Tempest - Mass Effect Andromeda
Tempest Map for Mass Effect Andromeda Video Game. Atlas with Maps, Game Guide and Walkthrough. Map contains Quest starters, interesting locations, Codex Entries.

The Tempest is a Survey ship designed for long-range, long-term exploration under a Pathfinder's Command. Its lightweight and efficient design allow it to operate with a Small Crew and minimal resources.
Built by the Andromeda Initiative, the Tempest makes use of several once-proprietary technologies, including an IES stealth system originally developed by the Systems Alliance. Many of these systems were permitted on the condition that the Tempest only operate in the Andromeda Galaxy.
The Tempest's engine is a variation on the arks ODSY drives that allow long-term Operation, Capturing a percentage of the static buildup in capacitors. The recycled electrical charge powers several of the Tempest's onboard systems.
As a Pathfinder vessel, the Tempest has research and development facilities, laboratories, and a well-appointed meeting space to accommodate dignitaries, anticipating any potential first contact scenarios.
If the Tempest is docked on Nexus and you want to exit, select Galaxy Map and then Docking Bay.
01 Bridge
Galaxy Map
Kallo Jath
Dr. Suvi Anwar
02 Email Terminal
Heleus Assignment
Monkeys in Space
Professor Herik from the Nexus tech labs has asked you to make a home for a young pyjak aboard the Tempest.
- Pick up the pyjak from the Nexus docking bays
- Visit the pyjak on the Tempest
03 Airlock
Loadout Station Here you can choose your equipment and squadmates before embaring on a mission.
04 Research Room
R&D Terminal
Buy / Sell Kiosk
Strike Team Missions
05 Bio Lab
06 Tech Lab
07 Meeting Room (Upstairs)
08 Engineering
Gil Brodie
09 Cargo Bay
10 Armory
Vetra Nyx
11 Storage
Liam Kosta
12 Crew Quarters
Crew Info Board
13 Med Bay
Re-Spec Station
14 Pathfinder's Quarters
Email Terminalas
Special Delivery Cache here you will receive items from special version of your game.
SpaceX Rocket Model
After Eos Prodromos Outpost
02 Email Terminal
Heleus Assignment
The Firefighters
Dr. Aridana has attempted to contact you. Speak to her at Nexus tech labs.
- Speak with Dr. Aridana
- Run the equations at SAM Node on Ark Hyperion
- Help SAM
- Speak with SAM
- Confront Dr. Aridana at the Nexus tech labs
- Look for anti-AI activity on the Nexus
- ON HOLD: Wait for an email from Knight
- Look for an email from Knight
- Go to the hackers sanctuary on Kadara
- Optional: Scan the Sanctuary for clues
- Use Knight's personal terminal
- Optional: Defeat the hackers
- Locate Knight's EMP devices (3)
- Locate EMP devices in the Commons Area
- Locate EMP devices in Operations
- Confront Knight
15 Escape Pods
16 Galley
Allies and Relationships
Nakmor Drack: Krogan Betrayal
By all accounts, William Spender is a difficult man. But there is reason to suspect that the Assistant Director of Colonial Affairs is actively working to undermine the krogan. Drack has asked you to investigate Spender's activities.
- Find Spender on the Nexus
- Talk to Kesh about Spender
- Speak with Kandros
- Review Nexus security footage
- Confront Spender about security footage
- Locate the planet mentioned in Security footage
- Talk to SAM on the Tempest
- Investigate Spender's Kadara connection
- Defeat the exiles
- Search the hideout for clues
- Search for a scrambler in Spender's room
- Talk to the Comms officer
- Speak to Drack On the Tempest
You have to talk to Del Jasin on Nexus 27
After first visit on Aya
Priority Mission
Helping Havarl's Scientists
After making initial contact with the angara, you must now gain their trust in order to meet the Moshae and access the vault on Aya. Either Voeld Or Havarl would be likely places to start.
- Travel to Havarl
Priority Mission
Meet The Resistance
After making initial contact with the angara, you must now gain their trust in order to meet the Moshae and access the vault on Aya. Either Voeld Or Havarl would be likely places to start.
