The Lost Song - Mass Effect: Andromeda
Heleus Assignment The Lost Song it is mission (quest) in Mass Effect Andromeda Video Game. It begins on Voeld.
Location of Quest Starter for: Heleus Assignment: The Lost Song on Voeld

quest name The Lost Song
quest type Heleus Assignment
starting planet Voeld
quest starter Voeld, Techiix, Biologist
prerequisites After Aya
Outlaws are poaching the yevara, a native species cherished by the angara. Tracking down these poachers would win favor with the angara on Voeld.
- Track the poachers
- Read poachers datapad
- Find Poachers camp
- Investigate poachers cave
Datapads at Voeld F, Poachers Camp at Voeld 26
Check full Voeld Walkthrough.
Other Voeld Missions.
List of all Priority Ops, Heleus Assignments, Allies and Relationships Missons and Additional Tasks for Mass Effect Andromeda you will find at ME Andromeda Full Quest List.
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