Kadara Map Walkthrough Guide | Mass Effect Andromeda
Kadara Map, Kadara Walkthrough, How to Kadara Game Guide for Mass Effect Andromeda. Map contains Quest Starters, Kadara Remnant Vault Walkthrough with Secrets and Rem Tech, Monoliths, Remnant Decryption Puzzles, Forward Stations, POIs locations, Kett Base, Hidden Caches, Caves, Memory Triggers, Remnant Architect, Priority Ops, Secondary Ops, Resources.

Kadara was of great interest to the Andromeda Initiative after it appeared on long-range Surveys. Seemingly abundant liquid water and an oxygen-mix atmosphere made it a strong candidate for settlement, earning it the designation Habitat 4. Closer range surveys now reveal that Kadara's water sources are tainted and unpotable.
Of greater concern is the large settlement known as Kadara Port Reportedly once a trade port for the angara, it has been adopted by exiles, pirates, and mercenaries who use it as a staging ground. Kadara Port is considered a rogue state by the Nexus, given its strong ties to the Exiles, and Initiative personnel are advised to keep their distance.
01 Entrance to Kadara Port & Slums
Heleus Assignment
Counting Bodies
Saneris and Drexel have both asked you to scan murder victims in the badlands. One wants justice, the other wants profit. Search for bodies in the cesspools, scan them, and decide who you'll give the information to.
- Scan five Corpses (5)
- Return to Saneris and Drexel with the scan data.
Scan Kadara A
03 Collective Camp
Additional Task
Task: Kadara's Ransom
You found a datapad revaling that the Collective is holding a member of the Outcast for ransom.
- Search for more datapads on Outcats member being held by Collective
- Go to teh navpoint
- Investigate the bodies
- Read the datapad.
Scan Kadara B x 3 (they are probably arranged randomly). It finish at Kadara 33
04 Kadara Remnant Monolith (1/3)
Heleus Assignment
Healing Kadara's Heart
Kadara needs clean drinking water-streams and lakes are toxic and filled with sulfuric acid. Remnant technology could transform Kadara's water supply, but the monoliths around the planet must be activated to begin this process.
- Activate monoliths (3)
- Investigate the Vault's entrance
- Activate the Vault's emergency power
- Remove the Vault's lockdown
- Escape the purification field and exit the Vault
Locations for this task are Kadara 04, 05, 06, 07
The Outlaw Monolith
The Outlaw Monolith is a part of Healing Kadara's Heart task.
Remnant Puzzle
Kadara Monolith (1/3) Remnant Puzzle Solution

05 Kadara Remnant Monolith (2/3)
Local Angara
06 Kadara Remnant Monolith (3/3)
07 Kadara Remnant Vault
Remnant Puzzle
Kadara Remnant Vault Puzzle Solution

Heleus Assignment
Settling Kadara
Before an outpost can be established on Kadara, you must Solve Kadara's water toxicity problems and quell the escalating rivalry between the Outcasts and Collective.
- Find an outpost site
- Look for signs of violence between rival factions in Kadara Port
- Work with Reyes
- Return to the Tempest
- Check your email and respond to Reyes
- Attend Sloane's party with Reyes
- Investigate drug use in Kadara Slums
- Help Dr. Nakamoto retrieve the formula
- Ask Outcast leadership about trouble on Kadara
- Help Kaetus with the kett on Kadara
- Meet Sloane
- Speak with Reyes
- Stabilize Kadara's environment by resetting the Vault
- Reach 40% viability on Kadara
- Create an Outpost
08 Satellite Scavengers Hideout
It is for Safe Journeys, kill them and search containers.
09 Dr. Nakamoto's old lab
For Modern Medicine, kill guards and retrieve forumla.
Terminal read messages.
Dr. Farenth tell her you don't belive her and not buying it.
10 Search for Better Crafting
Datapad x2
Container is at the top of instalation. Next two containers are at bottom level.
13 Refugee Camp
There is a connection in the tasks between this location Refugee Camp (13) and Herbal Entrepreneurs (29).
Incorrect sequence of tasks blocks (probably due to a bug in the game) getting another task.
Apply this order.
- At 13 inside building, talk to Asari and finish Task: Broken Family.
- At 13 talk to person on left side the one that stands near the patient. Scan the Patient
- At 13 talk to person on right side near the terrarium.
- Go to 27 and get Emergency S.O.S.
