Eos Site 1 Promise in Mass Effect Andromeda
Eos Site 1 Promise. Mass Effect Andromeda Atlas with Maps, Game Guide and Walkthrough. Map contains Quest starters, interesting locations, Codex Entries, Forward Stations, Outposts, Monoliths, Remnant Areas, Bases, Caves, Structures, Point of Interests, Resources and Raw Materials, Enemies.

- Eos Site 1 - Promise early game location
- Eos East next Eos map after Promise
- Eos Prodromos after build Outpost on Eos
- Eos West later in game after visiting Kadara Planet
01 Eos Landing Zone
Here you land on planet Eos. The buildings you see are your abandoned base of Initiative.
In the first stage of exploration Eos you are limited to a small area of an old base closed with energy barriers.
You can not go further because of the lethal weather conditions.
Scan the objects, machines and raw materials around you. Within the fence of the base you will also find some raw materials that you can extract by hand.
Follow the directions given to you Priority Mission: A Better Beginning.
Priority Mission
A Better Beginning
Eos colonization failed because of radiation in its atmosphere. But you recognized a signal like you found on Habitat 7. If similar alien technology is here, you may be able to create the conditions to place an outpost. Find the signal, make Eos viable, and give the initiative the foothold it needs.
- Investigate the power relay station
- Scan the power pylons to find an interface
- Activate power pylons (2/2)
- Defeat the kett
- Reactivate the power relay station
- Scan containers to find a vehicle
- Call down a forward station
- Unlock the Nomad Container
- Get in the Nomad
Doors to 03 are closed. You have to find a code to access locked building.
Enter building, scan interior.
Datapad with key code.
03 Main Control Building
Open with key code.
Console Investigate the power relay station.
04 Power Relay Station
Talk to Clancy
05 Activate the generator
You will fail.
06Power Pylon
Scan and activate
07Power Pylon
Scan and activate
08Defeat the kett
Clancy Arquist he is Vendor.
Outpost Power Control
10 Scan
11 Call down Forward Station.
Unlock Nomad container 10.
Do not leave the base yet.
12 Dead Body
The body is hidden behind the building, scan it.
Additional Task
Task: Naming The Dead
Bodies of fallen ColonistS have been left to rot on the hostile surface of Eos. Find and scan them all, then bring back information to the Nexus to provide closure to family and loved ones.
- Find and Scan Colonist bodies
There are 7 dead bodies including this one. They are marked A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 on this map and on Eos East Map.
A1 Dead Body to scan for Task: Naming The Dead
Two Datapads and containers.
Scan for "ghosts".
Scan for "ghosts".
Heleus Assignment
The Secret Project
Site 2 engineers knew they were in desperate circumstances. When the kett became aware of their attempts to settle. Engineers tried to research technology that Could help them fight the kett.
- Search Site 2 for the secret research project
- Defeat Kett
- Recover components (3)
- Scan the research project
Go to Eos East 10 for The Secret Project
16 Research Station
Terminal Activate: Power Relay
R&D Terminal
Additional Task
Task: Research Center Development
You have reactivated a Research Center on Eos. Test its capabilities by gathering the resources to craft a weapon.
- Collect area resources and Craft a Weapon
To finish this task you have to develop any weapon.
Use Nomad and Travel outside Site 1
Continue Priority Op: A Better Beginning.
Use Eos East Map.
Mass Effect: Andromeda Map Legend
Quest Starter Locations
Forward Stations
Tempest landing area
Remnant Monoliths
Remnant Areas
Remnant Locations
Kett Base
Kett Outpost
Cave Entrance
Normal Containers
Supply Crates
Hostile encounters
Scan and examine
Memory Triggers
Remnant Architect
Potential mining Locations
Enchanced Mining Zone you need AVP perk unlocked.
Interactable - less important interactable objects in the game.
Hidden Cache Small hidden containers containing valuable equipment.
Vendors You can buy and sell your stuff here. You can also salvage unwanted items.
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