- Travel to Voeld
First go to Havarl then go to Voeld.
After talking to Liam
Heleus Assignment
Movie Night: Getting Started
Liam suggest the crew would enjoy a relaxing movie night.
- Get a movie library download from the Nexus
- Return the movie library to Liam on the Tempest
Allies and Relationships
Cora Harper: Asari Ark
An asari survey ship, the Periphona, may help you find the asari ark itself. Use the Periphona's transponder codes to track the ship from her last known location.
- Read email from Cora
- Speak with Cora on the Tempest
- Take Cora to speak with Hydaria on Eos
- Go to Voeld to track the Periphona's signal
- Find the Periphona
- Find the source of the Periphona's signal
- Find the Periphona's transponder
- ON HOLD: Wait for Cora to decipher the transponder
Find signal spots on Voeld D1 and D2
Allies and Relationships
Peebee: Secret Project
Email from Peebee or talk to Peebee.
Collect the rem-tech Peebee needs.
- Check your email from Peebee
- Recover the rem-tech from the Remnant Site on Voeld
- Speak with Peebee in the Tempest escape pod
- Meet with Peebee in her Nexus apartment
- ON HOLD: Wait for Peebee to learn more about the Remnant
Visit Voeld Remnant Ruins 23
After purification of Havarl
Call Evfra from meeting room for A Trial of Hope
Allies and Relationships
Jaal Ama Darav: Friend or Foe?
While gaining Evfra's trust, you have garnered the attention of the Roekaar, a cell of angaran fighters who hate all aliens. Jaal has information about the roekaar's leader, AkkSul.
- Speak to Jaal on the Tempest
- Find Thaldyr on Havarl
- Defeat the Kett
- Enter Thaldyr's home
- Speak to Thaldyr
You pushed the Roekaar Out of Site 1 and AkkSul has left Eos.
- Speak to the Moshae on Aya
- Access the Vidcon on the Tempest
- Travel to Prodromos
- Speak to Bradley
- Investigate Blackrock Tande
- Defeat the Roekaar
- Investigate the Roekaar camp
- Go to Site 2: Resilience
- Deploy the beacon
- Defeat the Roekaar
- Go to Site 1: Promise
- Defeat the ROekaar
- Return to Bradley in Prodromos
- ON HOLD: Wait for Akksul to make his next move
After the Roekaar's failed attack On Prodromos, Jaal received a message from AkkSul.
- Check your email
- Play Akksu's message in the meeting room
Read email from Cora for Cora Harper: Asari Ark, then go and talk to her.
Read email from Science Team
Heleus Assignment
Cross Cultural Alliances
By activating Havarl's lost monolith and resetting the vault, you prevented the planet's destruction. Angaran scientists at the Pelaav research station expressed an interest in working with initiative teams. Director Addison dispatched several researchers to the planet, and has asked you to check in on the situation there.
- Contact Director Addison from Havarl
After Disable the Kett Outpost on Voeld
Read Emails
Allies and Relationships
Know your Enemy
Raelis, an Angaran Resistance fighter, wish to speak to you on Voeld
- Meet with Raelis on Voeld
- Go to the kett facility
- Search the facility for any useful data
- Find more data
- Find additional data
- Collect kett bio samples (3)
- Go to the kett communications station
- Investigate the comm station
- Search for more information
Read Emails: For Task: Patch of A Hero Speak with Keri about the angara
Talk to Peebee for Peebee: Secret Project
Liam Kosta
Talk to Liam about Movie Night: Getting Started
Allies and Relationships
Liam Kosta: Armor Diplomacy
Liam wants a small armor project approved, calling it a diplomatic effort with Jaal. Complete the research project to secure what he needs.
Access the Development Screen at the Research Center, under the Special category. Acquire components through exploration, or from merchants on the Nexus.
- Build Liam's research project
- Talk to Liam in his room on the Tempest.
Allies and Relationships
Gil Brodie: A Game of Poker
A new email is waiting for you from Gil
- Read email from Gil
- Meet Gil at the Vortex
Talk to all team members on Tempest.
