A Lost Sister - Mass Effect: Andromeda
Heleus Assignment A Lost Sister it is mission (quest) in Mass Effect Andromeda Video Game. It begins on Havarl.
Location of Quest Starter for: Heleus Assignment: A Lost Sister on Havarl

quest name A Lost Sister
quest type Heleus Assignment
starting planet Havarl
quest starter Havarl, Mithrava Sanctuary, Sage Amurd
prerequisites Helping Havarl's Scientists
Sage Amurd's sister, Amara, left Mithrava years ago. He longs to see Amara again, but she likely moved away from Daar Pelaav When it was overtaken by the jungle. However, records of her whereabouts might still exist.
- Locate records in old Pelaav
- Return to Sage Amurd
Solution is at Havarl 16
Check full Havarl Walkthrough.
Other Havarl Missions.
List of all Priority Ops, Heleus Assignments, Allies and Relationships Missons and Additional Tasks for Mass Effect Andromeda you will find at ME Andromeda Full Quest List.
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