Lucan's new geophysics survey VI
- Access the terminal
- Scan minerals (16)
- Speak with Chief Lucan
This task will be performed throughout the game, collecting samples on discovered planets.
Doctor Aridana
Additional Task
Task: Missing Scientists
Dr. Aridana Sent a team Out to study the Scourge, they haven't reported in. She fears the worst and asked you to find out what happened to them.
- Find the missing science vessel
Missing Starship is in Eriksson Star System - you have to scan for anomaly.
Additional Task
Task: The Model of The Spheres
Travel the cluster and take planetary scans to improve Dr.Adidana's celestial model
- Access the terminal
- Scan planets across Heleus (50)
- Speak with Dr. Aridana
This task will be done automatically when you scan new encountered planets.
10 Security Footage
11 Arms Merchant
Liam Kosta
13 Stairs down to tram station
Cora Harper
Nigel McCoy
Additional Task
Task: Lost Brother
Nigel McCoy's brother Dash died on Eos. To honor Dash, Nigel has asked you to place a family pendant at a spot on the planet where his brother went to think.
- Place pendant at the location on Eos
You have to put pedant on Eos D1
Dr. Carlyle
17 Information Wall
Captain Dunn
20 SAM Node
SAM talk to him about Priority Mission: A Better Beginning
Allies and Relationships
Ryder Family Secrets
Your father locked portions of SAM's memory array, and SAM is unable to recall certain information. You must explore in order to find the numerous memory triggers scattered throughout the World.
- Find a way to remove SAM's memory blocks
- Optional: Visit your sibling in Hyperion's Cryo bay
- Search for memory triggers that will unlock SAM's array
- Investigate Alec's logs in his quarters on the Hyperion
- Speak With Director Tann about the "benefactor"
- Investigate the Nexus records about Jien Garson's death
- Investigate the Nexus apartment where Jien Garson was found dead
- Scan the room for clues
- Continue scanning the room for more information
- Investigate the hidden room
- Speak with Garson's VI display in the Nexus Cultural Exchange
- Speak with SAM in SAM Node about an unlocked memory
- Meet with your sister at your mother's stasis pod in Hyperion Cryo bay
This task will continue throughout the game. When you find another "memory" return to SAM to unlock his memory.
21 Father's office
Search room. Pick up Memory Trigger.
SSV Normandy SR-2
Hear three Audio Excerpt
Archive System
Before visiting Docking Bay
Now you can access Docking Bay through tram but before you will fly out finish exploration of Nexus.
You can finish now Station Sabotage
Start First Murderer, you will not be able to complete this task now, but start it.
After first flight on Tempest
Now you have access to Docking Bay location, use tram.
22 General Merchant
Nexus Model
N01 Nomad Model later in game
23 Arms Merchant and Armor Merchant
24 Avina
Keri T'Vessa
Additional Task
Task: Path of a Hero
An asari journalist, Keri T'Vessa, wants to interview you for her documentary about current events.
- Meet Keri
- Speak with Keri about events on Eos
The journalist will come back to you after every major event and tell you what happened.
Once established Prodromos Outpost on Eos
26 Pathfinder Headquarters
Pathfinder Headquarters will be available after Prodromos Outpost on Eos
Go there to finish A Better Beginning
Priority Mission
AVP Cryo Deployment Perks
Andromeda Viability Points lead to Perks that directly empower your efforts. Because as Pathfinder, you Choose what is important to life in Heleus. Speak to Director Addison and her assistant about AVP, and decide what experts will shape and strengthen your initiative.
- Speak with Addison on Nexus
- Speak with Addison's assistant Brecka
- Spend AVP to gain Perks
Priority Mission
A Trail Of Hope
After establishing a new outpost, Tann and the Initiative have more faith in your abilities as Pathfinder. You're now free to follow the lead you discovered in the Remnant Vault on Eos the existence of a potentially active Vault. This lead is your best hope to make Heleus a home.