Allies and Relationships
Peebee: The Museum Trip
Peebee has asked you to meet her at museum on Aya
- Read email from Peebee
- Talk with Peebee at the museum on Aya
You will got yhis quest after you meet Peebee at her Nexus Apartment.
After return from Kadara (before outpost)
Priority Mission
H-047C: A New World
There are reports of interesting and potentially lucrative activity in the Remaw system. While those reports alone seem vague, it's also the area that the turian ark may have been headed. Vetra and Peebee suggest that we check it out.
- Travel to H-047c in the Remav system.
Priority Mission
Elaaden: A New World
Drack is concerned about tensions at the krogan colony on Elaaden. He's forwarded you an email from Jorgal Strux, a well respected krogan from an old family. Strux has asked to meet you at a trading post called Paradise. He's also asked that you keep it a secret.
- Travel to Elaaden in the Zaubray system to meet with the krogan contact
Check emails:
Allies and Relationships - Loyalty Mission
Cora Harper: At Duty's Edge
Read email from Cora
The asari ark, the Leusinia, is still missing. Given Cora's history with asari commandos, she has spearheaded the effort to find the Leusinia and bring it home to the Nexus.
- Read e-mail from Cora
- Speak to Cora on the Tempest
- Search the Valay system for Ark Leusinia
- Dock with Ark Leusinia
- Reach the bridge
- Ride the tram to Hangar Control
- Look for asari commandos in Hangar Control
- Activate hangar door override
- Eliminate the remaining kett
- Speak to Vederia
- Go below decks through the living quarters
- Secure Fire Control
- Reactivate the fire suppression system
- Scan for a way to reroute power to the fire suppression system
- Meet Vederia
- Scan the mass effect field device
- Disconnect power cables (3)
- Eliminate the kett on the Observation Deck
- Disable the mass effect field device
- Get to Deck Twelve
- Repel the kett attack on Deck Twelve
- Get the Leusinia to safety
- Optional:Trigger mass effect field
Allies and Relationships - Loyalty Mission
Vetra Nyx: Means And Ends
Read email from Vetra
Vetra's sister. Sid, is waiting for a call from you and Vetra.
- Read Vetra's message
- Go to Vetra on Tempest
- Go to H-047c in the Remav system
- Find the abandoned mine
- Explore the facility
- Find a way out of Meriweather's prison
- Search upstairs for a way to connect the generator to the door
- Activate the door
- Accompany colonists to the storage room
- Check security cam footage
- Deal with guards
- Speak to Galloway
- Head to the mess hall
- Use security cam to find an advantage
- Deal with the outlaws in the mess hall
- Get to the menagerie
- Clear out the menagerie
- Kill the fiend
- Get to the workshop
- Use the Workshop's security cam
- Deal with the workshop guards
- Move forward through the rest of the facility
- Deal with security and guards
- Optional: disable the turrets
- Get to Sid
- Kill Meriweather and her guards
- Talk to Sid
Check email for Jaal Ama Darav: Friend of Foe?
Heleus Assignment
Night on The Town
Reyes Vidal has sent an email asking you to contact him via comms.
- Read your mail
- Call Reyes
- Meet Reyes at Outcast headquarters
- Mingle with party guests (3)
- Find Reyes
Allies and Relationships
Turian Ark: Lost but Not Forgotten
Avitus Rix believes that Macen Barro, the turian Pathfinder, is still alive. He has recruited you to help find him.
- Investigate anomaly on Elaaden.
- Scan stasis pods for turian Pathfinder
- Investigate powered stasis pod
- Contact Avitus via the Tempest comm
- Meet Avitus at navpoint
- Speak to Avitus on Ark Natanus
- Explore the Natanus
- Investigate the Console
- Find the SAM Node
Additional Task
Task: The Angaran Initiative
Director Tann reports that the angara have opened an embassy on Aya. Check in with the Initiative's representatives there to make sure things go smoothly.
- Visit the Andromeda Initiative embassy on Aya
Email for The Firefighters go to the hackers' sanctuary on Kadara.
