Doesn't Add Up - Mass Effect: Andromeda
Heleus Assignment - Doesn't Add Up it is mission (quest) in Mass Effect Andromeda Video Game. It begins on Eos Prodromos.
Location of Quest Starter for: Heleus Assignment: Doesn't Add Up on Eos Prodromos

quest name Doesn't Add Up
quest type Heleus Assignment
starting planet Eos Prodromos
quest starter Eos Prodromos, Speak with Majordomo Bell-Scott
prerequisites Naming the Dead
The Majordomo at Prodromos added the names of Site 1 and Site 2 Casualties to the list of Survivors, and something doesn't add up. There are still people missing from Promise and Resilience. Evidence might be found to explain those still missing at a number of possible emergency muster points.
- Scan emergency muster sites (4)
Scan shuttle burn mark on the ground in G1, G2, G3, G4 Eos East
G4 has a high level of radiation and you will be able to get to it in the game when you have the right equipment.
Check full Eos Prodromos Walkthrough.
Other Eos Prodromos Missions.
List of all Priority Ops, Heleus Assignments, Allies and Relationships Missons and Additional Tasks for Mass Effect Andromeda you will find at ME Andromeda Full Quest List.
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