Eos Prodromos Outpost | Mass Effect Andromeda
Eos Prodromos Outpost. Mass Effect Andromeda Atlas with Maps, Game Guide and Walkthrough. Map contains Quest starters, interesting locations, Codex Entries, Forward Stations, Outposts, Monoliths, Remnant Areas, Bases, Caves, Structures, Point of Interests, Resources and Raw Materials, Enemies.

- Eos Site 1 - Promise early game location
- Eos East next Eos map after Promise
- Eos Prodromos after build Outpost on Eos
- Eos West later in game after visiting Kadara Planet
Hyperion Model
Additional Task
Task: Waking Up To The Future
The family of Darket Tiervian, a turian still in Cryo, are asking that she be allowed to join them instead of waiting for a future Cryo block deployment. Prodromos is getting the experts it needs, but morale contributes as much to viability as resources.
- Speak with Addison's assistant on the Nexus
- Return to Prodromos
- Talk to Darket Tiervan
- Find kett caches in Pytheus System (2)
Cain Fawkes
August Bradley
Hainly Adrams
Jun-Seo Park
Majordomo Bell-Scott
Heleus Assignment
Doesn't Add Up
The Majordomo at Prodromos added the names of Site 1 and Site 2 Casualties to the list of Survivors, and something doesn't add up. There are still people missing from Promise and Resilience. Evidence might be found to explain those still missing at a number of possible emergency muster points.
- Scan emergency muster sites (4)
Scan shuttle burn mark on the ground in G1, G2, G3, G4 Eos East
G4 has a high level of radiation and you will be able to get to it in the game when you have the right equipment.
Dr. Ramirez
Jacob Mittney
Additional Task
Task: Pathfinder Armor Crafting
You need to gather the necessary materials to craft a chestpiece for your armor at a research Station.
- Craft the Pathfinder chestpiece
Go to 08 Eos Prodromos and develop Pathfinder chestpiece.
08 Research Center
Heleus Assignment
Shock Treatment
A work crew from Prodromos has a dangerous plan to try and control the Remnant. They should be stopped before someone is injured. Search Prodromos for clues to where the work crew has gone.
- Find the Work rosters
- Find the work rosters
- Investigate medbay
- Investigate the monolith site
- Scan the communications equipment
- Get to the work crew
- Defeat the Remnant
- Speak to the survivors
After checking Prodromos location go to F1, F2 on Eos East
After return from Havarl
Take Cora with you and go to Prodromos 09 to speak with Hydaria for Cora Harper: Asari Ark
06 Terminal outside the building
Additional Task
Task: Drone Recovery
Place beakons to mark any malfunctioned drones you find
- Find all the drones (6)
Look Eos West H
Hainly Abrams
Heleus Assignment
Making An Impression
Eos is experiencing seismic activity. Altering the tremors with a survey hammer might allow better irrigation for Prodromos.
- Place the first Seismic hammer
- Place the Second Seismic hammer
- Investigate the Strangers at the site
- Place the Second hammer to drill for Water
- FAILED Place the Second hammer to drill for natural gas
- Place the third Seismic hammer
- Defeat the Remnant Architect
This is Eos Remnant Architect Task. Eos West 08, 11, 12 and 13
Additional Task
Task: Supply Loss And Recovery
A discovered report indicates that supplies headed for Prodromos have gone missing. Checking the supply drop sites might uncover some information about what's happening.
- Investigate supply drop sites
- (FAILED) Report the Wildlife
- Optional: Investigate other sites
- Investigate the hideout
- Report the Smugglers
Investigate all supply drop sites Eos West and Eos East K
Do not Report the Wildlife
Report the Smugglers
After Kadara
Go to August Bradley Prodromos 04 and speak about Jaam Ama Darav: Friend or Foe?
Stanton Yale
For Life on the Frontier, talk to him.
Return to Nexus and talk to Addison
Latter in game ...
Come here with Liam for Liam Kosta: Community
Meet Gil for Gil Brodie: The Friend
Mass Effect: Andromeda Map Legend
Quest Starter Locations
Forward Stations
Tempest landing area
Remnant Monoliths
Remnant Areas
Remnant Locations
Kett Base
Kett Outpost
Cave Entrance
Normal Containers
Supply Crates
Hostile encounters
Scan and examine
Memory Triggers
Remnant Architect
Potential mining Locations
Enchanced Mining Zone you need AVP perk unlocked.
Interactable - less important interactable objects in the game.
Hidden Cache Small hidden containers containing valuable equipment.
Vendors You can buy and sell your stuff here. You can also salvage unwanted items.
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