Heleus Assignment
An Initiative citizen with an incurable disease has been awakened from stasis. Track her down and return her to stasis before the disease spreads.
- Meet with Dunn on Hyperion's Habitation Deck
- Speak with Harry in the Cryo bay
- Speak with an immigration officer in the docking area
- Search for Ruth Bekker's previous location
- Speak With Teron in Nexus Ops
- Investigate the docking bay
- Investigate the stolen shuttle's trail
- Find the shuttle on Kadara
- Investigate the crash site
- Track Ruth Bekker
- Investigate the building
- Defeat the Roekaar
- Unlock the door
- Confront the Roekaar leader
Final location for Contagion is on Kadara 51
Heleus Assignment
Life On The Frontier
You've received an email from Sid, Vetra's sister, who thinks she has uncovered something suspicious going on at the Nexus.
- Meet with Sid on the Nexus
- Investigate space attacks on Nexus ships
- Sites investigated (4)
- Follow the Three Sabers to their hideout on Kadara
- Defeat the Three Sabers
- Search the hideout
- Speak to Yale on Eos
- Confront Addison
Search Starship Wreckages, go to Kadara and Defeat the Three Sabers Kadara 49
It does not matter if you choose Addison or Sid side on the end of this story. In both cases nothing bad will happen.
Email from Keri for Task: Path of a Hero, speak with Keri about Kadara.
Talk to Suvi on Tempest.
Heleus Assignment
Movie Night: Snacks
Suvi has offered to make snacks for Liam's movie night, but needs specific ingredients
- Find a plant on Aya for Suvi.
- Return the plant to Suvi on the Tempest
Call Reyes on vidcon.
Talk to Cora about Cora Harper: At Duty's Edge
Talk to Liam
Allies and Relationships
Liam Kosta: Day Out On Aya
Liam thinks it's time for something "familiar" like a day out on aya. He also mentioned "getting your eyes on something" but wasn't specific about what he meant.
- Talk to Liam at the Tavetaan on Aya
- Scan the hostile vendor's goods
- Talk to Liam at the Tavetaan
Talk to Vetra about Vetra Nyx: Means And Ends
Heleus Assignment
The Visitor
Evidence suggests a creature has been eating the Tempest's food stores. Search the ship to find it.
- Follow the crumb trail.
- Build trap at a research center
- Place the trap at the creature's lair
- Wait for the trap to spring
- Check the trap
Talk to Gil for Hunting the Archon
After Kadara Outpost
Check the trap for The Visitor
Talk to Gil
After visiting Aya
Email from Liam
Allies and Relationships - Loyalty Mission
Liam Kosta: All In
Liam has asked for help with a rescue. His angaran contact Verand has likely been captured by scavenging pirates. To make it worse, Liam gave Verand Nexus navpoints and data. He trusts her, but if the pirates extract the information, it puts the initiative at risk. They are somewhere in the debris field near Kearnos II, in the Sephesa System.
- Read email from Liam
- Speak to Liam on the Tempest
- Go to the debris field in the Sephesa System
- Sweep the cargo bay for enemies
- Use the comm to find out who's in charge
- Fight to the Cargo bay exit
- Search the ship for captives
- Find and scan the control hub
- Activate consoles to give the engineers access (2)
- Fight through to the captives
- Find a way out of the inverted cargo bay
- Talk to the captives though the comm
- Send power to the bulkhead door
- Stop Calot from being a threat
- Signal for evac
- Debrief on the Tempest
Check email form Peebee and talk to her on Tempest about Peebee: Remnant Scanner
Allies and Relationships
Peebee: Remnant Scanner
Find rare Remnant tech so Peebee can perfect her scanner.
- Read email from Peebee
- Speak to Peebee on the Tempest
- Go to Remnant ruins on Eos
- Recover rem-tech piece on Eos
- Go to Remnant ruins on Havarl
- Recover rem-tech piece on Havarl
- Go to Remnant ruins on Kadara
- Defeat the Outlaws
- Search the Kadara site for rem-tech piece
- Meet Peebee in Kadara Port to acquire rem-tech piece from Outlaw krogan
Access the vidcon on the Tempest for Jaal Ama Darav: Friend or Foe?
