Oxcart Stations - Fast Travel in Dragon's Dogma 2 Map
Dragon's Dogma 2: Fast Travel by Oxcards, Oxcart Station Locations Map, Dragon's Dogma 2 Maps with Walkthrough.
Map of Oxcart Station Locations in Dragon's Dogma 2

Fast Travel by Oxcarts in Dragon's Dogma 2
The possibilities of Fast Travel in Dragon's Dogma 2 are very limited, the game's creators want to encourage us to explore and admire the world on foot. However, there are two methods of Fast Travel: instant teleportation using Portcrystals and slower travel using Oxcarts.
You will find Oxcarts at Oxcart Station from sunrise to sunset, it will be cart pulled by an Ox. Oxcarts depart in the morning, which is when you need to board.
Not all Oxcarts routes are available from the beginning of the game, some routes will be available to you as the story progresses.
If the Oxcart has already left, or it is night, you can use the Oxcart Station Bell found at the Oxcart Station to shorten the wait for the next Oxcart.
Find Coachman and pay his fare, then get on Oxcart. If you want to shorten your travel time, select the Doze Off option. The Doze Off option does not reveal the map of the areas you are traveling through, so it is worth covering this route on foot first, and use Oxcarts later in the story to shorten the travel time in the areas you have already explored.
Your journey may be interrupted by Enemies, you must kill them all before you can continue.
Oxcart Station Locations in Dragon's Dogma 2
North Vernworth Oxcart Station
Located near north western entrance to Vernworth, inside town on left side when you enter Vernworth. From North Vernworth Oxcart Station (X1) you can fast travel to Melve Oxcart Station (X2).
Melve Oxcart Station
Located outside (to the north) of Melve at crossrowads. From Melve Oxcart Station (X2) you can fast travel to North Vernworth Oxcart Station (X1).
West Vernworth Oxcart Station
Located in near western entrance to Vernworth, inside town on right side when you enter Vernworth. West Vernworth Oxcart Station (X3) you can fast travel to North Border Checkpoint Oxcart Station (X4).
North Border Checkpoint Oxcart Station
Located near northern entrance to Checkpoint Rest Town. From North Border Checkpoint Oxcart Station (X4) you can fast travel to West Vernworth Oxcart Station (X3).
South Border Checkpoint Oxcart Station
Located near southern entrance to Checkpoint Rest Town. From South Border Checkpoint Oxcart Station (X5) you can fast travel to Bakbattahl Oxcart Station (X6).
Bakbattahl Oxcart Station
Located in Bakbattahl Town near main road. From Bakbattahl Oxcart Station (X6) you can fast travel to South Border Checkpoint Oxcart Station (X5).