- Find Emergency S.O.S. location, and talk to Herbal Entrepreneurs at (29), do not scan plants
- Return to 13 and take UV light from Salarian on right side
- Return to 29 and give them UV Light for Task: Herbal Entrepreneurs
- Scan the plants
- Return to 13 and talk about medicine with person on left side for Task: Running a Fever
Additional Task
Task: Broken Family
An asari on Kadara hasn't spoken to her mother since she was exiled from the Nexus. There's a possibility the signal from her communications equipment could reach the Nexus, but it's broken. You need to look into repairing the equipment for her.
- Scan broken Communications equipment
- Repair the equipment
- Verify equipment is working
Climb the tower, scan and fix.
Datapad x2
Terminal On lower level use Security Override
Audio Logs on upper level
Heleus Assignment
Mind Games
You came across some people living in a hut; they are acting strangely and babbling nonsensically. Investigate the cause of their odd behavior.
- Examine the datapad.
- Scan the people (3)
- Locate the source of the mysterious signal
- Speak to the scientists
- Alter the mind control signal
Go to Kadara 16
For Mind Games
Scientists talk to them
Alter the mind control signal for Mind Games
For Out of the Frying Pan
Terminal open cell
Remi Tamayo
For A Peaople Divided. You have to scan a lot of items, also small. Traces lead outside, to the blade.
Datapads x2
For Hunting the Archon
Kett Transponder
It is for Nakmor Drack: Krogan Betrayal. Defeat the exiles. Search the hideout for clues.
Datapad quest item
22 Collective Base Cave
Datapad x 2
Containers x 3
Surveyor's corpse for The Baryte Rush, above the corpse you will find datapad.
Behind closed doors. You will meet Lynx.
Heleus Assignment
The Collective Base
You've learned that the Collective build a hideout deep within one of the cave networks in Draullir.
- Speak to Crux
Just go to Crux and talk to her.
There are some scans inside base. Also you will find containers.
Heleus Assignment
The Charlatan's Charlatan
One of the Charlatan's representatives has been tweaking orders for their own gain. You have offered to discreetly investigate the Collective base to help uncover the imposter.
Crux has provided you with two clues to help identify the imposter their footprint is humanoid in shape and they should have high levels of residual sulfur on their clothes.
- Scan suspects (5)
- Speak to Lynx and Dorado
- Report back to Crux
- Find Dorado
- Defeat Dorado and her dog
Dorado is Imposter.
Mysterious Button at the foundations of the building. Each press will give you another message until the text ends.
Some containers around the base.
Prison Prison is at the very bottom of main building. To open it use Terminal in Crux room
Collective Guard
23 Crash Site
For Behind Enemy Lines
Trader talk about Kett
24 Cave
For Behind Enemy Lines
25 Roekaar hideout
For A people Divided, enter building, defeat the Roekaar. Explore cave for containers before you exit.
Heleus Assignment
Something In The Water
While exploring Kadara, you found a settlement littered with dead angara.
- Search for clues to angaran deaths (2)
- Search Charybdis Point for evidence
- Defeat the exile responsible
Scan around, listen to audio log and go to Kadara 20 to finish it.
Datapad x2
Audio Log Quest Item, listen to it.
27 Emergency S.O.S. Signal
Heleus Assignment
Emergency S.O.S.
An urgent S.O.S. signal from someone in serious trouble was received.
- Follow the S.O.S. signal to its source.
- Speak to the person who sent the SOS signal
SOS source is at Kadara 29
Angaran Artifact for Forgotten History
29 Herbal Entrepreneurs
For Emergency S.O.S., just talk to them.
Datapads x3
30 Wind farm
Aislin outside
Heleus Assignment
Gone With the Wind
Scavengers are stealing turbine parts from the wind farm outside Kadara Port. An exile named Aislin has enlisted your help to bring the parts back.
- Find stolen turbine parts
- Examine debris
- Defeat ancient eiroch
- Return to Aislin
Go to Kadara 31 and defeat ancient eiroch
Heleus Assignment
A Packaged Deal
A turian named Thrasia sold you the navpoint for a weapons cache stolen from the Nexus.
- Travel to the navpoint
- Defeat the exile
- Examine weapons cache
- Confromt Thrasia
After return from A Packaged Deal Thrasia will become merchant
Kett Shuttle Model you can buy it from Thrasia
Examine Debris for Gone With the Wind
Ancient Eiroch kill it.
32 Weapons Cache
Weapons Cache for A Packaged Deal, defeat the exiles, examine.
Location for Task: Kadara's Ransom after you scan 3 datapads.
Investigate the bodies. Watch for land mines.