Return the plant to Suvi for Movie Night: Snacks
Allies and Relationships
Liam Kosta: Something for the Neighbors
Liam is pointing your efforts toward his friend and fellow squadmate, Jaal. Placing outposts and dealing with Calot made Andromeda more stable for the Initiative, but it'll be hard to make Heleus a home if the angarian Resistance falls into turmoil.
- Talk to Jaal about the Resistance
- Advance Jaa's Friend Or Foe mission
After Nexus
Check email
Speak to Drack for Nakmor Drack: Krogan Betrayal
Allies and Relationships - Loyalty Mission
Nakmor Drack: A Future For Our People
A krogan transport containing an essential seed vault was stolen from their colony on Eladen
- Speak with Hark at the greenhouse
- Reach the krogan transport
- Rescue Worn
- Secure the krogan transport
- Release the docking clamps
- Return to Nexus Control
- Review evidence against Spender
- Speak With Drack On the Nexus
- Deal with Spender
After Eos West
Check email for Jaal Ama Darv: Freind or Foe?
Play Akksul's video message in the meeting room for Jaal Ama Darv: Freind or Foe?
Play Director Addison video message for The Little Things That Matter
Allies and Relationships
The Little Things That Matter
Dr. Kennedy is due to give birth Soon. The first human born in Andromeda would be of genetic interest to the kett, and a symbolic target for the Roekaar.
- Speak with Addison on Tempest VidCon
- Find a ZK Tracker in the Pytheas System
- Find a ZK Tracker in the Nol System
- Find the Origin of the signal in the Nalesh System
- Contact Addison on Tempest VidCon
- ON HOLD: Place an Outpost to attract a ZK Tracker Satellite
- Find a ZK Tracker in the Govorkam System
- Find a ZK Tracker in the Zaubray System
- Locate Dr. Kennedy on Voeld
- Defend Dr. Kennedy's shuttle
- Contact Addison on Tempest VidCon
After H-047c
Check Email
Allies and Relationships - Loyalty Mission
Jaal Ama Darav: Flesh And Blood
After a failed attack On Prodromos, the situation with the Roekaar and their leader, AkkSul, has escalated. Jaal worries about future relations between his people and the Milky Way Species as more angara join this xenophobic cause.
- Read Email from Jaal
- Speak to Jaal on the Tempest
- Meet Jaal's Resistance Contact on Havarl
- Board the Shuttle
- Enter the Clearing
- Defeat the Roekaar
- Return Powerto the Door
- Scan the Generator
- Activate the Generator
- Cross the Ravine
- Climb Past the Roekaar
- Find the Bombs
- Disarm Bombs before Detonation (4)
- Eliminate the Roekaar
Later in game ...
Check email from Peebee for Peebee: Reclaiming Poc
Check email from Drack
Allies and Relationships
Nakmor Drack: Knock 'Em Down
Drack wants to have a drink or ten at his favorite bar in Kadara Port. A night on that kind of town with this kind of krogan Could get interesting.
- Read email from Drack
- Meet Drack at Kralla's Song
Contact Avitus via tcomm for Turian Ark: Lost But Not Forgotten
Speak with Suvi
Heleus Assignment
Excess Baggage
Suvi's scans shows the Tempest is carring more mass than it should. Scan around the ship to find what - or who is aboard
- Scan rooms on Tempest for anomalies.
- Speak to Kallo
Scan at Tempest 17
Talk to Vetra
Heleus Assignment
Movie Night: Better Snacks
Vetra isn't impressed with Suvi's movie night snacks. She's tracked down alternatives on Kadara
- Procure snack from Kadara Port
- Return the snacks to Vetra on the Tempest
17 Excess Baggage
Allies and Relationships
Liam Kosta: Community
Liam has arranged something special on Eos "for everyone". Travel with him to meet spot near Prodromos.
