Task: Kadara's Ransom - Mass Effect: Andromeda
Additional Task Task: Kadara's Ransom it is mission (quest) in Mass Effect Andromeda Video Game. It begins on Kadara.
Location of Quest Starter for: Additional Task: Task: Kadara's Ransom on Kadara

quest name Task: Kadara's Ransom
quest type Additional Task
starting planet Kadara
quest starter Kadara, random Outcast outpost
prerequisites Open Kadara
You found a datapad revaling that the Collective is holding a member of the Outcast for ransom.
- Search for more datapads on Outcats member being held by Collective
- Go to teh navpoint
- Investigate the bodies
- Read the datapad.
Scan Kadara B x 3 (they are probably arranged randomly). It finish at Kadara 33
Check full Kadara Walkthrough.
Other Kadara Missions.
List of all Priority Ops, Heleus Assignments, Allies and Relationships Missons and Additional Tasks for Mass Effect Andromeda you will find at ME Andromeda Full Quest List.
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