Elaaden Remnant Vault Walkthrough & Map - Mass Effect Andromeda
This is walkthrough, map and guide for Elaaden Remnant Vault in Mass Effect Andromeda.

You have to activate Three Elaaden Remnant Monoliths first before you come to Eladen Vault.
This is for Taming A Desert Heleus Assigment.
01 Exit from Gravity Well
Activate console A. To raise five console open the door.
Activate the B and C console, the others do not switch on and the door will open.
Kill Remnants and go right to left side of Vault.
Kill Remnants
Here is first Rem-tech. You can take it when you escape Vault after purification.
Switch both D and E to make path to F and G
Switch F and G
Then turn off D and E
Now you got path to (04), use H to open (04)
Hack te turret
Use console I to open doors to purification chamber and make path to return to (03).
Swith J, this console will rise part of your escape route.
06 Tree
Jump here and then to (07)
Kill all Remnans around.
Hack te turret
Swith K, this console will rise part of your escape route.
There is container on ground level here
There are Remnants to kill at upper level here.
Use console L to rise bridge to purification chamber and go to (12)
Use console M to unlock doors to right wing. Open doors
There are consoles around room on floor level. Switch them all. But use only ones without glowing globe..
When you use all "globe" consoles two new ones will rise. N and O
Use N to open Remnant Data Core Room.
14 Remnant Data Core Room
Remnant Data Core take it.
15 Remnant Puzzle
Use O to open escape route and second Rem-tech. You will pick it up during escape.
16 Remnant Puzzle

+2 Skill Points
Train Escape Route
Before you run vault at (20), check escape route.
You will run from (20) to (03)
At (03) and pickup Re-tech
Then from (17) joump to (18) (there is container here, open it now when you test escape route).
Then (13) to (15)
At (15) and pickup Re-tech
At (19) use console to finish it.
20 Now you are ready to finish Vault.
Kill Remnants
Use P to start purification and run Forest run...
This is end of Taming A Desert
Video Walkthrough for Elaaden Vault
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