Datapad read it.
Scan weapon cache at crash site.
Additional Task
Task: Cold Hard Cache
You discovered a weapon cache on kadara. Continue to scan caches to determine their destinations
- Scan weapons caches.
- Travel to the navpoint
- Search for the message source
- Defeat the outlaws
- Prevent the shuttle from leaving Kadara.
Scan cache at Kadara 34, Scan cache at Kadara 35, at Kadara 37 destroy shuttle by shooting explosives and kill outlaw.
Scan weapon cache for Task: Cold Hard Cache
Datapad read it.
Corpse and Datapad.
Final location for Task: Cold Hard Cache.
Shoot explosives at ladning zone to prevent the shuttle from leaving Kadara and defeat the outlaws.
Hydra x2
38 Salarian near terrarium inside building.
It is possible after finishing Emergency S.O.S. Task at (29).
Additional Task
Task: Herbal Entrepreneurs
You've found a UV light that could help the herbal entrepreneurs grow their plants.
- Bring the UV light to the herbal entrepreneurs.
Go to Kadara 29
When you give them UV Light
Additional Task
Task: Running a Fever
Return to Kadara 13 and talk to Refuge Doctor.
Now return to Kadara Port & Slums
After visiting back Kadara Slums
40 Hidden Console
Hidden console for Precious Cargo
Meeting Point for Precious Cargo defend youself.
Now you can finish Settling Kadara, to do this you have to return to the Tempest.
From Tempest return to Kadara Port and do Night on the Town, then wait to get High Noon
With High Noon Task Active
Sloane and Charlatan meet point for High Noon
Here you will you will choose Collective or Outcasts to rule Kadara
Save Sloane to choose Outcasts. Then go to Kadara Port 04
Or let Sloane die to choose Collective. Go to Kadara Slums 21
In both cases you will be able to build Outpost on Kadara.
See below both solutions.
After High Noon
43Kadara Outpost
Initiative Shuttle Model
Dru Senecus
Christmas Tate
Heleus Assignment
Old Skinner
A group of settlers have created a cult to worship a massive machine they call Old Skinner. Their leader, Bishop, left to pay tribute in Kurinth's Valley but has not returned.
- Search for Bishop
- Defeat the Architect
For The Firefighters.
For Old Skinner
46 Architect
Kadara's Architect after you got Old Skinner
Now you should have easily:
100% Planetary Viability for Kadara
Later in game ...
47 Bootlegger
For Task: Beer Run
48 Remnant Site
Defeat the outlaws for Peebee: Remnant Scanner and search site for rem-tech piece.
Remnant Relic
Return to Kadara Port to meet Peebee and outlaw krogan. Kadara Port 01
49 Three Sabers hideout
For Life on the Frontier
Defeat the Three Sabers and search the hideout.
Datapads x2
Crash Site for Contagion, scan ship
Shuttle Cockpit Recorder
Scan footprints
Location for Contagion, defeat the Roekaar, and enter building.
Start from lower floor, use console.
Datapad x2
Ruth Bekker
There is no need to kill her. Let the Roeaaker leader go.
Locations for Quests
A Corpses to scan for Counting Bodies
B Datapads for Task: Kadara's Ransom
C Scan minerals for Task Hitting Rocks For Science.
D Scan kett tracks for Behind Enemy Lines (after visiting 23)
Hidden Cache Locations on Kadara
X1 inside Kadara Port & Slums
X2 See exact location of Hidden Cache X2
X3 See exact location of Hidden Cache X3
X4 See exact location of Hidden Cache X4
X5 See exact location of Hidden Cache X5
X6 See exact location of Hidden Cache X6
X7 See exact location of Hidden Cache X7
X8 See exact location of Hidden Cache X8
X9 See exact location of Hidden Cache X9
X10 See exact location of Hidden Cache X10
X11 See exact location of Hidden Cache X11
X12 See exact location of Hidden Cache X12
Mass Effect: Andromeda Map Legend
Quest Starter Locations
Forward Stations
Tempest landing area
Remnant Monoliths
Remnant Areas
Remnant Locations
Kett Base
Kett Outpost
Cave Entrance
Normal Containers
Supply Crates
Hostile encounters
Scan and examine
Memory Triggers
Remnant Architect
Potential mining Locations
Enchanced Mining Zone you need AVP perk unlocked.
Interactable - less important interactable objects in the game.
Hidden Cache Small hidden containers containing valuable equipment.
Vendors You can buy and sell your stuff here. You can also salvage unwanted items.
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