- Go to the Onaon System
Planetary Holo
Lieutenant Sajax
Heleus Assignment
- Gather Intel On 20 Enemies
Scan enemies
Del Jasin talk about Nakmor Drack: Krogan Betrayal
28 Hydroponics
Heleus Assignment
Sleeping Dragons
There appears to be a disturbance in Hydroponics. Investigate What's happening there.
- Speak with the protestors
- Speak with Kandros
- Authorize stasis revivals from Nexus Operations
Doctor Camden
Additional Task
Task: Cultivation
Nexus Hydroponics requires specimens of Andromeda plant life. Search for approciate specimens to harvest.
- Collect plant samples (10)
29 The Vortex
Dutch Smith
Anan T'Mari
Additional Task
Task: Better Crafting
Anan T'Mari asked you to find ingredients for new drinks to give to Dutch, the Vortex bartender.
- Search for Supplies in the Hyperion Atrium
- Take the Milky Way hops back to the Vortex
- Search on Havarl
- Take the Weird looking Havarl hops back to the Vortex
- Search on Kadara
- Take the Kadara sample back to the Vortex
The task is spread between successive planets. It will not count until you get everything.
Let's finish some task
Go to Addison 02 and talk about Awp Cryo Deployment Perks
Go to Vladimir Brecka 02 and talk about Awp Cryo Deployment Perks
Use AVP Status Contol 02
Talk to Vladimir Brecka 02 about Chief Engineer Grace Lito for Something Personnel
Talk to Vladimir Brecka 02 about Tech Darket Tiervian for Task: Waking Up To The Future
Go to Nilken 11 and talk about First Murderer
Talk to Kandros 07 about Stasis protestors for Sleeping Dragons
Go to 02 and Authorize stasis revivals from Nexus Operations for Sleeping Dragons
Go to Cryo Bay16 and visit your sibling for Ryder Family Secrets
Go to Atrium and scan for Task: Better Crafting
Go to Kesh 06 and talk about Spender for Nakmor Drack: Krogan Betrayal
Go to Kandros 07 and talk about Security footage for Nakmor Drack: Krogan Betrayal
Go to 10 and look at Security footage for Nakmor Drack: Krogan Betrayal
Talk to William Spendeer 02 for Nakmor Drack: Krogan Betrayal
30 Medic
Additional Task
Task: An Exile Raid
Outlaws intercepted medical Supplies meant for initiative outposts, and you've been asked to hit outlaw bases and reclaim them for redistribution.
- Medical supplies found (3)
31 Cultural Center
32 Upper Floor
Additional Task
Task: Broken Wires
The Nexus is experiencing strange power failures. A technician needs help discovering the reason.
- Investigate points of failure in the Commons area
- Investigate points of failure in Operations
33 Tech Lab
Doctor Aridana talk to her about The Firefighters
After return from Havarl
Go to Vortex 29 and give Harval hops for Task: Better Crafting
Go to Archive System 10 and get a movie library download for Movie Night: Getting Started
Go to SAM 20 and Speak with SAM for Ryder Family Secrets
After return from Voeld
Speak with Keri about the angara for Task: Path of a Hero in Nexus 25
Go to Vortex Nexus 29 for Gil Brodie: A Game of Poker.
Talk to Professor Herik about Task: Comparatively Alien in Nexus 33
Angaran Head Diplomat Talk to him.
Additional Task
Task: Earn Your Badge
Angaran Special Forces have issued a series of challenges. Time to impress.
- Battle the Remnant
- Defeat all the Remnant (15)
- Optional: Beat Andraknor's time
- Battle ancient ferocious creatures
- Retrieve sensitive data (3)
- Return to Andraknor on the Nexus
Go to Voeld 42, Voeld 43, Voeld 44
34 Peebee's Apartment
For Peebee: Secret Project
Peebee's research has unlocked the Remnant VI power. This power will allow Ryder to Call upon "Zap," a controllable Remnant Observer. You can find this power on the Tech Skills Screen.
Go to SAM 20 and Speak with SAM for Ryder Family Secrets
After Kadara
Speak with Keri about the Kadara for Task: Path of a Hero in Nexus 25
Dock Manager
Additional Task
Task: Investigating Embezzlement
Supplies are being stolen for delivery to the exiles. The Nexus dock manager has asked you to look out for hidden caches around Nexus and Hyperion.
