Toxic Valley Map for Fallout 76
Map of Toxic Valley Region of Appalachia, West Virginia for Fallout 76 Video Game. The map contains all the locations you can visit in F76, Public Workshops, Player Stash Boxes, Vendors, Merchants and Traders locations, Treasure Maps Dig locations and Fissure Sites. An area filled with industrial pollution and contaminated water is full of mutant animals. The largest settlement in Toxic Valley is Grafton. The Toxic Valley zone is for players in the level range 10 - 15, monster are level range 10 - 25.

Treasure Maps for Toxic Valley
Look for full info at: Toxic Valley Treasure Maps
Walkthrough for Toxic Valley
100 Eastern Regional Penitentiary
101 Grafton Dam
102 Grafton Station
Player Stash Box, Vendor Bot (Trader)
103 Grafton
Player Stash Box, Vendor Bot (Trader)
104 Smith Farm
105 Becker Farm
106 Cobbleton Farm
107 Lady Janet's Soft Serve
108 Woods Estate
109 Clarksburg
110 Clarksburg Shooting Club
111 Toxic Dried Lakebed
112 Kiddie Corner Cabins
113 Black Bear Lodge
114 Graninger Farm
115 Philippi Battlefield Cemetery
116 Colonel Kelly Monument
117 Poseidon Power Substation PX-03
118 Grafton Steel
119 Grafton Steel Yard
120 Pioneer Scout Camp
121 Pioneer Scout Lookout
122 Prickett's Fort
123 Knife Edge
124 Crashed Space Station
125 Willard Corporate Housing
126 Wavy Willard's Water Park
127 Hemlock Holes Maintenance
128 Hemlock Holes
129 Clancy Manor
130 The Crosshair
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