Pawn Specializations in Dragon's Dogma 2
All 6 Pawn Specializations in Dragon's Dogma 2, explanation of how they work and how to get them: Chirurgeon, Forager, Hawker, Logistician, Woodland Wordsmith and Aphonite, Dragon's Dogma 2 Maps with Walkthrough.
Pawn Specializations are additional Pawns skills that act as passive skills for the entire Party. More info about Pawns.
There are 6 possible Pawn Specializations in Dragon's Dogma 2:
- Chirurgeon
- Forager
- Hawker
- Logistician
- Woodland Wordsmith
- Aphonite
Not all Pawns have a active specialization, but you can teach any Pawn a specialization, or find a Pawn with the specialization you want and recruit him. You can sort Pawns in Rifstones by specialization.
Pawn can only have one specialization at a time, but since it works for the entire Party, you can have 3 specializations active at any given time. You can change Pawn Specialization to another one, but Pawn can only have one specialization at a time.
Pawn Specialization Tomes are used to learn new specializations, which set once the specialization for a selected Pawn once and which you can obtain by completing Quests or specific tasks.

All Pawn Specializations
The pawn who acquires this skill gains the initiative to use curatives on the Arisen and other allies.
Chirurgeon Specjalization is a very useful specialization that allows Pawn to heal you and Party members during combat.
You will obtain the Chirurgeon's Tome after completing the "Medicament Predicament" Side Quest for Flora in Melve, when you meet Flora in Vernworth.
The pawn who acquires this skill will mark the locations of enhancement materials on the map.
A Pawn with Forager Specialization marks the locations of enhancement materials on your in-game map. Also in places you haven't visited yet.
You will get Forager's Tome after completing "The Heel of History" Side Quest by Kendrick in Slums in Vernworth. Visit Malcolm again after finishing quest.
The pawn who acquires this skill can offer to purchase a selection of items from the inventory for a fair sum of gold.
Hawker Specialization allows Pawn to purchase items from you while traveling, outside of Shops. He pays for them with real Gold Coins.
You will get Hawker Specialization Tome in Vernwoth from Bjorn (Armorer). But you will have to increasing your affinity with Armorer first. Best way to increase your affinity with any character is giving Bunch of Flowers, you can combine it using Sunbloom and Moonglow or Noonbloom. You should do it more than one time, on separate days.
The pawn who acquires this skill gains the intuitive to combine materials and move items between allies packs.
Pawn with Logistician Specialization can transfer items between characters in your Party and can use Combine to create new items using materials you have in your inventory.
You will get Logistician’s Tome after completing "The Heel of History" Side Quest by Kendrick in Slums in Vernworth. Talk to Kendrick after finishing quest.
Woodland Wordsmith
The pawn who acquires this skill can interpret Elvish for the Arisen.
Woodland Wordsmith can read and understand texts written in Elvish.
You will get Woodland Wordsmith’s Tome in Sacred Arbor from Grisha. But you will have to increasing your affinity with Grisha first. Best way to increase your affinity with any character is giving Bunch of Flowers, you can combine it using Sunbloom and Moonglow or Noonbloom. You should do it more than one time on separate days.
The pawn who acquires this skill will not speak a word, except under very select circumstances.
Aphonit Specialization silences Pawn, who only speaks when traveling together in really important situations.
You will get Aphonite Tome from Eini in Eini’s Home in the north part of Vermund. You have to finish "Spellbound" Side Quest and have to increasing your affinity with with Eini.