- Search Hyperion habitation deck
- Search Hyperion Cryo bay
- Search the Commons area
Speak with Dr. Aridana for Task: The Model of the Spheres in Nexus 33
Speak with Anan T'Mari for Task: Better Crafting in Nexus 29. Now this task is finished.
Meet with Sid for Life on the Frontier in Nexus 09
Additional Task
Task: Beer Run
Kesh's assistant, Wilma, wants to surprise Kesh with some bootlegged swill from Kadara. She asked you to secure some.
- Get beer from bootleggers at Kadara Port
- Find the bootleggers' operation on Kadara
You have to go to Kadara Port 35 and read Datapad, then to Kadara 47.
He will give you Task: Traitor Or Victim?, its the same as in Kadara Slums 23, if you already find corpse, talk to Sellers to tinish this task.
For The Firefighters, confront Knight
39 Spender's Room
For Nakmor Drack: Krogan Betrayal, bypass lock.
Initiative Fighter Model
Datapad x3, Audio Log x3, Terminal, Books
Scrambler it is behind screen, take it.
Go to Nexus 19 and speak to Captain Dunn about Contagion
Go to Nexus 20 and speak to SAM about Ryder Family Secrets, check Alec private log and speak with Tann.
40 Jien Garson Apartment
For Ryder Family Secrets. Scan and open hidden room.
Datapad and Audio log
41 Cultural Exchange
Jien Garson Holo
For Ryder Family Secrets. Use Secret message during a conversation
Cultural Center Liaison
Additional Task
Task: Programming A Pathfinder
The Cultural Exchange's informational VI about Pathfinders requires new settings. Apeak with teh VI to reset it.
- Speak with the Pathfinder
Go to Nexus 16 and speak to Dr. Carlyle about Contagion
Immigration Officer
Speak to her about Contagion
Go to Nexus 29 and speak to Dutch Smith about Contagion
Go to Nexus 29 and speak to Salarian about Contagion
Go to Nexus 01 and speak to Teron Aminus about Contagion
Go to Nexus 42 and speak to Samuel Francoeur about Contagion
Later in game ...
Speak with Addison about Life on the Frontier to finish task.
It does not matter if you choose Addison or Sid side. In both cases nothing bad will happen.
Speak again with SAM about an unlocked memory.
Talk to Andaknor to finish Task: Earn Your Badge
After Elaaden
Finish Task: Hitting Rocks for Science
Review evidence against Spender Nakmor Drack: A Future For Our People
Speat wit Drack Nakmor Drack: A Future For Our People
Speak with Kesh about Task: A Flower for Kesh
After Hunting the Archon
Meet Keri producer for Task: Path Of A Hero, he is near docking bay.
Meet Keri for Task: Path Of A Hero
Before The Journey To Meridian
Speak to the leaders on the Nexus
Talk to your sister/brother in Med Bay
Visit SAM for Ryder Family Secrets
Go to Father's Office and check all/rest of his personal logs.
Meet with your sister/brother again in Cryo Bay for Ryder Family Secrets
Discus your options with the other Pathfinders for The Journey To Meridian
Speak with Raeka about your findings for Truth and Trespass
Search Rand Lon's Apartment for Truth and Trespass
Locations for Quests
A Scan hidden caches for Task: Investigating Embezzlement
B Locate Knight's EMP devices for The Firefighters
Mass Effect: Andromeda Map Legend
Quest Starter Locations
Forward Stations
Tempest landing area
Remnant Monoliths
Remnant Areas
Remnant Locations
Kett Base
Kett Outpost
Cave Entrance
Normal Containers
Supply Crates
Hostile encounters
Scan and examine
Memory Triggers
Remnant Architect
Potential mining Locations
Enchanced Mining Zone you need AVP perk unlocked.
Interactable - less important interactable objects in the game.
Hidden Cache Small hidden containers containing valuable equipment.
Vendors You can buy and sell your stuff here. You can also salvage unwanted items.
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