- Go with Liam to Prodromos
Speak to Kaloo about Excess Baggage
Speak with Peebee aboutPeebee: Reclaiming Poc
After Hunting the Archon
Check emails
Priority Mission
The Journey To Meridian
The Archon's map shows the way to Meridian. However, this issue affects the entire Andromeda initiative, and leadership should be consulted before proceeding further.
- Speak to the leaders on the Nexus
Allies and Relationships - Loyalty Mission
Peebee: A Mysterious Remnant Signal
Peebee has found something that she wants to share with you.
- Speak to Peebee in the Tempest's escape pods.
- Go to Pas-10 in the Inalaara System
- Pursue the source of the Remnant signal
- Find a way through the Remnant gateway
- Explore the cavern depths
- Seek a method to open the gateway
- Use the Remnant console to open the gateway
- Eliminate all hostile Remnant forces
- Continue navigating through the ridge
- Find a way to extend the Remnant antenna
- Survive the Remnant assault
- Cross the bridge gap and continue to track the signal source
- Scan the boulder blocking the way to find a way through
- Find and use the Remnant console to summon an allied Observer
- Eliminate the Remnant threat
- Scan the boulder fissure to enlist your allied Remnant Observer
- Continue toward the Remnant signal
- Pursue Kalinda toward the source of the Remnant signal
- Defeat Krannit and his thugs
- Find an alternate route to the Remnant signal
- Reach the signal source
- Defeat Kalinda's forces
- Extend the Remnant bridge to reach Kalinda
- Intercept Kalinda
- Reach Kalinda's escape shuttle
Allies and Relationships
Gil Brodie: The Friend
Gil has asked you to come to Prodromos to meet his friend Jill
- Read email from Gil
- Meet Gil and Jill on Eos Prodromos
Allies and Relationships
Nakmor Drack: How To Act Tough
Kesh sent you an email, worried about her grandfather. After much protest, Drack agreed to see Dr. Lexi T'Perro. She's asked you to ensure he makes his appointment.
- Read email from Kesh
- Check the Tempest medbay
Talk with Drack
Allies and Relationships
Cora Harper: A Foundation
Cora has asked you accompany her to site on Eos
- Read email from Cora
- Speak to Cora on the Tempest
- Go to Eos with Cora
Allies and Relationships
Jaal Ama Darav: Runs In The Family
Jaal has asked Ryder to accompany him to Havarl and meet his mother.
- Accompany Jaal to Havarl
Allies and Relationships
Dissension In The Ranks
Nakmor scouts from New Tuchanka have reported kett ships crashed On Elaaden. They believe this is something that warrants a Pathfinder's attention.
- Check your email
- Investigate the Crashed kett ships on Elaaden
- Defeat the kett
- Search the site
- Speak with Suvi on the Tempest
- Confer with Lexi
- Locate the source of the signal on Eos
- Scan the relay to track down source of signal
- Track the signal to the second relay
- Track the signal to the third relay
- Track the signal to the fourth relay
- Investigate the building
Additional Task
Task: The Witnesses
Moshae Sjefa urges you to speak with the few remaining angara on Aya who remember how the kett conquered their people. The Moshae believes these elders insights can aid the initiative's struggle against the kett.
- Speak to each of the Angaran Elders about the Kett
- Speak to Daanesk on Aya
- Speak to Anaret on Aya
- Speak to Wuhlren on Aya
Go to Aya H
Talk to Kallo
Allies and Relationships
Truth And Trespass
An anonymous message suggests sinister motives behind the capture of the salarian ark. Follow the leads to uncover the truth.
- Speak wiyh Kallo
- Go to the meeting point on Havarl
Allies and Relationships
Lexi T'Perro: Bottom of a Bottle
When you docked at Nexus, Dr. Lexi T'Perro stepped off the ship. Suvi isn't sure where she went.
- Find Lexi on Nexus
Allies and Relationships
Liam Kosta: Something for Us
Only for female Ryder.
- Go with Liam to the Navpoint on Eos
All your comments, suggestions and corrections are very welcome. Your experience helps other players. We invite you to add comments, thank you.